Will we stagnate with the status quo?

Zan Azlee
The Malaysian Insider
June 07, 2013

JUNE 7 — During the election period last month, I was pretty adamant about wanting to see change, whether it be a change in government, or at least a change in governance.

I had many discussions, conversations and even debates with fellow journalism colleagues, friends and family about this.

One of the conversations I had was about how if the federal government were to change, or even if certain ministers or MPs were to lose, what effect it would have.

One of the first things that came to my mind was that many businessmen who operated because of their “network” in the government would be out of business. Continue reading “Will we stagnate with the status quo?”

Should one cry or laugh at Mahathir’s latest and most preposterous racist fulminations about Chinese wanting to oust political power of Malays and dominate Malaysian politics?

Should one cry or laugh at Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s latest racist fulminations, making the preposterous claim that the 13th General Election is proof that the Chinese in Malaysia are out to oust the political power of the Malays and to dominate Malaysian politics?

Cry because a former Prime Minister could be so racist, reckless and irresponsible as to continue to try to set the Malays against the Chinese, outdoing his preposterous claim during the 13th General Elections that I was contesting in Gelang Patah to create a “racial confrontation” and that I was inciting the Chinese to hate the Malays.

There was not an ounce of truth in Mahathir’s allegations, but what is significant is that Mahathir’s allegations failed to make any impression on the voters, particularly the Malay voters, as I could not have won Gelang Patah with a majority of over 14,000 votes without the support of the Malay voters.

Was Mahathir’s failure to make an impact on the 13GE with his racist fulminations the reason why he has upped the ante to make even more racist and most preposterous fulminations that the Chinese in Malaysia are out to oust the political power of the Malays so as to dominate Malaysian politics?

Laugh that a former Prime Minister could go to such desperate lengths because his racist message is facing a diminishing market among the Malays that he had to concoct such wild lies that the Chinese in Malaysia are out to oust the political power of the Malays so as to dominate Malaysian politics! Continue reading “Should one cry or laugh at Mahathir’s latest and most preposterous racist fulminations about Chinese wanting to oust political power of Malays and dominate Malaysian politics?”