The new Malaysia

— Abdul Haleem Abdul Rahiman
The Malaysian Insider
May 10, 2013

MAY 10 — If you are not aware — there is a NEW MALAYSIA out there. The NEW MALAYSIA with a new generation. Before you think this is the young new generation let me tell you that you are wrong. No, the word “generation” is not an age group defined.

This NEW MALAYSIA also not restricted by geographical boundaries. A Malaysian, no matter where is he or she based at, be it Australia, the Middle East, North America, North Asia, Europe or Africa — they are and they also surely will be part of this NEW MALAYSIA.

This NEW MALAYSIA no longer intimidated by tear gas or risk of being arrested for participating in public gatherings.

This NEW MALAYSIA will speak up, will stand up and will walk for miles to be heard, to be recognised and to be RESPECTED.

This NEW MALAYSIA will not accept anything and everything. We will question everything — we will check everything and we will demand for anything that is fair, just and clean.

This NEW MALAYSIA is no longer an idle group. Be it weekdays or weekends. We will be there as long as it’s a good fight. The cause is noble. The reason is clear.

This NEW MALAYSIA is colour blind. No race or religious doctrine can suppress us. No bogeyman. Be it May 13 or what — we fear no more.

The NEW MALAYSIA believes in itself. Thus no matter how you stir the racial sentiments this NEW MALAYSIA will not bite it.

This NEW MALAYSIA is full of love and passion for this country. We believe we can make this country better than what it is today. We believe in fellow Malaysians and we believe in the better future. No manifesto or promises will take this believe away from us.

This NEW MALAYSIA will not stop at paying tax annually and vote every five years. We will be part of the future of this nation. We’ll participate and contribute continuously, consistently and on a daily basis.

This NEW MALAYSIA needs no slogan or idol. This is MALAYSIA and this is who we are. Never mind what the principles of your coalition are. Never mind what your agenda is. This NEW MALAYSIA is here and this is unstoppable.

This NEW MALAYSIA will not go down without a fight. We may fail but make no mistake — we’ll rise again and again.

This NEW MALAYSIA had enough of a comfort zone which is no longer comfy. We’ll all together — hand in hand — make this a better place for you and me and for the future of our kids and theirs.

This NEW MALAYSIA is in love with the country and passionate about its future. So “Be grateful” will not silence us and will not stop us from being vocal.

God speed, God bless — for the NEW MALAYSIA


3 Replies to “The new Malaysia”

  1. Yes, after 5th May, we saw a nation in morning. The dawn of a new Malaysia, should have coincided with a new tenant at Putrajaya. This was stolen from us. Nonetheless, the new Malaysia was very evident on 8th May 2013 in Kelana Jaya stadium. You have to be there to know and feel the new spirit of Malaysia.

    Now, how do we get the proper GE 13 results out? This will surely test the spirit of new Malaysia.
    To right the injustice.

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