I have seen the video of Mohd Noor’s speech and it is unquestionably the most divisive, destructive, racist and seditious speech ever made in Malaysia in 44 years

It is reported today that NGOs led by Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) have come out in support of former Court of Appeal Judge Mohd Noor Abdullah and claimed that Malaysiakini’s coverage of his remarks was “malicious and intended to threaten racial harmony in Malaysia”.

A GPMS statement alleged that the Malaysiakini report was “one-sided and resulted in the readers feeling uneasy, to the extent that PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim had described (the) statement as racist”.

It said: “It is unfortunate that those who commented in the news portal were not there to hear for themselves and to evaluate the speech as a whole. We question Malaysiakini’s motive in selectively highlighting the speech as well as interpreting it and portraying him as a racist.”

I have seen the video of Mohd Noor’s speech which unquestionably the most divisive, destructive, racist and seditious speech ever made in Malaysia in 44 years.
I feel totally uneasy that anyone, let alone a person of Mohd Noor’s stature as former Court of Appeal judge, could spew such racist and chauvinist poison with immunity and impunity, completely reckless of the grave harm they could do to destroy the fabric of Malaysia’s plural society.

I can vouch that Malaysiakini’s report of Mohd Noor’s speech was neither malicious nor unprofessional, but was in fact a fair and reasonable account of Mohd Noor’s speech.
It was Mohd Noor’s speech which was an abomination of the concept of 1Malaysia, as it was most vile and inflammatory calculated to incite racial distrust, misunderstanding and conflict, totally unworthy of a person who had held the high office of a Court of Appeal judge.

It is a real shame and most tragic that in the past 10 days since the 13GE results, there had been a spike of the most racist and seditious speeches by former holders of high public office like Mohd Noor and the former Director-General of Education and now Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) pro-chancellor Abdul Rahman Arshad who made the seditious call for the
abolition of Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools.

Mohd Noor is not bothered about the failure of the Malaysian judiciary to restore its former international repute and standing for its independence, impartiality, integrity and quality after the first assault on the judiciary by former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir in 1988 followed by a series of judicial assaults nor is Abdul Rahman concerned about the drastic drop in Malaysian educational standards, whether primary, secondary or university as compared to other countries in the past four decades but were only concerned to become new racist champions inimical to Najib’s 1Malaysia signature policy.

But the pertinent question is why the Police and the Attorney-General have not yet arrested, charged and prosecuted Mohd Noor and Abdul Rahman for the grave offence of sedition to undermine and wreck the inter-racial harmony in Malaysia!


14 Replies to “I have seen the video of Mohd Noor’s speech and it is unquestionably the most divisive, destructive, racist and seditious speech ever made in Malaysia in 44 years”

  1. Actually its NOT a pertinent question at all why the Police and AG has not acted, its simply confirmation that the Police and AG is in their corner always, no matter what they do..Remember our incoming IGP interviews hundreds of people for cow-gate and found nothing wrong when everyone in this country was clapping at Anwar speeches everytime he brings it up..

    Like it nor not, unless MOST Malays want to fight these people, its not going to be enough..

  2. It is mind-boggling why the Police and the Attorney-General go after Anwar who leads peaceful rallies and not Mohd Noor and Abdul Rahman for the grave offence of sedition to undermine and wreck the inter-racial harmony in Malaysia!

  3. ”……. why the Police and the Attorney-General have not yet arrested, charged and prosecuted Mohd Noor and Abdul Rahman for the grave offence of sedition…”

    To many, he is a ‘hero’, that’s why. Obvious, isn’t it?

  4. Like some other ‘ leaders’, he is using extremism to appeal to the dark/evil side of grossly misguided and ignorant people to incite violence and hatred against decent ordinary people.

    One cannot make dangerous and irresponsible racist or religious statement and get away with it, in particular in a multi racial and religious country.

    All leaders should express their total outrage and distance themselves from his statement…..for NGOs to support/defend him, it speaks volume of their bad/evil intention.

  5. “1 Malaysia” has served its purpose as a slogan. The elections are now over; and that overused number, 1, can die its death in peace. It matters to no one now, least of all to the government.

    We cannot rely too much on peninsular politicians to develop national unity and a just society. We have to put our trust in the East Malaysians, who are, without doubt, less racialist and more pluralistic. Till the next slogan comes out to dupe Malaysians, High Hopes Malaysia!.

  6. These two racists are a real disgrace to the professions they represent.One of them represents the legal profession and the other the teaching profession.They both are recipients and beneficiaries of NEP.Why do I say that?By any standard both are mediocre but they could achieve meteoric rise in their respective careers not because they are smart but because their skin colour is different from the smarter and more capable people.

  7. You wonder how it can be?

    On the same day Najib appoints known racist and corrupt MP of Pasir Salak, he vowed that his Cabinet will do its utmost to fight corruption.. He also appoint a string of members of ‘war room’ strategist that pretty much proved themselves worthless during the campaign.

    Not only that, all these, while Zaid Ibrahim, has already said that legally, Najib NEED NOT PANDER to the right wing of his party if he choses based on the constitution of UMNO..

  8. This despicable racist bigot could be echoing the views of some vindictive GE losers from UMNO. I remember an MP had been convicted over 30 years ago for calling for the closure of all Chinese schools. The ranting of this racist ex-judge was far more seditious and damaging to racial harmony. What are our police and AG doing? Are they waiting for the green light to act?

  9. “that until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned; that until there is no longer any first-class and second-class citizens of any nation; that until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; that until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race — until that day, the dreams of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained”: Speech by H.I.M. HAILE SELASSIE I

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