Triumphant BN seen losing popular vote

May 06, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 — Barisan Nasional may have lost the popular vote in Election 2013, despite being returned to power with 133 seats from the 222-seat Parliament.

With all results in, BN polled 5.220 million votes to Pakatan Rakyat’s 5.489 million, for a deficit of 269,130 votes based on calculations by The Malaysian Insider. The Election Commission has yet to release the official results.

This was proportionally down from the 4.082 million votes the coalition polled in Election 2008, against the 3.796 million that the parties of PKR, DAP, and PAS collected then.

The last time an Umno-led coalition lost the popular vote was in 1969, then contested by BN’s predecessor, the Alliance Party.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s BN survived a hard-fought polls battle in face of “Chinese tsunami” yesterday, but rival Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has vowed to fight the result following allegations of widespread fraud.

The BN chairman admitted it had not expected the wholesale abandonment by the Chinese community, which he blamed on the Pakatan Rakyat’s alleged play on racial sentiments to woo support from the country’s second largest ethnic group.

“I think they were taken in by some of the undertakings given by the opposition… and that’s why there was that swing…. and a lot of sentiments there, some of them racial in nature, that were being played up in this election, which is not very healthy for this country,” he told a 1am press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) today, shortly after a simple majority victory cemented BN’s place in Putrajaya.

“I expected it but I did not expect it to this extent. None of us expected it to this extent. But despite the extent of the swing against us, BN did not fall,” he added.

At a separate press conference, PR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the pact rejected the results of the poll, pointing to unanswered allegations on electoral fraud.

“As of now, we are not accepting the results… until the EC (Election Commission) responds and issues an official statement to the allegations of irregularities and fraud,” he told reporters.

Najib urged Malaysians and leaders in the federal opposition to accept tonight’s results “with an open heart”, and warned against any street demonstrations to protest the outcome.

He said BN will establish a mechanism to look into all the promises it made during campaigning to ensure that these will be implemented in full.

“One of the things we will do is the process of national reconciliation,” he said, noting the trend in Chinese support for the opposition.

“Overall, the decision made by the rakyat shows a certain trend in votes that worries the government because if it is not handled well, it could create tension and conflicts in our country,” he said.


39 Replies to “Triumphant BN seen losing popular vote”

  1. Najib, It was corruption and vote buying (esp in Penang) that made the Chinese angry and vote for PR. When I transported my relatives to a polling station yesterday, everybody in the car said if BN continued its corrupt way, then our younger generations would have no future – that confirmed what Lim Guan Eng said shortly before the election.

  2. PLS BE CAUTIOUS of the polling result! Don’t TRAPPED BY polling result!!!
    It is a DIVISIVE STRATEGY to break apart DAP, PKR and PAS!!! A DIVISIVE STRATEGY to ISOLATE Chinese from Malays, India and other races.
    • A RESULT lets DAP the big winner but made PAS and PKR lose badly!
    • MANY of the seats lead initially but turned out “lose” eventually. A RESULT anyhow???.
    • A RESULT “TO TELL” PAS and PKR, Malays don’t like cooperation beyond races
    • A RESULT “TO TELL” other races that only Chinese wish to UBAH. AND this is not welcome by other races! Made all the voters who vote for UBAH felt uneasy with the RESULT.
    • A RESULT that DAP will be proud and EGO with, while PAS and PKR will be dissatisfy with the achievement of seats, then PAKATAN will be dissolved by itself!!!
    “The speed of counting ballots” is uncommon and Everyone PLS BE WISE. We need to be wise now!!!

  3. Blame it on ball-less MCA and arrogant UMNO. They are the one who triggered the Chinese exodus. They think that to show MCA is brave, UMNO let them shout a bit on hudud.

    It is the corruption and arrogance, stupid.

  4. Here is the problem. The Malays rejected extremist in their party and yet at the same time they resisted PR call for change.

    The most worrying is that Najib first instinct is call for reconcilation by rejecting extremism? The problem is what is he talking about? If he twist the fact of Chinese tsunami about rejecting Malay right, then there is no progress. ITS ABOUT CORRUPTION FIRST AND FOREMOST.

    Its not so much the Malay did not reject corruption, its really more they want leadership, a lot of it. Those that bought into BR1M and the handouts, its because they are saying its not their problem..

    So the issue is, will Najib reject CORRUPTION as the number 1 extremism that has to go?

  5. The issue going forward for BOTH PR AND BN IS LEADERSHIP…PAS losses and gains can be attributed simply to leadership, both DAP and PR faces leadership transition issue..

