Most unimpressive Cabinet of all six Prime Ministers in the nation’s 56-year history

The Cabinet unveiled by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday is the most unimpressive Cabinet of all six Malaysian Prime Ministers in the nation’s 56-year history.

It has in fact accentuated the great divide between Pakatan Rakyat and the Barisan Nasional in the recent 13th General Elections – that Pakatan Rakyat holds out hope and a vision of new politics for Malaysia while Barisan Nasional represent the old, tired and discredited politics of race, fear, corruption, abuses of power and injustices.

The injustices of the 13GE results and the nagging question for the first time in Malaysian historty of the legitimacy of the Prime Minister have spawned a spontaneous “black” political consciousness movement in the country, as witnessed by the 30,000-crowd at the “Black 505” rally at Ulu Tiram, Johor Baru last night, following massive crowds at other “Black 505” rallies in Kelana Jaya, Penang, Ipoh and Kuantan, drawing support from Malaysians regardless of race, religion and region finding special strength in the young generation of Malaysians who until now have been very apathetic to politics and political developments in the country.

Malaysians, particularly young people regardless of race, religion or gender, are outraged by the injustices of the democratic and electoral system to make a stand about their disappointments, frustration and anger at the outcome of the 13GE as well as the legitimacy of Datuk Seri Najib Razak as Prime Minister, as they feel robbed of their fundamental democratic right to help determine the political future of the country.

Firstly, the majority of 51 per cent of the popular vote supported Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar Ibrahim as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, while Najib and the Barisan Nasional secured only 47% of the popular vote.

Secondly, if the 13GE had been clean, free and fair, the popularity vote of Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar would have exceeded 60 per cent and even reaching over 65%, as well as winning the majority of the 222 parliamentary seats in the country.

Thirdly, the Cabinet annnounced by Najib yesterday has heightened the cloud of illegitimacy of Najib as the Prime Minister of Malaysia after the 13GE.

The Cabinet announced by Najib yesterday is undoubtedly the most unimpressive Cabinet of all six Prime Ministers in the nation’s 56-year history.

It is not a Cabinet for all Malaysians, as its aim is basically to ensure that Najib could triumph in the power struggle in UMNO at the end of the year during the UMNO party elections.

There are 10 Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department, the PM, DPM and eight Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department, more than the four Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department in the last Cabinet.

This is ridiculous and inflated Cabinet, not only unproductive but reflect the lack of professionalism of the Cabinet set-up, with the total number of Ministers in the PM’s Department representing one-third of the Cabinet – which must be one of its kind in the whole world!

I am intrigued by the exchange of Cabinet posts between Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, especially as Hishammuddin has failed as Home Minister to reduce crime, eradicate the fear of crime haunting Malaysians, both of which are most acute in Johor Baru which has become the capital of crime in Malaysia.

I will seek an early meeting with Ahmad Zahid on whether he has any strategy to eradicate Johor Baru’s infamous reputation at the capital of crime in Malaysia, and if he is unable to make any appreciable impact to reduce crime and the fear of crime and remove Johor Baru’s notoriety as the capital of crime in Malaysia, he should admit his failure ask for a change of Cabinet portfolio.

A surprise is the appointment of P. Waytha Moorthy as Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. I had wondered why Waytha had come to Gelang Patah in the last few days of the 13GE to openly campaign against me, joining the Barisan Nasional team led by former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir who wanted Gelang Patah to be my “burial ground”.

I was surprised as I had no past conflicts with Waytha, but I now understand why he was in Gelang Patah to help the BN campaign to defeat me – as it is clearly part of his bargain in his MOU with Najib. I feel sorry for Waytha for he has come become the centre of odium and opprobrium for what he had done.

Datuk Paul Low’s appointment as Minister in the PM’s Department is another surprise, although I am not sure whether it would finally end to the detriment to Najib or Paul Low, as this appointment is presented as reflecting Najib’s commitment to tackle graft in the country.

Najib signed the Transparency International-Malaysia’s Election Integrity Pledge on Feb. 20, committing to observe and comply with four principles when contesting in the 13th general elections, viz:

  • Truth, integrity, ethical conduct and accountability, including not accepting or giving bribes or being involved in corrupt practices in any way;

  • Upholding and giving priority to the interests of the rakyat as a whole;

  • Good governance and transparency; and

  • Compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations of Malaysia.

