Strongly condemn Chua Soi Lek’s ‘Two Race System’ and Najib’s ‘Chinese Tsunami’ statements as factually inaccurate, politically irresponsible and represents a great disservice to the almost 11 million voters who came out to participate in the 13th general election in record numbers

While Pakatan may not have achieved its goal of winning a majority of parliament seats to form the next government in Putrajaya, it cannot be denied that we have made significant strides as a coalition in this 13th General Election. It was a “Malaysian tsunami” and not a “Chinese tsunami” which increased Pakatan’s parliament seats from 82 in 2008 to 89 in 2013 and which increased Pakatan’s state seats from 197 in 2008 to 230 in 2013. The fact that Pakatan managed to increase its share of parliament and state seats is commendable given the hundreds of millions of Ringgit that were spent by the Barisan Nasional (BN) on free dinners and goodies and to print lies and falsehoods in the mainstream press in order to propagate a disgusting and morally reprehensible politics based on fear.

In many parts of the country, Pakatan won seats in areas that were previously considered as BN strongholds and took down many big BN guns in Malay majority areas.

In P36 Kuala Terengganu (89% Malay), PAS won this seat with an increased majority of 10785 votes compared to a majority of 2631 for the 2009 by-elections.

In P9 Alor Setar (61% Malay), PKR won this seat with a majority of 1873 and defeated former Minister of Housing and Local Government, Chor Chee Heung.

In P74 Lumut (51% Malay) which includes over 10,000 navy voters, PKR won this seat with a thumping majority of 8168 after narrowly losing this seat by 298 votes in 2008 and defeated former Minister of Transport, Kong Cho Ha.

In P113 Sepang (57% Malay), PAS won this seat with a majority of 1104 after losing this seat with 4849 votes in 2008 and defeated Selangor BN coordinator Mohd Zin bin Mohammed.

In P174 Penampang (66% Sabah Bumiputera), PKR won this seat with a thumping majority of 10216 votes after losing this seat by 3063 votes in 2008 and defeated former Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities.

In the state of Johor, the BN fortress was broken with Pakatan winning 5 parliament and 18 state seats. Pakatan could not have won these seats only with Chinese support.

For example PAS won the 54% Malay state seat of N21 Parit Yaani with a majority of 1188 after losing this seat by 3857 votes in 2008. PAS also won the 40% Malay state seat of N41 Puteri Wangsa with a majority of 3469 after losing this seat by 5721 votes in 2008.

In my own state seat of P162 Gelang Patah, my winning majority of 14762 could not have been achieved without a sizeable support from the Malay voters. In the polling stations under the Nusajaya state seat, for example, which is a 47% Malay state seat, I won almost 48% of the popular vote, an increase of 6% from the 2008 general elections.

Najib and Chua have also conveniently forgotten that in the state of Sabah, Pakatan won 12 state seats, up from just 1 in 2008. And 5 of these seats were Sabah Bumiputera / mixed seats: N4 Matunggong, N7 Kadamaian, N9 Tamparuli, N13 Inanam and N20 Moyog.

Pakatan Rakyat has campaigned based on a Politics of Hope during this 13th General Election in contrast to the dirty tactics employed by BN to continue their propagation of the Politics of Fear. I am confident that further analysis will show that there has been a noticeable shift in the support for Pakatan Rakyat across the country by voters from all races. And I am confident that the Barisan Nasional is at the end of its days as the federal government.


15 Replies to “Strongly condemn Chua Soi Lek’s ‘Two Race System’ and Najib’s ‘Chinese Tsunami’ statements as factually inaccurate, politically irresponsible and represents a great disservice to the almost 11 million voters who came out to participate in the 13th general election in record numbers”

  1. When things settle down and deeper analysis made, the evidence will show that Najib actually did very, very poorly e.g. losing very badly in Selangor where he is the BN head. He won less parliament seats too overall, less than sleeping beauty Pak lah. At least Pak Lah can now laugh he did not do that badly after all as he was asleep at times.

    Najib was awake but he just bungled along not knowing what to do but to give out money as his solution.

    Now it is payback time and he will have to dish out more money, even to the Chinese who deserted him, to keep his promises to all the many Chinese groups he met.

    We will have to see whether we run out of cash by year end or he will ask Bank Negara to print more notes.

  2. The hope for reform is not dead.. It was NOT a Chinese Tsunami
    BUT it was led by Chinese voters – that can’t be denied..This means that reform is going to be done only when the Malays want it, not anytime before.

    Here is the problem – the Chinese will not wait. Especially given really how far short the goal fell short. Even if every close race fell on PR side, PR would still be short. Only an economic catastrophe would be able to change the equation anytime soon. Otherwise, it will take long term slow urbanisation to change the reality – decades in the making..Then what if Pakatan fail to hold together or transition of leadership make more problems?

    Because of that, in the short to medium term, non-Malays will leave en masse, making it EVEN harder for pace of reform..

    This GE has been a Disaster for this country..It forever condemns something – Tunku and Onn Bin Jaffar vision is likely dead. Mahathir did not lose. ITS US that loses in the long run,. ALL OF US…

  3. Malaysians from now on will be walking on a slippery road, no “ubah”, malpractice as usual by BN and corrupt to the max.

    Soon cost of living will escalate with the implementation of GST and reduction of some subsidies especially on petrol and fuel.

