Siasatan awal menunjukkan bahawa satu konspirasi yang didanai UMNO telah dilancarkan UMNO tiga bulan sebelum pembubaran Parlimen untuk memburuk-burukkan DAP, yang turut melahirkan dakwaan dongeng 3,000 tentera siber “Red Bean Army” yang didanai DAP

Siasatan awal menunjukkan bahawa satu konspirasi yang didanai UMNO telah dilancarkan UMNO tiga bulan sebelum pembubaran Parlimen pada 3 April untuk memburuk-burukkan DAP, yang turut melahirkan dakwaan dongeng 3,000 tentera siber “Red Bean Army” yang didanai DAP kononnya dengan bajet setinggi RM100 juta sehingga RM1 bilion sepanjang enam tahun lalu bagi tujuan pembunuhan karakter pemimpin UMNO/BN di ruang siber.

Penyebar utama pembohongan mengenai “Red Bean Army”  adalah media cetak milik/dikuasai UMNO/BN, termasuk Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian dan The Star, baik sebelum mahupun selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 pada 5 Mei.

Dakwaan tidak berasas yang disebarkan dan dilontarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian dan Star hendaklah tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai titik paling hina mereka dalam melacurkan kerjaya kewartawanan disebabkan dasar pertimbangan dan objektif mereka bukanlah fakta dan kebenaran, yang sepatutnya menjadi pegangan bidang kewartawanan.

Bagaimana mereka yang kononnya digelar wartawan kepada Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian dan Star yang bersekongkol mencipta penipuan tentang 3,000 tentera siber “Red Beans Army” didanai DAP yang hanya wujud dalam imaginasi liar mereka mampu berbangga sebagai wartawan yang jujur, menegakkan kebenaran dan takutkan Tuhan? Continue reading “Siasatan awal menunjukkan bahawa satu konspirasi yang didanai UMNO telah dilancarkan UMNO tiga bulan sebelum pembubaran Parlimen untuk memburuk-burukkan DAP, yang turut melahirkan dakwaan dongeng 3,000 tentera siber “Red Bean Army” yang didanai DAP”

Malaysia’s pendrive man denies links to ‘Red Bean Army’ fabrication

By Ida Lim
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 03, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, June 3 — A Malaysian entrepreneur has denied accusations that he is funding or linked to the “Red Bean Army”, a “cybertrooper” group named by Umno’s Utusan Malaysia as being allegedly financed by the DAP to attack the government via social media.

Taiwan-based Pua Khein Seng, whose company Phison Electronics Corp was behind the world’s first single-chip USB pendrive, has rebutted what he described as a fabricated report in Utusan Malaysia last week and has not ruled out legal action against the Umno-owned newspaper.

“Firstly, this is a fabricated, baseless and malicious allegation and I honestly do not know how I should respond since it is an unfounded accusation,” Pua said in a statement that was read out by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today.

Pua, who was reportedly campaigning for DAP leaders in Johor during the recent general election, said he is ready to provide co-operation to those probing allegations on the online group of cybertroopers.

“Secondly, I hereby urge the authorities who are investigating this allegation to contact me as soon as possible for the truth to be revealed. I will fully co-operate with the authorities.

“I will not hesitate to take legal action against Utusan Malaysia when the investigations are completed by the authorities,” the Phison chief executive officer wrote in the brief statement. Continue reading “Malaysia’s pendrive man denies links to ‘Red Bean Army’ fabrication”

Preliminary inquiry showed that a well-funded Umno/BN conspiracy was hatched 3 months before dissolution of Parliament to demonise DAP, which also spawned the outrageous allegations of a fictitious DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers

Preliminary inquiry showed that a well-funded Umno/BN conspiracy was hatched three months before the dissolution of Parliament on April 3 to demonise the DAP, which also spawned the outrageous allegations of a fictitious DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers purportedly with a budget of RM100 million to RM1 billion in the past six years to character-assassinate UMNO/BN leaders on the cyberspace.

The main purveyors of the lies about the “Red Bean Army” are the UMNO/BN owned/controlled print media, which include Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Star, both before and after the 13th General Elections on May 5.

The baseless allegations purveyed and perpetrated by Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Star must go down in their history as the lowest points they had ever plumbed in prostituting the journalistic profession for the basest of considerations and objectives completely nothing to do with facts and truth, which should be the staples of journalism.

How can so-called journalists in Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Star who had a hand in spewing the lies about the DAP-funded “Red Beans Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers which only exist in their wildest imaginations ever hold their heads high as honest, upright and God-fearing journalists? Continue reading “Preliminary inquiry showed that a well-funded Umno/BN conspiracy was hatched 3 months before dissolution of Parliament to demonise DAP, which also spawned the outrageous allegations of a fictitious DAP-funded “Red Bean Army” of 3,000 cybertroopers”

Some things don’t change

– The Malaysian Insider
Jun 02, 2013

JUNE 2 – The elections have come and gone, but some things have not

changed, namely:

* The arrogance of Umno

Just listen to Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and Datuk Seri Salleh Keruak justify the Sabah state government’s decision to block the entry of Nurul Izzah into the state and it becomes clear that Umno men still have disdain for the will of the people.

Nurul Izzah is an elected MP and senior member of the Opposition and yet she is treated like a criminal/terrorist/illegal immigrant. Why? Because arrogance and hubris is in the Umno man’s DNA.

Musa says that there is a need to preserve the peace and stability of Sabah. He forgot to mention: the need to keep in place a corrupted system where the rich and connected enrich themselves and flood the state with illegal immigrants.

These Umno politicians allowed hundreds of thousands of illegals to enter Sabah and compromise national security and they speak of having the interest of the state at heart. Continue reading “Some things don’t change”