Lim Kit Siang

Call for five Royal Commissions of Inquiry (RCI) to achieve true national reconciliation and national transformation

On the night of the 13th General Elections, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak spoke of the need for “national reconciliation” after he undermined his own credentials and credibility to facilitate such a purpose by coming out with a most biased and one-sided judgment on the 13GE results as a Chinese tsunami when it was a Malaysian, urban, semi-urban and youth tsunami!

For this reason, I wish to propose the establishment of five Royal Commission of Inquiries (RCIs) as the first task of the government and nation to achieve true national reconciliation and national transformation, viz:

1. RCI on the 13th General Election, on whether it is clean, free and fair; why the 13GE results have been generally regarded as undemocratic and unrepresentative of the will of the electorate and what could be done to resolve the crisis of confidence in the 13GE results.

2. RCI on the May 13, 1969 riots to ascertain the true events and causes of the May 13 riots, who were responsible for them, not so much to apportion blame or to punish the culprits as 44 years had elapsed since the occurrence of the national tragedy in 1969, but to ascertain the true causes and developments to present the historical truth to present and future generations and to remove the spectre of May 13 from being used at every general elections since 1969 to blackmail voters from freely exercising their constitutional right to vote to choose the elected representative and government of their choice.

3. RCI on corruption in Malaysia to expose the “grand corruption” rampant in the country and to draft a National Integrity Plan involving all political parties and stakeholders in the country to make Malaysia one of the 20 least corrupt countries in the world, and which will also re-open the cases of the mysterious deaths of Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani at Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission premises.

4. RCI on Police and Crime to recommend police reforms to create a world-class police force which could eradicate the high incidence of crime and fear of crime of Malaysians as well as review the report and recommendations of the 2004 Police Royal Commission of Inquiry headed by former Lord President Tun Dzaiddin and former Inspector-General of Police Tun Hanif Omar.

5. RCI on the 22-year Mahathir premiership, investigating into all the financial scandals, violation of democratic and human rights as well as abuses of power undermining the independence, efficiency and professionalism of the judiciary and all other national institutions and instruments of state.

[Speech (2) at the 4,000-People DAP Gelang Patah thanksgiving/Malaysian Dream Movement launching dinner at Sutera Mall, Gelang Patah on Sunday, 26th May 2013]