RoS move pushing DAP to ditch rocket logo, affect Chinese votes

By Jahabar Sadiq
The Malaysian Insider
April 18, 2013

KUALA LUMPUR, April 18 – The Registrar of Societies’ (RoS) decision not to recognise the DAP’s office bearers means one thing, no one can authorise its candidates to use the party’s recognisable Rocket logo and force them to run under allies PAS’s full moon or PKR’s eye logos.

This ruling is likely to affect DAP candidates’ chances in the 49 federal seats and slightly more than 100 state seats in the May 5 general elections as most of the contests are in Chinese-majority areas where the Rocket is popular but not the other logos.

“The RoS decisions means that no party officials is recognised as officials by the authorities. So, they can’t authorise the candidates to use party symbols,” a DAP official told The Malaysian Insider.

He said the party’s top officials are still discussing their options now although the Election Commission (EC) has said the Rocket logo can be used.

“We have to see the implications of this decision,” he added.

The party’s Rocket logo (picture) was ubiquitous in Election 2008, where it contested in 149 constituencies, including 47 parliamentary seats and won 28 parliamentary seats and 63 state seats.

Nineteen of the state seats was in Penang, where it formed the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government with PKR and PAS. The three parties have yet to formalise the pact and are using their respective logos in the coming polls.

EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar however believed that the DAP can still use the Rocket logo.

“Can use their logo because the problem with RoS is not a problem of deregistering the party. The only problem is that RoS did not recognise the CEC,” he told The Malaysian Insider over the phone.

“So the DAP leadership needs to meet with RoS whether today or tomorrow to resolve this problem and get an explanation as to which CEC list the RoS recognises,” he added.

An immediate beneficiary of the RoS move just two days before nomination day is Barisan Nasional’s (BN) component party MCA, which has felt the growing influence of DAP since Election 2008.

The Chinese party has “loaned” three federal seats to Umno as shrinking support from the community is seen as a risk to the ruling coalition in the May 5 general elections.

“MCA will go to town and say the Chinese vote is under threat from Islamic rule as DAP has kow-towed to PAS … if they can’t use the Rocket logo,” said a political analyst, who declined to be named.

“This will severely affect the DAP,” he added.

BN sources say that the coalition must at least win 25 per cent of the Chinese vote in Election 2013 or they could lose more seats than in Election 2008.

Most pundits believe BN can only muster 20 per cent of the Chinese votes in the coming polls. Some 13.3 million voters, including 5,200 abroad, are eligible to cast their ballots in the general elections.


23 Replies to “RoS move pushing DAP to ditch rocket logo, affect Chinese votes”

  1. From Project EC to Project ROS to MAKE UMNO-BN Win.

    Rakyat MUST RISE UP to end 56 years of UMNO-BN Sham.

    That is what you Get when You give UMNO-BN the power to grant license to everything. Everything will fall under their SHAM Rules and Regulation with Purpose of Ruling Forever.

    Now make sure every dot on the black on ballot paper near the BN- dacing logo is REJECTED by voters with the LOUDEST voice and Authority as that would render your vote for DAP, PKR, PAS as invalid or Void. This is Project EC….lots of planning going to the printers to make the dot near dacing as Valid for UMNO-BN!!

    Remember what happen to Gadaffi and Family & cronies?

  2. I believe to certain extent it will affect the voting trend if Rocket Logo is missing, but how much? Many people like me it will not affect any way, as I have accepted the moon since last GE and will continue so. Many Chinese have accepted the Moon so the use of Moon will not have too much impact on it. But on the other if symbol is the guide, the the Moon will also attract the Malays vote for those who just cast their vote based on symbol.

    May be this will be an advantage for LKS in the GP battle? Who know

  3. No matter how smart DAP thinks it is, it is ultimately outwitted n cek mated by MMK n UmnoB

    Nomination day 2molo, n NOT sure what 2 do – 2 b or not 2 b DAP, ha, what a sh!t hole 2 b squeezed in2

    Worse, whatever alternative moves DAP kakis intend 2 do 2molo, they may still b DISQUALIFIED based on some technical error

    No wonder MMK, UmnoB, MCA all smiling n know CAN WIN oredi, much thanks 2 fumbling DAP n obedient RoS

  4. No one knows how this going to effect the PR votes. Most chinese are informed voters anyway, i would take this very positively.

    I think using PAS logo for DAP candidates is rock. It has not much impact to chinese DAP supporters, but how much BN going to spin into scaremongering the malay sentiments against PAS is the problem. But i still think this is a error benefitted PR rather than BN. The bullying action of BN itself would cost them dearly.

  5. But then you don’t have choice… this is the only feasible plan, either win big or lose big… anyway it is ‘ini kali lah’.

