6 Replies to “Why Malay voters need to support Kit Siang (1)”

  1. move forward beyond Kit , beyond old generation
    do not vote older age , from both side of the coin they carried too much baggages . Start with Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa concept , rukun negara , 1School , let see if Kit can denounce

  2. Zaid point is real but it can be simpler put. THERE IS NO FUTURE WITH THE HATE-DRIVEN DIVIDE & RULE POLITICS propagated by Mahathir and his kind. The promises of Mahathir and his KIND IS A FANTASY and will never be achieved – it was known from the start, it was covered up with riches this blessed country gave for a while, but now reality has come back to haunt us.

    Malays should vote of LKS BECAUSE THEY NEED HIM, not because they have fantasies that ONLY Mahathir and his cronies can enjoy with their politics.

  3. LKS is one who will not hesitate to speak-up or raise issues on problems facing the people of a plural society like Malaysia. Sometimes, his views do not go down well with certain ethnic group (depending on the issue ), and his political foes jump at such opportunities to twist them into racial issues. Fortunately, with the invent of and the use of internet, people from the various races see LKS in a different light. They appreciate his ‘bluntness’ They know that in a multiracial country, no good leader can say only what is pleasing to one group of people, otherwise he cannot be a good leader.

    Abdul Ghani is the opposite of LKS. Although mild-mannered and never known to make racist remarks like many other politicians in his party, Ghani will keep quiet on issues that may put his popularity at stake, preferring to ‘play safe’. Also, Ghani is part of the unreformed or yet-to-reform UNMO B system. UNMO B/BN leaders have so many issues against them, but thus far, we hear nothing from our care-taker Menteri Besar.

    In conclusion, my vote goes to LKS. He can better represent us; be our voice in parliament.

  4. Dear chengho

    Do you know that it’s a pain to read your comments?

    I have been keeping silent about your spewing of garbage but my tolerance has its limit.

    What’s wrong with learning Mandarin? Only Chinese vernicular schools could produce proper Mandarin speaking students, are you aware of that?

    Those students taking Mandarin as a subject in Kebangsaan Schools always failed to have a proper command of Mandarin, why? It’s the environment. In Chinese schools, most students converse in Mandarin and from there, it becomes normal to speak the language. Can 1school produce Mandarin speaking students? Do we need to try it in 1school to prove a point?

    In the not too distant future, China may overtake USA as the top world economy. Hence, Mandarin for Malaysians will be handy and a necessity.

    Hence, don’t you think keeping and promoting the Chinese vernicular schools is for the benefits of all Malaysians.

    In time, the Africans will be able to speak Mandarin. Do I need to tell you why?

  5. chengho :
    move forward beyond Kit , beyond old generation
    do not vote older age , from both side of the coin they carried too much baggages . Start with Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa concept , rukun negara , 1School , let see if Kit can denounce

    Yes, 1School – in English for all. No more vernacular schools like Chinese or Malay.

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