New IGP Khalid Abu Bakar and new Home Minister Zahid Hamidi should stop playing politics to please their political masters and return to their first duty – to make Malaysians, tourists and investors safe from crime and the fear of crime

The new Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and the new Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi should stop playing politics to please their political masters and return to their first duty to the people – to make Malaysians, tourists and investors safe from crime and the fear of crime.

Both should realize that they are being paid by the taxpayers to carry out their primary duty to reduce crime, to protect the safety of Malaysians, tourists and investors and to abolish the fear of crime which is haunting Malaysians in many criminal black spots in the country, instead of abdicating from their duties by playing politics with their positions.

If Khalid and Zahid have too much free time on their hands, why don’t they do something more useful and directly related to their primary responsibilities – such as giving themselves a one-year challenge to remove the infamy of Johor Baru as the capital of crime in the country by ensuring that 12 months from now, the people of Johor Baru can feel safe and free from both crime and the fear of crime when moving around the Johor capital?

Are Khalid and Zahid prepared to publicly declare that they will resign from their present posts if the fail in this one-year task to make Johor Baru safe and secure for all again?

Today, Mingguan Malaysia is up to its daily mischief when it carried the front-page headline “PDRM mula siasatan – KPN arah konspirasi guling kerajaan melalui Malaysia Spring disiasat”.

I am not bothered about such police investigation and in fact welcome it, as it would prove the utter falsity of such allegations.

But what is intolerable and unacceptable is the double-standards and the distorted sense of police priorities involved.

For instance, why hasn’t the Police started investigations into the most racist and seditious speech ever made in the public domain in Malaysia in the past 44 years, the incendiary, inflammatory and chauvinist speech by former Court of Appeal judge Mohd Noor Abdullah on Sunday, although police reports had been lodged in this case?

Why has the IGP announced the start of police investigations into the outrageous and baseless allegation of DAP behind a conspiracy to create chaos and bloodshed in Malaysia by instigating an Arab Spring, when the person who made the allegation did not have the integrity or courage of conviction to lodge a police report, as he knows he is telling lies and will risk a counter-report of having committed the crime of false reporting?

Can the IGP explain on what criteria the police will take the initiative to lodge police reports to enable police investigations to be initiated, as distinct from cases where serious allegations have been made against top government leaders but where the police has maintained the attitude of the three monkeys of eyes that see not, ears that hear not and mouth and speaks not?

Let the IGP explain to the new Parliament on what grounds and in what cases the Police lodges its own report to initiate police investigations, the cases where the Police had refused to initiate such police report, and the reasons for each case – as well as to submit a whole list of cases involved for each category.

It is sad that playing political games and not to ensure the people’s safety and security from crime and the fear of crime is regarded as the highest priority and greatest challenge of the new Home Minister, Zahid Hamidi.

When will Malaysia have an IGP who dare to declare and act publicly that his first duty is to defend Malaysians from crime and the fear of crime, and not to play political games to please the political masters of the day?

It is this deplorable attitude that has led Zahid to make the utterly indefensible and outrageous challenge to Malaysians who do not agree with the current electoral system to leave the country, betraying an abysmal ignorance of the meaning of patriotism as well as democracy.

Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has already established himself as the worst Home Minister in the history of the country. It would appear that his record would not last long, as Zahid promises to beat and replace Hishammuddin for the dubious record of being the worst Home Minister in Malaysian history.


5 Replies to “New IGP Khalid Abu Bakar and new Home Minister Zahid Hamidi should stop playing politics to please their political masters and return to their first duty – to make Malaysians, tourists and investors safe from crime and the fear of crime”

  1. They should be worried that a group of 5 parang-wielding men dared to follow up and storm a police station in Labis, Johore, to attack a man inside the station who had earlier rescued a police constable attacked/slashed when his car was stopped along the Labis-Segamat trunk road.

    (See report in The Star Sunday May 19, 2013)-

  2. They maybe stupid no one can tell ahead someone may bait them to wrong doing control them then import illegal immigrants hide in island at north then project IC

    Who know anything can happen here in Malaysia while ordinary Malaysian busy working

  3. I believe this new IGP was the same CPO Selangor who made that wild claim a few years back that the 14 year old driver Amirul who was shot dead by the police had a pararng in his car boot. This was later proven to be not true. I don’t believe he has apologised for this slur on the memory of the poor slain boy.

    With such an IGP helming an already unpopular PDRM, I dread for the PDRM and the nation going forward.

  4. This IGP’s record seems truly suspect!

    Can someone compile a record of his follies as a public service? So we need to watch him carefully.

    Imagine, taxpayers pay him for a job and we have to watch him to make sure he does his job.

    Hello taxpayers, angry or not?

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