What more does Kit Siang want? At least five things – clean, free and fair elections; Malaysia as a normal democratic country; restoration of rule of law; world-class education and a safe, green, healthy and united Malaysia

Utusan Malaysia today carried its campaign to demonise me as an ogre and monster to a new height when in its main article on its editorial page by its senior editor Zulkiflee Bakar, posed the question: “Apa lagi Kit Siang mahu?”, launched a series of baseless attacks and insinuations against me.

Let me first answer the Utusan question: “Apa lagi Kit Siang mahu?

My answer is: At least five thing – a clean, free and fair elections; Malaysia as a normal democratic country; restoration of rule of law; world-class education and a safe, green, healthy and united Malaysia.

If there is a clean, free and fair elections system, the Prime Minister in Malaysia today after the 13th general elections is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and not Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as Pakatan Rakyat would have no difficulty in winning 125 parliamentary seats distributed among PKR 45, PAS and DAP 40 each with a comfortable majority of 28 out of 222 parliamentary seats.

Even despite the dirtiest election in the nation’s history, with UMNO/BN resorting to three main dishonest and unscrupulous strategies of “Money Money Money”, “Lies Lies Lies” and “Fear Fear Fear”, Najib is a minority Prime Minister winning only 47% of the popular vote while Anwar and Pakatan Raykat won the majority of the 51% popular vote, first time in the nation’s 56-year history of 13 general elections.

As a result, for the first time in the nation’s history, the nation and Parliament will have a Prime Minister whose legitimacy is under a cloud as he does not command majority popular vote as compared to Anwar.

Can Najib and the Elections Commission blame substantial sections of the Malaysian people, in particular the new young generation of Malaysians who feel cheated in the 13GE when their clear choice who should be Prime Minister and who should form the new Malaysian government had been stolen from them as a result of the dirtiest general elections in the nation’s history?

Secondly, like all patriotic Malaysians, I want Malaysia as a normal democratic country, where all political parties and candidates accept the cardinal principle that voters have the fundamental democratic right to choose the elected government for the next five years, where there is peaceful and democratic transition of power through the ballot box, and where a change of government is regarded as a routine democratic exercise and not a national catastrophe, justifying the most dire and threatening of scenarios, like chaos, mayhem and a repeat of May 13 Incidents.

Thirdly, the restoration of the rule of law, where the law is no respecter of persons but would be upheld with no immunity or impunity because of a person is ensconced in the group of cronies protected by the powers-that-be.

If there is a restoration of the rule of law, where the law is no respecter of persons, the former Court of Appeal judge Mohd Noor Abdullah would have been arrested, charged, prosecuted and jailed for making the most reckless, irresponsible, seditious and racist of speeches in the past 44 years!

Why is Mohd Noor getting immunity and impunity for making the most seditious and racists speeches in the past 44 years?

Similarly, why is the Perkasa Vice President Zulkifli Noordin enjoying immunity and impunity for his seditious lies and falsehoods, such as accusing me as the cause of the May 13 riots in 1969?

Yesterday, on the eve of the 44th anniversary of the May 13 riots in 1969, Zulkifli sent out a series of criminal and seditious tweets, such as:

“Tomorrow is May 13… the 44th anniversary of race riots in Malaysia which was the atrocity of chauvinists including Kit Siang’s party which used the slogan Malai-Seh or Die Malay.”

These are downright lies and falsehoods, as I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 11 – 13, 1969, and was never involved in any processions through the streets of Kuala Lumpur, not to mention the alleged slogans like “Malai-See”.

In fact, former Umno member Tamrin Ghafar, who is son of former Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Ghafar Baba, had spoken at ceramahs during the 13GE, clearing me of any involvement in the May 13 riots, saying that it was a mini-coup in Umno itself to topple the first Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

The sources quoted by Tamrin was Tunku himself and the former Home Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie.

Fourthly, world-class education, whether primary, secondary or university for all Malaysians. At present, Malaysia lagged behind other countries in educational standards for science and mathematics subjects, whether at the primary or secondary levels Our universities also trail behind universities in other countries, as we fail to be ranked even in the World’s Top 400 Universities.

Fifthly, a safe, green, healthy and united Malaysia. I need only mention Johor Baru which is the capital of crime in Malaysia, where no person feels safe and everyone is haunted by the fear of crime – a totally unacceptable state of affairs which must be corrected without any delay whatsoever.