    Najib and UMNO/BN is caught between a rock and hard place. It really has only one choice – either to reject or continue on with corruption. It has spread corruption to the masses and won and lost because of it. It lost on extremism. How do UMNO/BN reject or accept what has made it lost and win at the same time?

    If PR can successfully regenerate itself, it still has a chance if UMNO/BN don’t reject corruption..If PR don’t regenerate, UMNO/BN may not have to reject corruption.

    The most urgent is PAS top leadership transition. DAP also need to with certain retirement of Sdr. Lim, Karpal and several other stalwarts in the next round.. For PKR, the question of post-Anwar cannot be avoided and in fact clearly the ideal is for Nurul Izzah to take over which has is pros in the long runs but cons in the short..

  6. Party/ seats contested/ win/ %/# of votes/% of total votes

    巫統 119 88 39.64 3163274 28.75
    馬華 37 7 3.15 882396 8.02
    國大黨 10 4 1.8 201021 1.83
    民政黨 11 1 0.45 210773 1.92
    進步黨 1 0 0 7530 0.07
    土保黨 14 14 6.31 232390 2.11
    人聯黨 7 1 0.45 133603 1.21
    砂人民黨 6 6 2.7 59540 0.54
    民進黨 4 4 1.8 55505 0.5
    團結黨 5 4 1.8 74959 0.68
    沙民統 4 3 1.35 65966 0.6
    自民黨 1 0 0 13138 0.12
    人民團結黨 1 1 0.45 9467 0.09
    國陣之友 1 0 0 38070 0.35
    國陣(總和) 221 133 59.91 5147632 46.78
    伊黨 73 20 9.01 1613638 14.67
    公正黨 99 28 12.61 2118661 19.26
    行動黨 51 38 17.12 1754106 15.94
    民聯(總和) 223 86 38.74 5486405 49.86

    The above table shows that UMNO received 3.16 million votes and obtains 88 seats. PKR and PAS received 3.73 million votes and obtain 48 seats. BN received 5.15 million votes compared to 5.48 milliion received by Pakatan Rakyat. The results is worse than electoral college system in the USA.

  7. ///“I think they were taken in by some of the undertakings given by the opposition… and that’s why there was that swing…. and a lot of sentiments there, some of them racial in nature, that were being played up in this election, which is not very healthy for this country,” he told a 1am press conference at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) today, shortly after a simple majority victory cemented BN’s place in Putrajaya.///–the author

    Chinese are certainly against racism practised by UMNO and they show it now rather than follow others migrating. Najib should know that the different treatment of people based on race should stop. Some Indians were conned, else BN has fallen.

  8. In spite of losing popular vote BN retains power in part because of its grip over rural weightage (both East & West Malaysia) where owing perhaps to relatively lower educational level, appeals to parochial considerations of race/religion, “gua tolong lu, Lu tolong gua” and throwing of largesse/money take precedence over governance issues that city folks hold important. The GE 13 results show Malaysians maturing (see the way Perkasa’s no. 1 & 2 were rejected as the case of PAS & its theocratic theme) but still not there yet to change the system. Besides the 6-1 rural weightage (which the constitution sanctions) is based on situation 30/40 years ago where Malay majority Malaysians were distributed mainly in rural areas, no more true today with the rural-urban shift. Overall BN did worse than 2008, and warlords have ammunition to go against the numero ono of UMNO. Anwar can’t push the electoral fraud issue too much without having to explain why DAP performed that well.

  9. Despite PR winning d NUMBER of POPULAR VOTES,
    UmnoB/BN won d majority of federal n state seats; in fact, UmnoB alone enuf 2 just wallop PR

    UmnoB expert of GERRYMANDERING, excellent at manipulating d electoral system in order 2 hang on 2 power through smaller number of poorly informed voters in small-number constituencies

    Expect more GERRYMANDERING
    Sad 4 rakyat, d 3 so-called pillars of democratic administration (legislative, judiciary n public administration) in M’sia will be sodomised by UmnoB again

    MCA, Gerakan, MIC again will lick UmnoB’s bolls harder n must always say “Yes, MASTER” louder

    What 2 do next? PR must reflect their modus operandi n do a really great job in Penang, Selangor, n Kelantan

    Mayb more PR supporters must move 2 houses (addresses) located in small-number constituencies where PR lost marginally

  10. WHY it took sooooo long 2 announce GE13 results last night?
    How were postal votes accounted for?
    Were postal votes being redistributed last nite 2 certain constituencies 2 ensure marginal victory of UmnoB/BN candidates?

