Some things don’t change

– The Malaysian Insider
Jun 02, 2013

JUNE 2 – The elections have come and gone, but some things have not

changed, namely:

* The arrogance of Umno

Just listen to Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and Datuk Seri Salleh Keruak justify the Sabah state government’s decision to block the entry of Nurul Izzah into the state and it becomes clear that Umno men still have disdain for the will of the people.

Nurul Izzah is an elected MP and senior member of the Opposition and yet she is treated like a criminal/terrorist/illegal immigrant. Why? Because arrogance and hubris is in the Umno man’s DNA.

Musa says that there is a need to preserve the peace and stability of Sabah. He forgot to mention: the need to keep in place a corrupted system where the rich and connected enrich themselves and flood the state with illegal immigrants.

These Umno politicians allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals to enter Sabah and compromise national security and they speak of having the interest of the state at heart.

* The baffling Tan Sri criteria

Just what exactly did MACC chief Datuk Seri Abu Kassim do over the past 12 months to deserve the Tan Sri award by the King.

Really, what is the criteria for the award?

It is understandable that Chief Secretary of government Datuk Seri Ali Hamsa and actress Datuk Seri Michelle Yeoh both were made Tan Sris.

After all, both went out of their way to campaign for BN in the run-up to the election! So the award was their just reward for loyalty to Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the government.

But what exactly did Abu Kassim do? Caught a bunch of small fish and little else.


17 Replies to “Some things don’t change”

  1. Abu Kassim was given the Tan Sri for NOT catching the big fish and crooks..What is there not to understand?

    What surprised me is that Musa Aman flimsy excuse compared to even the sycophants that preceded him.. He did not face the press but hid behind a statement that read “her intentions this time around may not be as innocent as she and her fellow opposition make it out to be”.. Musa’s flimsiness is SO SCREAMINGLY SO that even his competitors within UMNO tries to take advantage immediately by criticising it..

    Nurul Izzah is on her way to the same class as Hilary Clinton, Aung San Suu Kyi, Angela Merkel, etc.. The smart-alec UMNO macho hillbillies STILL don’t get it..

  2. ///… clear that Umno men still have disdain for the will of the people.///

    It is not just the will of the poeple. Actually, it is the majority will of the people. And that makes umno’s arrogance much much worse and completely objectionable.

    The real problem is umno people still do not realise that jib had only secured for umno-bn a technical win. Yes. It was nothing more than a pure technical win. In a boxing match the fighters, being true professionals, would immediately ask for a re-match. But here in malaysia a technical win was good enough for umno to orgy on publicly. And even that technical win is highly questionable in the light of widespread first hand accounts of possible ballot rigging, ghost voters and banglas voting and EC’s active assistance and bribery, votes buying, threats of violence and an assortment of other illegal acts.

    So yes indeed, some things do not change. Umno’s stupidity will not change. Neither will umno’s greed and arrogance. And of course neither will the people’s burning desire to get rid of umno.

  3. With Bumno is ALL a charade of Falsehood, Lies, Hipocrisy. The ‘above politics’ find it of convenience to just go along though is supposedly a ‘pillar’ in the constitution.
    The basic criteria of ” deserve ” has been long forgotten totally.

  4. worldpress :
    One side Human One side Monkey
    This side elected wt no brains by monkey
    No surprise!

    Aiyah, monkey love banana mah!
    so the BN = BaNana party make a SaBAHnana paradise for them & invite CIMB visitors to come watch too :)))

  5. Please! Please ! Don’t tell people.

    I got the 47% because of cheats

    Once lie always love to lie

    Once cheat always love to cheat

    Once corrupted always love to corrupt

    Welcome to BANANA PARTY

  6. The laws of nature: Drive them into a corner, and they come out SUPER.

    I am talking about Singapore selling water deals to China. Tun M wants Singaporeans to drink their own urine. And so they did: it’s just called newater!

    Now they can teach 1.7 billion Chinese to drink their own urine or newater?!! Ha, ha.

    So, UMNO, do what you want to do with the Chinese, if they can drink urine and survive, I think they will think of some ways not to catch leptospirosis if you give them rat’s urine.

  7. All those UNMO ministers are talking nonsense. They can runding and runding with foreigners who entered Sabah with machine-guns, but our own elected MPs are barred from entry. Bodoh punya manusia yang cakap!!!!

  8. UMNO has little or no respect for the laws, and neither do they care. They had this belief that they are the only law-makers here whereas the opposition MPs are the law-breakers, and, worst still, taken as enemies of the State. They got so overdosed with politics that they have all but forgotten about what their jobs should be.

    You get rewarded for doing the wrong things, or not at all. This is how democracy works here!

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