I am prepared to have a rational debate with Utusan Malaysia or anyone on what is best for the future of the country, but Utusan Malaysia is not interested in any such rational debate but only in carrying out the Umno agenda to demonise me.

For instance, Mingguan Malaysia yesterday carried a front-page report about rumours that a DAP official had tried to bribe the Registrar of Societies to get the DAP deregistered – when there is no totallyt truth or basis whatsoever.

But what is shocking is that Utusan could put such a rumour on its front page, creating the most disgraceful record in Malaysia and world journalism, where rumours become front page news.

How low can the Utusan editors plumb to in their scraping the bottom of the barrel to placate and please their Umno masters in the campaign of demonisation against DAP leaders and me?

Utusan Malaysia also carried a report and a commentary on my describing Najib as a “shaitan” (devil”) when I had never done such a thing.

Utusan has violated all ethics and journalistic standards. Can it descend further?


12 Replies to “What more does Kit Siang want? At least five things – clean, free and fair elections; Malaysia as a normal democratic country; restoration of rule of law; world-class education and a safe, green, healthy and united Malaysia”

  1. Do they think the Malays, even the rural Malays don’t notice that its ANWAR LEADING THE RALLIES AND THE SPEECHES and its NOT Lim Kit Siang? The blaming has gone to the realm of DUMB & DUMBER…

  2. Saudara Lim,

    Utusan Malaysia is trying very hard to prove to the whole world that they are the master purveyors of gutter journalism. There is no shame, remorse or conscience among the editors and journalists in all the newspapers, etc run by UMNO. Among them Zulkiflee Bakar tries to outshine all the others of his ilk that he is the numero uno spin master of UMNO.

    It is no point pointing out to these dickheads the TRUTH and LOGIC because they are seriously devoid of both. Even if you answer the question “Apa lagi Lim Kit Siang mau?” in Malay, Zulkiflee Bakar would not understand because he has become delusional and zombie like.

    As for Zulkifli Noordin, though he claims to be more Muslim than the ulamas in PAS, he is nothing but a rabble rouser trying to be relevant to his UMNO masters after getting a drubbing in the 13th GE. He is one of the dinosaurs who cannot accept any change and understand what it means to the Malaysians who voted for change.

    UMNO and its media are so used to dishing out lies and falsehoods that they are still in a time warp. It looks as if they are beyond redemption. Only hope, if any, is young and sane politicians in the UMNO midst would rebel and throw out the hasbeens of yesteryear politics of Mahathir. Mahathirism is NOT RELEVANT in this modern age.
    Playing the race and religious card are too PASSE for the younger generation. They want CHANGE and they want to move forward and be counted in this globalized world.

  3. ///Nazri: We need to cool off
    Terence Fernandez, The Malay Mail | 7:06PM May 13, 2013 | 2
    The Umno supreme council member says leaders were being ‘human’ when they blamed Chinese and must be given time to get over the ‘shock’.///–Malaysiakini

    So Chinese are always the punching bag.

  4. Had the DAP fared miserably in the recent GE, with most of its top guns convincingly trounced by BN candidates, I don’t think UMNO and its cohorts and the media they control would raise any issue. They consider Chinese support for the BN a matter of course. Just because DAP has achieved its best performance in history, Chinese voters were insulted, threatened and the DAP was subjected to vilification, slander and demonisation. It is obvious that the democracy that we have been talking about is all rubbish. How can we trust this group of people who can’t accept the people’s choice with an open mind?

  5. Fact is, they have lost the recent GE!
    Now, all their baying will be in vain!
    In fact, they did themselves in by doing exactly what they are doing now!
    If by reviling the opposition, they think that they can gain the respect and in consequence, the votes of Malaysians, then they are very stupid!
    Their crimes all these decades have already caught up with them and no amount of further acts vilification of the opposition will redeem them.
    In fact, the complete opposite is true!
    Malaysians, after reading about their continuous acts of stupidity, will be further alienated and ever more determined to ensure that they will never, ever be given another vote again.

  6. Dearest UTusan,

    The question is NOT what LKS wants,
    The question should be what else does Malaysia want, stupid!

    Now the simple answer is:
    What Malaysia wants is really what LKS wants.

    Now, now, UTUSAN, how stupid can you get.
    Shame on you. Shame, shame on you.

  7. On the dissolution of Parliament, Najib has pledged that he will honor the result of GE13 and to hand over power peacefully if BN losses. Why all these blame games then? I hate to think what will happen had UMNO/BN lost the election.

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