  11. Congrats to Kit. Without meaning to take credit away from LKS, we also have to thank Mahathir for his back-handed way of driving voters away from his Trojan Horse and into the DAP. Keep sprouting lies and nonsense Mahathir, and you will do LKS a big favour.

  12. How could you fight with the world most corrupted regime? They poured out millions of tax payers’ monies to bribe and buy votes!!!

    Chua SOLD DAD, you can come out of closet to ask for Cabinet positions from your sucky Master UMNO. Likwise, you can self-proclaim Mother Cums A$$ party victory for your credibilty

  13. It was obvious that Malaysians were robbed of its aspiration for a clean and fair government by the Election Commission’s tainted electoral roll and rampant irregularities on 5 May, before you thrash UMNO, you must thrash the EC first. I strongly recommend those who qualified and not yet registered as voter to do so immediately, and for those who resided outside their home state should change their address if they find it difficult to travel to exercise their voting rights, where you work and settle down should be priority. The game is not over yet.

  14. Let the loss of Kedah be a wake up call to PAS. Concentrate on governing the State like Penang and stop harping and concentrating on trivial islamic issues.

    PAS lost in Kedah because the Chinese are fed up!

  15. One thing for sure folks. Five more yrs of monkey business and horsing around by the umno idiots. That we can expect. That is still alright, really. What is not ok is when jib goes back to work, he would surely find that the country has no more money. 500billion in debt and countless billions siphoned away and billions more used / spent during GE13 to buy votes etc.

    We better brace ourselves for a greece-like financial/banking crisis that could hit in a year or two.

  16. Just right after GE13, Najib starts his racist comment about the election result, fails to see the reason behind the swing. Still harp on racial ground. He’s not fit to be PM.
    I do not believe seeking JUSTICE and EQUALITY is just Chinese’s aspiration. Malays are also the righteous lots. A good PM must understand people’s aspiration. He does not see event based on racial ground!

  17. #5 posting:
    “The above table shows that UMNO received 3.16 million votes and obtains 88 seats. PKR and PAS received 3.73 million votes and obtain 48 seats. ”

    This is what BN calls fair representation-lah.

    Malaysia still BOLEH.

    So expect the economy, education, government spending to still go haywire-lah.

    If and when Mooyidin becomes PM, Malaysia will zoom further south towards the Antartica wastelands.

  18. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    We all thought Pak Lah was the worst BN PM when he performed badly in 2008. In 2013, Najib did worse by getting less Parliament seats (133) but also failed to get 2/3 majority. His party even got less popular votes than PR by percentage. How can Najib be said to have done well?

    Biggest loser is Muhyiddin as he’s unlikely to challenge Najib and become UMNO president. Poor fellow.

    Our electoral constituencies are all in favour of BN. The rural seats carry very much less voters and it is possible to win a majority in Parliament seats with just 15% from them.

    How can Sarawak (31) and Sabah (25), the ‘fixed deposit states’, have more Parliament seats than e.g. Selangor (25) when Selangor has more voters?

    Again we end up with the two East Malaysian states contributing about 37% of BN MPs.

    In the Peninsular, the BN has slightly more MPs but less popular votes.

    Anyways, a friend commented this morning: “Why is it that (generally speaking) only the Chinese can see through Najib’s fraud and pretenses and do what is right”?

    So have will have another 5 years of Najib’s bull-syit and many more alphabet soups and we will get maybe more RM1,200 BR1M, BB1M and what have yous.

  19. When you have an incompetent fool like Azizan running Kedah, you knew in the back of your heads the state will most certainly fall.

    The PAS state was very badly administered and disunited but central PAS still stuck with this dumb-dumb. It refused to see the reality and was not in touch with the ground. Too late, mullahs. Too late. All your strong men you parachuted there just dropped into the frying pan. Next time be more practical and realistic and not plain, utterly stupid.

  20. They were very concerned of losing for the first time and fielded their very best candidates and yet could not improve their previous results….let alone the help of the illegals with ICs and other advantages.

    The threat of violence by some ‘ leaders’, if they lose, is most shameful and disgraceful…..these show their gross insecurity and lack of principles.

  21. The DAP did well with its very effective and well organised ‘mega rallies’ but it was only restricted to specific localities and communities. Their tsunami failed to spread and break into the majority rural areas.

    Instead, it could even be said in the coming days that these mega-rallies put fear into the rural folks who rushed to UMNO / BN for protection from this racial (?) tsunami at the expense of PKR and PAS. The knife cut both ways.

