Five things for Paul Low to do as Minister of Integrity in Najib Cabinet

I have described Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Cabinet announced three days ago as the most unimpressive Cabinet of six Prime Ministers in the nation’s 56-year history.

I maintain this judgment despite the surprise appointment of the Transparency International-Malaysia President Datuk Pau Low as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Deparment, whose portfolio should be on Integrity and fighting corruption in Malaysia.

This is because Low has not been able to give any assurance that his appointment marks a tectonic shift in the Najib government’s commitment to make anti-corruption top priority, and not just “more-of-the-same salesmanship and gamesmanship” under the tutelage of Idris Jala’s sloganeering National Transformation Programme in the past four years – which saw Malaysia’s international standing on the anti-corruption front plunging to new lows.

To convince Malaysians that Paul Low’s appointment is not going to be another repeat of Idris Jala appointment of “more of the same” of the past four years, there are five things which Paul Low should immediately address in the first week as Minister, viz:

  1. Full report and assessment whether the Prime Minister, BN Ministers and candidates have complied with the TI-M Election Integrity Pledge which Najib had signed on behalf of all BN leaders and candidates in Low’s presence on Feb. 20.

    This will be one of my first parliamentary questions to him when the 13th Parliament convenes next month, and he should immediately commission a full investigation so that he could give full, detained and satisfactory answer to this query when Parliament meets.

  2. Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on National Reconciliation after the 13GE, as announced by Najib after his mistaken and ill-advised comment about the 13GE results as a “Chinese tsunami” when it is a Malaysian and urban tsunami.

    There is urgent need for “national reconciliation” after the campaign of “Money Money Money”, “Lies Lies Lies” and “Fear Fear Fear” by UMNO/BN in the 13GE as well as the post-13GE exploitation of race and religious cards by UMNO/BN leaders and propaganda organs.

    The terms of reference of the RCI on national reconciliation should include a wide-ranging and in-depth investigation into the electoral frauds, abuses and irregularities committed in the 13GE.

    It is these electoral malpractices which are the root causes for the cloud of doubts about the legitimacy of Najib as Prime Minister, and consequently raising questions about the legitimacy of the new Cabinet, creating conditions needing a national reconciliation.

  3. RCI on the May 13, 1969 riots to ascertain the causes and culprits so that the spectre of May 13 will cease to be used in every general election to frighten voters from freely exercising their constitutional right to vote. The purpose is not to punish the culprits, which has become quite academic after 44 years, but for the nation to know the truth and cleanse the nation’s soul from lies and falsehoods about the May 13 riots all these decades.

  4. RCI on grand corruption in Malaysia, investigating in particular into the serious allegations of grand corruption against the Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud and the Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman, with regard to serious allegations freely available on the Internet.

  5. Re-open investigations into the death of Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani, both of whom died at Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) premises while under MACC custody.

Can Paul Low deliver on these five counts in his first week as Minister, by getting agreement by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to implement them?

When was Paul Low first informed by Najib of his intention to appoint him as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department to be responsible for the government’s programme on integrity and anti-corruption?

Did he raise any of these five issues to get Najib’s agreement before agreeing to the Cabinet appointment?


18 Replies to “Five things for Paul Low to do as Minister of Integrity in Najib Cabinet”

  1. It was sad to see people who can be absorbed rapidly into BN because of whatever benefit or promise. Before that, they would sign with BN in order to improve the winning chance of BN. By doing so you lost all the integrity of a human being.

    Please ubah the Sarawakians and Sabahan politicians.

  2. At first glance It looked like Najib has a better balance cabinet than the last half past six one.All except for that mandore Warthamoorthy.

    Now it seems that Najib has a mandore in Warthamoorthy,a moron in Hamidi and a showdog in Low.Who is next in line to join the Jonesses.

  3. Let us all make a resolution not to bribe officials. That will be a good start. If you are doing business, give your self enough time for the formalities of starting business. Don’t expect to get things done fast. Follow regulations. If you do wrong, then you face the music, instead of trying to bribe your way out. Start by being ready to pay fines for traffic offences, instead of waiting for the reassuring, “Sekarang Apa Macam?”. Besides, if you meet an upright civil servant in the mata-mata, you are in serious trouble!

  4. If you are serious to properly tackle corruption, you will resolve the problem….but there is no political will or they are playing for time.

    Only a change of government could seriously and urgently resolve this problem destroying the economy and country.

  5. Well, well, well.
    His job is really cut out for him!
    He is surrounded by some of the most corrupted people in this country.
    His first priority is to get them arrested and charged!!!
    So, go right ahead!!!!!
    Then the citizens of this country will give their judgement!!!!
    And they are very, very judgmental!!!

  6. Paul Low does not have to fight for the position of MCA President to be made minister. Paul Low also does not have to pretend to represent Chinese. What Paul Low agrees or not in the Cabinet does not mean the Chinese agree. Chinese do not want to influence Cabinet decision, and so it does not matter whether Chinese interest are taken care of. What we want is clean and fair election to decide whether the cabinet representatives should have another term.

    MCA so-called office bearers be warned that we are happy that MCA is not included in the Cabinet to pretend to represent Chinese. If they get into Najib’s boat, that is their own interest, and they do not represent Chinese. The moment they claim that they represent Chinese, we will call them running dogs of UMNO.

  7. He won’t be able to do much. Firstly, he already said he is powerless to do anything except to bow-bow. Secondly, his staff will make sure he is impotent and carefully controlled. Thirdly, why will he want to rock his boat in Cabinet meetings? He is from nowhere and has no support really, not even from the lame duck PM.

    So he will just probably sit back and enjoy the ride on the gravy train after his first week on the job. Like Jala.

  8. Zahid announces a RM 20 billion defence deal. As usual, everything is kept under wraps on the grounds of national security. Paul Low goes to see Zahid to protest against the non-transparent deal. Zahid tells Low to leave the country if he does not support the system in place. What do you think Low will do ?

  9. The position of President of Transparency International-Malaysia is now open for competition. It might be easier to get that position than killing one another for the post of MCA chief, and bear the stigma of pretending to champion Chinese race. But then, the next President of TIM may not be Minister!

  10. MCA so-called office bearers be warned that we are happy that MCA is not included in the Cabinet to pretend to represent Chinese. If they get into Najib’s boat, that is their own interest, and they do not represent Chinese. The moment they claim that they represent Chinese, we will call them running dogs of UMNO.

  11. Paul Low does not have to fight for the position of MCA President to be made minister. Paul Low also does not have to pretend to represent Chinese. What Paul Low agrees or not in the Cabinet does not mean the Chinese agree. Chinese do not want to influence Cabinet decision, and so it does not matter whether Chinese interest are taken care of. What we want is clean and fair election to decide whether the cabinet representatives should have another term.

  12. Let us C…
    Let us C…
    Let us C…
    Let us C….

    Now that would be C4 or 4C’s?

    Becoming a minister in lame duck’s cabinet is like putting a C4 in between my groins. I would rather not do so.

    Paul Low is entitled to think otherwise. He has more balls.

    It’s just that some ministers don’t C it.

  13. miss 1…… #6 Scorpene/Altantunya case : where there kickback involved and “commission” was indeed bribery? Why the principal who hired the contract assassins in Altantunya murder case was never established?

    …… whoa… cannot expect the dog bite its own master?

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