    That’s when Rosmah will say the rural folks can “eat cakes” while she goes on her shopping spree!

    Looks like history repeats itself, the French way this time.

  4. The key to Pakatan forming the next government is to win over Sabah and Sarawak. Let us be a part of their development, which is better than BN’s throwing of money to people the way one feeds chicken in the coop. Then, they will trust us. I can’t see Pakatan doing better in Peninsular Malaysia.

    Congratulations to PAS, PKR, and DAP. Let us be a responsible opposition, and contribute to nation building this way. BN has fought well. Let us admit that, and shake hands – till GE14 of course.

    And RAHMAN prophecy has still not been proved untrue with PM’s swearing-in!

  5. The racial discriminating policies perpetrated by BN should by itself bring about Chinese Tsunami. It is corruption and mal-governance that make Malays coming out to vote with the Chinese with the hope to throwing BN out. Unfortunately 46 % of voters for BN has more say than 54% of voters who want BN out.

  6. I think BN just refuse to deal with the real problems head-on but instead try to find an easy way out by blaming the Chinese for their poor performance. If the BN subsequently engage in witch hunting to penalise those not supporting them, I believe an even bigger political tsunami will occur in the next GE. It may be strong enough this time to relegate the BN to the opposition.

  7. As LKS has elaborated and where the facts are there for all to analyse and conclude, how come C4 is the ONE ( think due to pea brain ) to say otherwise. Well, he is now laying some groundwork (amid sinister) to have the Chinese as the bogeyman for him to defend his position in Bumno later. One thing for sure, he has been proven manny a times a person of no-principle/ integrity, totally irresponsible, very hipocrate ONE. Also, this has been MaMak’s trademark to “use” Chinese whenever the time in need of Malays support to further one’s standing or interest within Bumno’s realm. C4 in tacit initial act going this angle to defend his position later in Bumno. Also, he’ll buy his way or offer tradeoffs to hold on power. Bodowi, was a victim of MaMak and also he felt “lucky” without his wildest dream he could be PM ever ! hence no compulsion to defend. Sure, the MaMak with his son as MB will sing a different tune and exploit the situation to the hilt. So pathetic for Bumno (the ruling party- by crooked means ?) to be at the whim and fancy of few rascals and thereby the Nation , Rakyat been played-out perpetually since MaMak’s regime days.
    Now that the pornst*r gambling stride has been ended, he turn nasty as before since his balo been Yam. He tried to play dumb also , as if his son is where he is on his ownself effort. Same, (these idiots treated the RAKYAT like fools) when he said he is not contesting because of,,,,,,when we know his son is there all along,,, FOOLS on these Rascals/Crooks instead !

  8. Matured Malaysian tsunami learned to dare to stand up & express the needs for change for relieving their suffering more so for those living in urban. Mortgaged their life to Proton car & paying for for life the unavoidable road tolls & study loan & what next the skyrocketing house price!!! Malaysians won in PRU 13 with multi-racial ceramah & great slogans Inikalilah, Ubah, & 1Malaysia. Harmony for all Malaysians if all have a good income to support themselves & their families & be treated fairy & have spiritual freedom. MCA performed worse because their leaders failed to serve the supporters. Whoever serve the people who voted them well will win the next election. Good work go to PR and BN need to learn. Next tsunami in PRU 14 can be in favor of BN if BN can help to reduce the burden of urban voters. Jobs getting hard to come by for urban dwellers, tolls surrounding the city, property boom to support speculators, high crime rate and high living costs are few simple reasons why urban voters wanted Ubah. Kelapasawit ada harga orang kampung taknak Ubah.

  9. Matured Malaysian tsunami learned to dare to stand up & express the needs for change for relieving their suffering more so for those living in urban. Mortgaged their life to Proton car & paying for for life the unavoidable road tolls & study loan & what next the skyrocketing house price!!! Malaysians won in PRU 13 with multi-racial ceramah & great slogans Inikalilah, Ubah, & 1Malaysia. Harmony for all Malaysians if all have a good income to support themselves & their families & be treated fairy & have spiritual freedom. MCA performed worse because their leaders failed to serve the supporters. Whoever serve the people who voted them well will win the next election. Good work go to PR and BN need to learn. Next tsunami in PRU 14 can be in favor of BN if BN can help to reduce the burden of urban voters. Jobs getting hard to come by for urban dwellers, tolls surrounding the city, property boom to support speculators, high crime rate and high living costs are few simple reasons why urban voters wanted Ubah. Kelapasawit ada harga orang kampung taknak Ubah.

  10. CSL thinks that he still has the last word; no sir, you are finished as a leader of the Community. Indeed you have had lost that role a long time ago. Just because you had asked MCA not to take part in the Gomen, we are going to beg you to stay? You haven’t got; have you? None of your MCA Ministers had in fact delivered not only to the Chinese Community, but to the nation! Don’t try to create further problem to the nation! Just resign and do what you loved best! I an sure no one will bother you after this.

  11. This party is coward facing Malay

    During election campaign, they threaten Malaysia Chinese in daily newspaper

    Even after election they still want threaten Malaysian Chinese in daily newspaper

    and they are coward facing Malay

  12. Why, they never say Kelantan Malay don’t support bn, that they no grateful? Kelantan under PAS more than 15 years !
    or that Selangor Malay support pkr, been ungrateful?
    Don’t insult the Chinese been misled by anyone !!

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