    Why was it that Anwar’s mass mega ceramahs failed to make any headway? Why couldn’t he turn the rural folks to his side? Why couldn’t PKR and PAS make further inroads into BN territory after 5 years ? My guess is they didn’t engage the rural folks more personally and these folks certainly have a very much different mindset than the city-folks. Anwar never learn that local conditions count a lot and his ‘parachute’ candidates also don’t go down well with them.

    It is most certain than many senior PR politicians, including Anwar, will now have to go into retirement. There won’t be a next time for them.

  22. Firstly, the term “Chinese tsunami” is a racist term. The author should not just blindly quote what BN wants you to say. It was an “Urban Tsunami”. As is common with our reporters, they do not think through first before reporting. “Urban tsunami” is more apt. Without malay votes, do you think Uncle Lim can win a big majority in Gelang Patah.

    Secondly, Najib’s reasons for the overwhelming swing in Chinese votes is naive and a simple, shallow excuse for the swing. And, it is also a self denial excuse. Do you think the Chinese are so gullible to Pakatan’s promises and do you really think the Chinese are that stupid! You too promise us heaven and hell remember. And we can’t be more racist than you and your proxies.

    The reasons for the swing are aplenty but the critical ones are as follows:

    1. Corruption to the core and nothing can be done about it with an impotent MACC.

    2. Breakdown in the judiciary. BN gets away scott free with massive corruption where black can be talked into becoming white while the opposition are targeted for paltry sums with resulting deaths like Teoh and Ahmad Sarbani.

    3. The Chinese need to BEG and Cry for access to chinese education, a right that was guaranteed under the constitution. By the way, BN always promised to look into Chinese education in every election but never gets it resolved.

    4. MCA has always looked after their own personal self interest. Projects for the community were only undertaken if there is political and financial mileage. Chua Soi Lek seems to imply that there will now be no chinese representation in the govt as the price to pay for the swing. Mr Chua, whether MCA is there or not makes no difference. When the community was under racial attacks, MCA was silent. It is just an invisible party in BN!

    5. MCA is presided by a president with a proven sex scandal and voted in by its delegates. You are a party with no morality and integrity, a disgrace to the Chinese culture, and you want to lead the Chinese community? Like a thief telling another thief that stealing is a sin!

    The time has come for us to move to a truly multi-racial party and Pakatan offers that. The Chinese are not interested for the PM to be chinese. We respect the constitution and that is only a muslim can be the PM. We have no problems with that. Like Deng, the former Chinese premier once said, it does not matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat as long as the cat catches rats, it is a good cat.

    What we want is a fair and just system of governance that offers opportunities to people of all races. In this increasingly borderless world, it is no longer a situation of Malay versus Chinese and Chinese versus Indians and Indians versus Malay. It is now Malaysians, i.e. Malays, Chinese, Indians versus the rest of the world.

    But, it is sad that after 50 over years of merdeka, we still talk about race and worst of all, people like Mahathir makes a meal out of it just to save his legacy. The Chinese voted for the future of our next generation and for a better Malaysia. We tried but failed but at least we can tell our next generation that we tried and there were many who did not take the money to betray the next generation!

  23. The DAP did well with its very effective and well organised ‘mega rallies’ but it was only restricted to specific localities and communities. Their tsunami failed to spread and break into the majority rural areas where conditions are very, very different.

    Instead, it could even be said in the coming days that these mega-rallies had negative effects as they put fear into the rural folks who rushed to UMNO / BN for protection from this racial (?) tsunami at the expense of PKR and PAS. The knife cut both ways.

    Why was it that Anwar’s ma.s mega ceramahs failed to make any headway? Why couldn’t he turn the rural folks to his side? Why couldn’t PKR and PAS make further inroads into BN territory after 5 years ?

    My guess is they didn’t engage the rural folks more personally and locally. These folks certainly have a very much different mindset than the city-folks. On this, UMNO has a much better and efficient ‘distribution and engagement network system’ built up over 60 years.

    Anwar never did learn that local conditions count a lot and his ‘parachute’ candidates also did not go down well with these local folks.

    It is now most almost certain that many senior PR politicians, including Anwar, will now have to go into retirement. There won’t be a next time for them. No. You can’t challenge nature.

  24. Corrupt? Is not the giver as corrupt as the taker? What is the role of the Chinese community in contributing to
    corruption ? I am sure I won’t earn the ire of my Chinese brothers and sisters in asking this, because they will understand what I am saying.

    Thinking as one nation, let me say we deserve the government we put in power. I hope the Sabahans and Sarawakians get their fair share of power for propping up UMNO.