Najib has violated all the four principles of the TI-M Election Integrity Pledge many times over in the 15-day 13GE campaign.

On the first questions I will ask Paul Low in the 13th Parliament is to give a full report of the breaches and violations of the TI-M Election Integrity Pledge by Najib and the Barisan Nasional Ministers during and after the 13GE election campaign.
I am giving Paul Low early notice so that he could immediately initiate investigations so that he could give a satisfactory answer to this question in the first week of the 13th Parliament.

The first comment of Najib after the 13GE results was that the 13GE outcome was a Chinese tsunami and he spoke of the need to effect a “national reconciliation”.

This 13GE results is not a Chinese tsunami but a Malaysian and urban tsunami. It is Najib and the UMNO/BN leaders who have polarised the country and created the need for a “national reconciliation”.

At the first meeting of the new Cabinet, Paul Low should press for the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry for national reconciliation after the 13GE, and its terms of reference should include a full investigation into all the election frauds, irregularities and abuses of power which have made a “national reconciliation” urgent and imperative.

The RCI on national reconciliation should be headed by the Bersih chairperson Ambiga Sreenivasam.

I hope Paul Low will take up these issues in the Najib Cabinet and Government.


18 Replies to “Most unimpressive Cabinet of all six Prime Ministers in the nation’s 56-year history”

  1. Are the Chinese impressed with this cabinet ? Nooooooo, not because it doesn’t have the so-called Chinese representation, but because it is full of dead wood that cannot possibly deliver on the election promises. The Chinese don’t care about which race gets which portfolia anymore. They just want to see transparency and accountability and you simply can’t get it with this bunch of clowns.

    Somebody said the old wine had turned into vinegar.

  2. umno does not change with people like pasir menyalak in the line up…the six million ringgit man for sure will only impress his own pocket more.. what a sad occasion for the nation…

  3. We should not analyse the Cabinet based on the racial composition as that never worked in the past.
    Just ask these questions:

    Is he/she responsible?
    Does he/she have integrity?
    Is he/she competent?
    Is he/she corrupt?
    Can he/she look after all Malaysians?

  4. Najib has appointed half of Taib Mahmud’s MPs in Sarawak as ministers and deputies. This will prevent them from having a second thought about remaining in BN. Najib has also made Sabah MPs stay with BN. The winners are MPs from Sabah and Sarawak. Who say that they are not equal partner to UMNO?

  5. ///Migrate, Zahid tells those unhappy with GE13 results
    5:17PM May 16, 2013 | 56
    Go look for new home, says new home minister to M’sians unhappy with the electoral system that saw BN victorious despite getting lower popular votes.///–Malaysiakini

    So that UMNO can win more easily. Keep hoping!

  6. why do we need so many ministers in the PM dept to earn gaji buta. The rakyat are suffering for the rising cost of living everyday. The najis’s administration should be more prudent on spending. Maybe, the so called elected PM can t manage the govt’s & country well. He only love to hold the finance ministry….more money for his own pocket. By right and to be fair, whoever become PM should not hold finance minister post.

  7. I predict this kitchen cabinet will self-destruct and implode in 6 months i.e. within 2013.

    When you have comedians, court jesters, clowns and con-men all in the same kitchen, what do you expect?

  8. It might be better NOT to be in this half-past-six and tiga-suku Cabinet which might not last very long.

    Odds are 6 months or whenever Muhyiddin can muster enough courage to launch a challenge.

  9. Enough of decorative ornaments for the Christmas tree before Santa goes on his rounds once again. Not all is “merry like Christmas”, however, and it’s over before you knew it.

    Waytha returned from self-imposed exile was made possible with a touch of Manchester. He was such a good actor judging from his dramatic display. Had only the Indians knew earlier.

  10. Dear Sir, It is timely that you and your colleagues name your shadow cabinet that rises above what you have written. Your shadow cabinet should not be rewards for party loyalty, should not be racially motivated and should not be inclusive. Malaysians would love to see your choice.

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