Satu lagi fitnah UMNO tentang 13 Mei untuk menaman rasa benci orang Melayu terhadap DAP; tetapi orang Melayu sudah bersedia untuk perubahan bersama Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU13.

DAP menjadi mangsa fitnah Berita Harian, akhbar harian kawalan UMNO, hari ini Rabu 24 April 2013 apabila ruangan Rencana di muka surat 25 yang ditulis oleh “Lanang” telah mendakwa, tanpa sebarang bukti, bahawa DAP adalah “parti perkauman yang memperalatkan hak sama rata”. Malah rencana itu menuduh “Masa kempen pilihan raya 10 Mei 1969, DAP ghairah mainkan isu perkauman. Hasilnya sengketa 13 Mei 1969”.

Satu lagi fitnah UMNO tentang 13 Mei untuk menaman rasa benci orang Melayu terhadap DAP; tetapi orang Melayu sudah bersedia untuk UBAH bersama Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU13. Semakin ramai orang Melayu sedar bahawa DAP bukan pencetus tragedi 13 Mei 1969.

Saya ingin jelaskan bahawa ini adalah pembohongan dan penipuan. Saya telah banyak kali jelaskan bahawa tuduhan itu tidak benar sama sekali kerana DAP tidak mencetuskan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969. Malah saya telah menuntut kepada kerajaan Malaysia supaya membuat siasatan terbuka dan pendedahan awam sepenuhnya tentang rusuhan kaum 13 Mei 1969 kerana masih banyak rahsia yang tidak didedahkan oleh pihak berkuasa. Tetapi sehingga sekarang tidak ada mana-mana pemimpin kerajaan BN yang berani berbuat demikian.

Kemudian, tulisan Lanang itu dalam Berita Harian mendakwa pula “DAP hanya benarkan PAS dan PKR bergasak sesama sendiri di tujuh kawasan. Yang untungnya DAP kerana berjaya melihat Melayu pecah” dan “Akhirnya yang rugi adalah Melayu. Yang berkuasa dan memencilkan kuasa Melayu adalah pihak lain. Kita dapat tulang, depa dapat isi.”
Continue reading “Satu lagi fitnah UMNO tentang 13 Mei untuk menaman rasa benci orang Melayu terhadap DAP; tetapi orang Melayu sudah bersedia untuk perubahan bersama Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU13.”

Zaid Ibrahim accepts invitation to be Pakatan Rakyat adviser for Battle of Johor which is critical for PR to win Battle of Malaysia to replace Barisan Nasional in Putrajaya

I want to thank Datuk Zaid Ibrahim for speaking in support of my parliamentary candidature at the Pakatan Rakyat ceramah in Taman Nusantara, Gelang Patah last night.

The Battle of Gelang Patah is a microcosm of the battle for the hearts and minds of Malaysian voters in the 13GE and a prelude to the Battle of Johor and Battle of Malaysia in the 13GE.

I call on the caretaker Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to lead a campaign throughout the country and all the states of Malaysia which is clean, fair and honest, not marred by the politics of money.

I can speak on behalf of Pakatan Rakyat that this the type of general elections Malaysians want and should have in the 13GE. It is not too late for Najib to send our a message loud and clear to let the 13GE the “most clean, free and fair” instead of being the most dirty, unfree and unfair in the nation’s 56-year history.

Since the ending of the four-year wait by Malaysians for the 13th national polls on April 3, there is a new hope and a new expectation in the air for all Malaysians, regardless of whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans of a new political order – as summed up in the powerful catchphrase first coined in Sabah: “Ini Kali Lah!”

The historic objective of Pakatan Rakyat in the 13GE is to effect a peaceful and democratic change of government in Putrajaya – and this is why the PAS Vice President Sallehuddin Ayub and I have left comparatively safe seats in Perak and Kelantan respectively, together with Gen (rtd) Tan Sri Hashim of PKR, to return to Johore to lead the charge in the state to trigger a political tsunami emanating from the south reaching upwards to the north of the country, and to cross the South China Sea to Sabah and Sarawak to complete the partial political tsunami in the 2008 GE. Continue reading “Zaid Ibrahim accepts invitation to be Pakatan Rakyat adviser for Battle of Johor which is critical for PR to win Battle of Malaysia to replace Barisan Nasional in Putrajaya”

11Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day – I never accuse Ghani Othman as a “racist” , I believe he is not a “racist” and I invite Ghani to join me in making Battle of Gelang Patah and the Battle of Johor a clean, fair and gentlemanly contest of ideas and visions with no playing race or religion cards or money politics

Johor Mentri Besar, Johor Barisan Nasional Chairman and BN candidate for Gelang Patah, Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman is reported in the media of expressing his disappointment that I had accused him of playing the race card.

He said I should not get “desperate” and insinuate that he is racist just to gain support from the Chinese voters who made up the majority of constituents in Gelang Patah.

He told New Straits Times: “I believe that he (Lim) is getting desperate. Everyone knows that I am not racist, and that is why I think he is trying to paint a picture of me being one”.

I do not know where Ghani got this report, just as I am equally mystified where Ghani got the report that I had said that if I win in Gelang Patah, PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang will become the Prime Minister.

I had never said that Ghani is a racist. I do not believe Ghani is a racist. This is what I said about Ghani two days ago:
Continue reading “11Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day – I never accuse Ghani Othman as a “racist” , I believe he is not a “racist” and I invite Ghani to join me in making Battle of Gelang Patah and the Battle of Johor a clean, fair and gentlemanly contest of ideas and visions with no playing race or religion cards or money politics”

Buying support – Najib’s ‘commercialisation’ of GE13

by Bridget Welsh
9:58AM Apr 23, 2013

GE13 SPECIAL The billion ringgit question of this campaign is how much is being spent in the 2013 general election campaign and who is paying for it?

Throughout the country, voters are already reporting early efforts to woo the electorate such as special grocery vouchers of RM300 in Sandakan and handouts of RM50 to attend a Umno meeting in Tanjong Malim, among many others.

The promise of more goodies on the way is being repeated over and over, from the symbolic extension and increase of BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) to more general ‘assistance’. Continue reading “Buying support – Najib’s ‘commercialisation’ of GE13”

Zul’s shallow apology

by Kunjuraman Karuppan
The Malaysian Insider
April 22, 2013

APRIL 22 — Does Datuk Zulkifli Noordin think his shallow apology to the Indians helps his cause in Shah Alam?

Does the Perkasa vice-president standing on a Barisan Nasional (BN) ticket think he can blame the Pakatan Rakyat for his congenital racism?

How does he imagine all this will help him go against Khalid Samad in Shah Alam and win “101 per cent” in the May 5 general election?

Khalid was the one MP who stood side by side with the Indian community after the cow-head protest in Shah Alam even when it was not the politically smart thing to do. Continue reading “Zul’s shallow apology”