UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists thought rakyat are suckers but it is UMNO/BN leaders like Zahid who prove to be real “suckers”

The 13GE UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists thought the rakyat are suckers who could easily fall victim to their lies and falsehoods concocted about the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, but it is UMNO/BN leaders like the UMNO Vice President and new Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Zahid Hamidi who prove to be the real “suckers”.

Before I am accused of using foul or indecent language, let me give one definition of “sucker” which is “Informal. a person easily cheated, deceived, or imposed upon.”

A case in point is the lies the UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists concoct and weave about the DAP’s so-called “Red Bean Army” of cybertroopers to demonise the Umno/Barisan Nasional leaders.

The trouble about the allegations about the so-called DAP’s “Red Bean Army” of cybertroopers is that they are so wild and reckless that there is no effort on the part of the UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists to present a consistent and credible version. Continue reading “UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists thought rakyat are suckers but it is UMNO/BN leaders like Zahid who prove to be real “suckers””

Khalid should resign as IGP if he is not prepared to give top priority to roll back the wave of crime in the country instead of carrying out his obligations to his political masters in UMNO/BN

  1. “Minister’s daughter injured when victim to snatch thieves” (Sin Chew)

  2. “Retired teacher loses her life and jewellery in house break-in” (Star)

  3. “Elderly Ipoh woman killed in house robbery” (New Straits Times)

If anybody in Malaysia needs to be convinced that there is a rife, rampant and runaway crime situation in the country, these three headlines in today’s printed media should be adequate and convincing proof, as they are about (i) the 26-year-old daughter of the Communications and Multimedia Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek who lost cash and personal belongings amounting to RM8,000 to two snatch thieves near a hypermarket in Ampang and was slightly injured on her right knee in the 11.50 a.m. incident yesterday; (ii) retired primary school teacher Khalijah Abu Samah, 74, who was killed during a robbery at her home at Kampung Sungai Jai, Beranang, Kajang and (iii) elderly citizen, A. Sampuranan, 75, who was killed in a robbery in her house in Ipoh.

But there is one person who does not seem to be convinced that Malaysians are suffering from an unacceptable and intolerably high rate of crime and prevalent fear of crime – and that person is the new Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, even though in the first week of his appointment as the No. 1 top police officer, his own sister was victim of a break-in in her bungalow in Mantin in Negri Sembilan and the sister of the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was also victim of a house break-in in her double-storey bungalow in Petaling Jaya!
Continue reading “Khalid should resign as IGP if he is not prepared to give top priority to roll back the wave of crime in the country instead of carrying out his obligations to his political masters in UMNO/BN”

Was the Belaga boat disaster on the agenda of the Federal Cabinet yesterday and did the Cabinet take any decision to rectify the 50-year failure in equitable development in Sarawak by ensuring road access to Kapit and Belaga?

The questions that should be uppermost in the minds of Malaysians when the Dayaks celebrate Dayak Gawai is whether the Belaga boat disaster on Tuesday, with 179 survivors while 11 others are still missing, was on the agenda of the Federal Cabinet yesterday.

The second question is whether and what did the Cabinet decide to rectify the 50-year failure in equitable development in Sarawak by ensuring road access to Kapit and Belaga.

If the answers are negative to one or both, the third question is what difference has the appointment of seven full ministers and four deputy ministers from Sarawak to the Federal Cabinet made to the thrust of national socio-economic and infrastructure development so as deliver belated socio-economic justice to the rural populace in Sarawak?

In fact, if the tragic Belaga boast disaster had happened before May 5 – the polling day of the 13th general election – either the Prime Minister or the Deputy Prime Minister would have visited Belaga with 24 hours to personally convey the condolences of the Federal Government, as compared to the indifference shown by the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, who have not said a single word on the Belaga boat disaster in the past two days.

It is heart-wrenching that despite the express boat tragedy in the middle of the Balui River which is feared to have claimed 11 lives, the Kapit jetty yesterday was as crowded as ever with people desperate to go home for the Dayak Gawai harvest festival this weekend.
Continue reading “Was the Belaga boat disaster on the agenda of the Federal Cabinet yesterday and did the Cabinet take any decision to rectify the 50-year failure in equitable development in Sarawak by ensuring road access to Kapit and Belaga?”