Glad I made it

— Sharm
The Malaysian Insider
May 12, 2013

MAY 12 — Yes, I was there. Why was I there? Without doubt, in the name of SUPPORT.

I had no idea what time fellow supporters were already thronging to the stadium.

In my mind, I thought we (my sister, brother-in-law and me) could get an easy access of car park and we can make it to the stadium.

But to our surprise, we were at a standstill for almost half an hour in our car just about 500 metres away from the Kelana Jaya toll exit. This was at approximately before 9pm.

Everyone started honking and no one seem to be clearing the clogged up toll booth area. What else, to avoid our cars from overheating, everyone turned off our car engines and got out of our cars. The spirit was superb. A mix of people.

Most were in black. What I saw was a true Malaysian spirit out there. We spoke to people as if we knew them ages ago, but in reality, that was our first meet. Cheering and waving the flags of PKR, DAP and PAS. All this to show support to the party we are inclined to.

While walking towards the stadium rather slowly, I heard a group suddenly cheering loudly.

Out of curiosity, I ran towards them and it was Lim Kit Siang brought in by a motorcycle.

Approximately 15 minutes later, Dato Seri Wan Azizah walks pass us, towards the stadium. Petrol stations turned into parking lots. The little mart at the petrol stations became a super market when the queue was super long, what more the public toilets.

That didn’t fade our spirit.

We walked to the stadium and from the outside, all I saw was a stadium packed like a sardine can. We stood outside to hear Datuk Seri Anwar Inbrahim’s speech, but the cheer by crowd sunk the sound of the speakers as well. Though we weren’t able to listen to his speech, we were glad we made it there, as to show the tremendous support the party has.

The election disappointment was literally washed away just to see the mammoth crowd that cheered together to show support to PKR.

All in all, whatever negative remark that was given on this Kelana Jaya event, I am more than glad that I made it there.


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