The Fight Of 505

By Allan CF Goh

This epic date is about right
Fighting against bedeviled might.
It is the fight of the life’s light,
Against dark shadows of the night.
It’s the fight of the good Rama,
Against the evil Ravana.
Reject evil as our karma,
And defend the worthwhile dharma.

This day we oppose racism,
And all acts of extremism,
That divide fraternalism.
Poll for real nationalism.
Come this General Election,
Eliminate the corruptions,
And all their soulless corrosion,
That breed foul discrimination.

Citizens, let’s vote for justice,
In the governmental lattice,
For good and positive practice,
Free of any racial malice.
Let’s change, and vote for decency,
With folks’ rights in ascendancy.
Let’s vote for true democracy,
With people’s voice in primacy,

To ensure our children’s future,
We need unbiased social structure,
And education with good feature;
Different from today’s caricature.
Vote for men of perspicuity,
And people of morality.
This day we choose equality,
Or foul racist depravity.


5 Replies to “The Fight Of 505”

  1. Sdr.LKS warned that return of Mahathir will mean that Ibrahim Ali or Zukiflee Nordin could become PM..

    The main point really is THERE IS NO COMPROMISE OF ELIMINATING PERKASA TYPES FROM POWER. They cannot be allowed to BE NEAR power and now is the best chance in decades of riddin them. Tunku knew from the start the danger and tried his best but failed.. One of them already took power once and look at the trail of wreckage he has left behind. THIS COUNTRY WILL NOT SURVIVE WITH ANOTHER likely even worst one than the first.


  2. the English teacher in me is crying out to edit the poem for grammar and syntax:

    This epic date is about right
    Fighting against bedeviled might.
    It is the fight of life’s light,
    Against the dark shadows of the night.
    It’s the fight of the good Rama,
    Against the evil Ravana.
    Reject evil as our karma,
    And defend the worthy dharma.

    This day we oppose racism,
    And all acts of extremism,
    That divide fraternalism.
    Poll for real nationalism.
    Come this General Election,
    Eliminate the corruption,
    And all the soulless corrosion,
    That breeds foul discrimination.

    Citizens, let’s vote for justice,
    In the governmental lattice,
    For good and positive practice,
    Free of any racial malice.
    Let’s change, and vote for decency,
    With folks’ rights in the ascendancy.
    Let’s vote for true democracy,
    With people’s voices in primacy,

    To ensure our children’s futures,
    We need unbiased social structures,
    And education with good features;
    Different from today’s caricatures.
    Vote for those with perspicuity,
    And Malaysians of morality.
    On this day we can choose equality,
    Or foul, racist depravity.

  3. ///Najib: Zul Noordin will take care of Indians’ welfare
    Ram Anand | 6:43PM Apr 22, 2013 | 29
    BREAKING NEWS ‘Indians have now warmed up to him. There are Indians who have even kissed him already,’ says Najib of the Perkasa candidate for Shah Alam.///–Malaysiakini

    Zul Noordin had just apologized to Indians before he was assigned to look after the interest of Indians. Looks like Indians will again be insulted if more BN MPs will look after them.

    Zul Noordin now look after Indians, and Hindraf claims to look after Indians too. Zul Noordin is from Perkasa, are Perkasa and Hindraf partners?

    Najib had promised Hindraf to help Indians, and now he said Zul Noordin will look after Indians, does it mean that Zul Noordin will get approval from Ibrahim Ali to clear it with his patron Mamakthir.

    Is Najib telling Indians that they should ask the Suqiu group how they were treated after saving Mamakthir in the 1999 election?

  4. Here is a question. IF Malay nationalism is the issue in Johor, why has not PR made a bigger issue of electoral fraud in Selangor and problems in Sabah?

    Johor development brings so many foreign construction workers – the Malays must not be comfortable with their huge influx and high crime rate.. Why has not a bigger issue being played about them getting ICs and taking over like in Selangor?

    1. Hi Joe,

      I am not expert in politics but would like to share my view with you.

      Malay Nationalism is also for advancement, progress, but not for a corrupt government or ruler. PR’s manifesto will fit into the needs and wants of Malay Nationalism if it is the main issue, but I think the issue for Malay voters is more on logistic.

      Regardless of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadasan, Iban ect, those live in urban areas with internet access for correct and current political news are mostly for reformasi, ubah or negara kebajikan.

      For bigger states like Perak, Pahang and Johor, the remaining 13 days are crucial in bringing PR’s messages to the rural folks without internet access or haven’t access the internet for correct information. People in these areas mainly read BumNo BeEnd controlled newspapers, or watching TV1/2/3.

      PR has been doing ground work in these areas, but the 15 days campaigning period will determine half of the final impact/result. Changing signs have been observed, but these people are rather conservative in expressing their thought. 50 years of Deep influence by BumNo BeEnd in these rather innocent/simple people is the core challenge of PR.

      It is tough for PR to access all these areas compare to BumNo BeEnd machinery. I will help in these areas if I could.

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