    As for the Indians, get ready for the return of racial slurs and insults for the next five years. This is the way it has always been. We give our nambikei and get only tembikai in return.

    Still, congratulations, BN! Malaysia has spoken.

  25. Moo Hee Din has to make his move now. He can’t wait for another 5 years. He will of course be the loyal deputy in public but privately he will have Mamakthir do the dirty work for him to demand that Najib quit for doing worse than Badawi. The longer term plan has always been about Mukhriz.

  26. D results don’t lie

    UmnoB/BN continue 2 rule bcos they r propped up by MIS-INFORMED n UNINFORMED voters who remain simple n easily bribed n threatened rakyat

    PR r supported by INFORMED voters who love dis nation n WANT 2 change 4 d better

    Very unfortunately, although there r more of d latter group, their superior number is NOT translated in2 SEATS in d parliament

    D latter group voted 4 PR, not along RACIAL line as AhCheatKor tried 2 reason, but bcos of knowledge, informed choice

    YES, PAS must learn fr dis bitter experience 2 reinvent d party n party policies 4 d betterment of ALL M’sians – both BN n PR must remember, voters CAN GIVE, voters CAN TAKE AWAY too

    When voters NO LIKE a party in d coming 5 years, voters WILL discard d party n vote 4 another party
    VOTERS r BOSSES, we choose (through voting) our POLITICAL SERVANTS, no need 2 be scared 1

  27. We lost to Mr Gerry and Mr Meander, and also to Mr FIX ( Fantoms /Illegals / Xtra ballot boxes ). Indelible ink, that is a joke. So sad to lose this way. We fought very very hard, but the evil force against us was too strong. They cheated very hard too.

    To my fellow comrades who worked very hard, ” Thanks for the effort. We tried our best.”

    To my fellow Malaysians, please get ready for more taxes ( direct or indirect ), GSTs, 1CARE, toll hikes, etc etc etc. After all they spend a lot of our money during the campaign.

    As for Ah Cheap Gor, all the best to you. Bye bye Porn Star ( the only true sex video-ist ).

    God Bless Malaysia

  28. MCA has won 7 MPs and there were as many time or more of power failure during vote counting when MCA MPs fell behind in votes. After power failure, the miraculously gained momentum and won. The same patter was repeated over states and counting centres. Does TNB electric current has human thought?

  29. Infighting among PAS members in Kedah has cost them Kedah and a few MPs from Kedah. PKR and PAS together lost 15 federal seats. Had they retained them and had the power failure been controlled to power failure and no movement of humans doing the counting, PR would have been the new tenant at Putrajaya.

  30. ///’In the next round of elections within Umno, you will see some dissidents … asking for Najib to resign,’ says a party source.///–Malaysiakini

    The barber who cuts people’s hair will have his hair cut by others too. It was Najib who was waiting for AAB’s departure. Now it is he who is being awaited to leave.

  31. ///方天兴强调,首相纳吉有必要确保新内阁拥有华裔代表,以符合我国多元国情.///–Malaysiakini

    That is the most stupid request for Chinese to be appointed to the Cabinet when Chinese reject MCA as their representative to allow BN the excuse to claim that racial discriminating policies have Chinese support. I doubt whether we see another rich running dog getting involved in politic.

  32. This data stands out in facebook, it seems mathematics does not work in politic.

    Yr2008 election (popular votes Vs Parliament seats);

    BN popular votes 50.3% = 140 MP
    PR popular votes 46.8% = 82 MP

    Then, Yr2013 election (it reverses)

    PR popular votes 50.8% = 89 MP
    BN popular votes 47.3% = 133 MP

    This gerrymandering alone would tell how fair our election process is, not mentioning the Banglasia, undi pos….

  33. Najib claim he has the best democracy in the world. What democracy value does he holds? Wining by majority at all cost, including voting rights to foreigners?

    Penangites show Najib what democracy value is. Rakyat guarding the polls center for foreigner voters. Rakyat in Air Putih defend LGE from the 1 M’sia gangsters, protect the democracy process being sold to the dogs. Like LGE said “I will die standing rather than live begging”. That is the value of democracy.

    We can lose this election with pride, very proud of all voters, leaders of PR. Can BN win this election with pride, proud with the winning?

    LKS, on behalf of the future of my children, we thank you! and we standby by you.

  34. But then agian, Najib!, if you defined Democracy as Majority wins, you have lost!

    PR has 50.8% of votes and you have only 47.3% of votes. So, you see, even the simplest meaning of democracy would fail you. How can you proclaim ‘best democracy in the world’???

    The best you can claim is ‘win with BN’s pride’

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