Johor people invited to submit questions they want to put up in Parliament either to email to five PR MPs by June 3

I invite the people of Johor who wish to have questions put up to Ministers in Parliament to email them to the five Pakatan Rakyat MPs in Johor, including email to me at [email protected] .

The proposed questions should reach us by June 3 as the deadline for MPs to submit questions for the first meeting of the 13th Parliament is 5th June 2013.

The 13th Parliament will meet for 16 days from June 24 to July 18, with the swearing-in of the 222 new MPs elected on 5th May on 24th June, the official opening of Parliament by the Yang di Pertuan Agong on 25th June and the working session of Parliament starting with the debate on the Royal Address on 26th June 2013. Continue reading “Johor people invited to submit questions they want to put up in Parliament either to email to five PR MPs by June 3”

Call for five Royal Commissions of Inquiry (RCI) to achieve true national reconciliation and national transformation

On the night of the 13th General Elections, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak spoke of the need for “national reconciliation” after he undermined his own credentials and credibility to facilitate such a purpose by coming out with a most biased and one-sided judgment on the 13GE results as a Chinese tsunami when it was a Malaysian, urban, semi-urban and youth tsunami!

For this reason, I wish to propose the establishment of five Royal Commission of Inquiries (RCIs) as the first task of the government and nation to achieve true national reconciliation and national transformation, viz:

1. RCI on the 13th General Election, on whether it is clean, free and fair; why the 13GE results have been generally regarded as undemocratic and unrepresentative of the will of the electorate and what could be done to resolve the crisis of confidence in the 13GE results.

2. RCI on the May 13, 1969 riots to ascertain the true events and causes of the May 13 riots, who were responsible for them, not so much to apportion blame or to punish the culprits as 44 years had elapsed since the occurrence of the national tragedy in 1969, but to ascertain the true causes and developments to present the historical truth to present and future generations and to remove the spectre of May 13 from being used at every general elections since 1969 to blackmail voters from freely exercising their constitutional right to vote to choose the elected representative and government of their choice. Continue reading “Call for five Royal Commissions of Inquiry (RCI) to achieve true national reconciliation and national transformation”

Eight reasons why Najib’s legitimacy as Prime Minister is questioned

There are at least eight reasons why there is widespread questioning of the legitimacy of Datuk Seri Najib Razak as the Prime Minister of Malaysia after the 13th general elections on May 5.

1. Najib and Barisan Nasional have only won 47% of the popular vote, while Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat won the majority popular vote at 51%.

2. The 13GE was the dirtiest elections in the nation’s 56-history of 13 general elections – where there was unprecedented money politics and massive unethical and unprincipled electioneering summed up by Umno/BN triple strategy of “Money Money Money”, “Lies Lies Lies” and “Fear Fear Fear”.

There was also the grave problem of the gerrymandering of the constituencies to benefit Umno/BN, where one vote in Putrajaya (16,000 voters) is equal to nine votes in Kapar (140,000+ voters) – making a total mockery of the “one man, one vote, one value” principle.

If the 13GE had been a clean, free and fair one, the popular vote won by Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat would have exceeded 60 per cent and even reached two-thirds of the total vote, securing the majority of the parliamentary seats to PR (even reaching a total of 125 parliamentary seats comprising 45 for PKR and 40 each for DAP and PAS) instead of the present 89 seats for PR and 133 seats for BN. Continue reading “Eight reasons why Najib’s legitimacy as Prime Minister is questioned”

Bitter election creates long-term headache for Najib

by Niluksi Koswanage
May 26, 2013

Malaysia’s divisive election has left a bitter taste for millions of people that risks creating a long-term problem of legitimacy for Prime Minister Najib Razak’s long-ruling BN coalition.

The outrage was clear at a busy intersection across from one of Kuala Lumpur’s fanciest shopping malls, where a huge poster of Najib and his deputy had been defaced – a rare display of public disrespect in the Southeast Asian nation.

One of the scrawled comments poked fun at the unconvincing share of the votes won by Najib’s ruling coalition in its May 5 election victory: “47 percent PM,” it said.

“If you don’t like it, you can leave,” mocked another, alluding to a comment by Najib’s new home minister that those unhappy with the result – and the electoral system that produced it – should pack up and emigrate.

The tense political atmosphere threatens to prolong policy uncertainty that investors hoped the polls would put to rest, as Najib braces for a possible leadership challenge and the opposition mounts a noisy campaign to contest the result.

By securing 60 percent of parliamentary seats with less than 50 percent of the popular vote, the BN’s victory has served to expose starkly the unfairness of a gerrymandered electoral system that is also prone to cheating and bias. Continue reading “Bitter election creates long-term headache for Najib”

Does the EC No.2 take us for fools?

– Kunjuraman Karuppan
The Malaysian Insider
May 26, 2013

MAY 26 – The Election Commission (EC) is now speaking about redelineation of both state and federal constituencies as the last one was done a decade ago.

Now, this is a good move as there has been an increase in voters since then. We now have 13.3 million voters and that is set to increase by the time the 14th general elections take place.

But why is EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar taking us for a fool when he was quoted in The Sunday Star today for explaining that the difference in electorate sizes is due to reasonable access to services from the local lawmaker and local councils.

Now, is that the EC’s primary concern? Is it the commission of ensuring everyone has access to their lawmaker and council or to conduct elections in a free and fair manner? And to ensure that every vote is equal in value.

We now have ridiculous statistics of Putrajaya having nearly 16,000 voters while Kapar has some 140,000 voters. Continue reading “Does the EC No.2 take us for fools?”

Shrill Umno rhetoric betrays legitimacy doubts

– Peter Chong
The Malaysian Insider
May 26, 2013

MAY 26 – Barisan National (BN), the ruling coalition in Malaysia, might have returned to power at the recent national elections, but the response from Umno is far from celebratory.

The Prime Minister, Najib Razak, led the outbursts of anger by blaming Umno’s poor showing on a “Chinese tsunami”. Mohd Noor Abdullah, former Appeals Court Judge, took it a step further by warning Chinese to prepare for a “Malay backlash” for their “betrayal” in voting for opposition parties.

New Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, joined the attacks by saying that the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition can “migrate elsewhere” if it is not satisfied with the country’s electoral system.

The tone became even more jarring when Umno information chief Ahmad Maslan, called on the opposition PR coalition to stop “sodomising” the people’s minds in questioning the legitimacy of BN election victory. At time of writing, news has emerged of arrests of senior opposition leaders as Umno hardens its position.

There is no doubt that Umno is trying to find a scapegoat for their poor showing and using race to create division is an old Umno favourite. The upcoming party election is another reason for the shrill tones as Umno leaders scramble for leadership positions. Continue reading “Shrill Umno rhetoric betrays legitimacy doubts”