    I would prefer DAp to take such bold step, `sai lang`!, history will be rewrite after DAP uses PAS logo.

    Even now, with chinese accepted PAs, mca already ta pau. If malay accepted DAP, umno will ta pau..

    1. 五月五 换政府,
      Come 5th of May, change the government,

      But BeEnd wants to assassinate the Rocket;

      借眼睛 借月亮,
      So Rocket is lending the moon and the eye,

      For the moon and eye to represent Rocket!

      眼睛 火箭 月亮 是一家!
      PKR DAP PAS is one family!

  6. D cheating saga is NOT over yet, just begins 2 unfold
    UmnoB has RoS, EC, n many other agencies at its command
    RoS has fired d first salvo, EC is waiting 2 pounce n TERMINATE DAP’s kakis’ nomination 2molo, whether under DAP, PKR or PAS ticket
    How can DAP trust EC? Biggest joke
    DAP kakis n voters r thinking NOW, it’s OK lah, DAP kakis can stand under PKR or PAS logo
    BUT who knows what surprises will jump out 2molo
    Don’t b surprised ALL DAP candidates kena DISQUALIFIED n TERMINATED 出师不利, 全军覆没, no chance even 2 talk abt 借眼睛 借月亮来取代火箭

  7. I think it the other way round. If DAP men are not allowed to contest using PAS PKR logos, the legality of GE13 can be challenge in court.

    I think this is going to be BumNo BeEnd’s biggest blunder so far. This will be one of the most counter productive strategy by Bijan.

    Huge opportunity behind huge crisis. Thanks to BumNo BeEnd, they are helping PR amplifying their wrongdoings, live into GE13.

    Voters will make no mistake, the bad guy is, and has always been BumNo BeEnd. PR’s underdog status could be reinforced, sympathy towards PR could be multiplied.

    Thanks to HisapMud. Now, DAP = PAS, PAS = DAP, DAP = PKR, PKR = DAP. In the end, PAS = DAP = PKR, truly Malaysian PR.

  8. I think DAP will garner more votes from the malays by using either PKR or PAS symbol. The Chinese are well informed voters .Any slippage from Chinese voters will be minimal in comparison to the increase votes for DAP from the malay voters. Blessing in disguise.

  9. AhCheatKor NO BoLL 2 openly debate with AI but will continue 2 abuse his care-taker power 2 command gomen agencies 2 cause d demise of DAP, while throwing rakyat’s $$$ 2 bribe any1 n every1 willing 2 b bribed

  10. It’s only your Secretary General (LGE)’s opinion that if your CEC’s office bearers including himself were not recognised by ROS, then he could not and has no power to issue authorisation letters in his official capacity as Secretary-General to DAP candidates to use the Rocket symbol. This is only his opinion. It does not necessarily represent the true position by constitution or law. So if by ROS non recognition of CEC, he is divested power as secretary general to issue authorisation – then, don’t issue lah! Does that necessarily mean that DAP candidates cannot proceed nonetheless with the “unauthorised” use of the Rocket symbol, without issuance of certificate by him? This whole business of authorisation is ordinarily an internal DAP Party procedure to prevent unauthorised use of the party’s symbol. Those who do so (without authorisation) will be subject to party discipline with their candidacy negated by the party if it so decides.

    1. The symbol for a candidate’s ballot paper is determined by the authorization letter issued by the secretary general, isn’t it?

      What symbol will appear on the candidate’s ballot paper if DAP doesn’t issue the authorization letter, or if ROS doesn’t recognize the authorization letter?

  11. However these are unusual and extra-ordinary times. The procedure that is put in only for protection of DAP’s logo against unauthorised usage by candidates not approved by CEC to contest under DAP. That which is intended for your party’s protection and safeguard can equally be waived and dispensed by you – its your prerogative- and its no business on the part of either ROS or EC to stop you. In fact to the contrary per report page 8 of The Star, both ROS’s DG and EC’s deputy chairman said that as long as DAP is not deregistered, its candidates can use the party’s Rocket insignia…These agencies cannot just make public statements like that with alacrity and later repudiate them. They are bound by their stand as expressed to the media, uncorrected as to any misreporting and upon them being relied are estopped by law from subsequently reversing their stand. You can therefore rely on these. It appears to me it is you that are making things difficult for your own self and sabotaging your own cause!

  12. Furthermore the argument that DAP candidates can use PKR or PAS’s logo/banner to contest (with authorisation from PKR’s and PAS’s respective central decision making authority) ignores the fact, that EVEN if respective PKR’s and PAS’s constitutions allow this – which I am not sure they do- the ROS /EC can (at will) argue/allege post election that the victories by DAP candidates under others banners/logos are void as they are procured from having confused successfully and misleading electorate esp PKR and PAS voters, thinking at the time of their casting of votes (that led to victory), that they are doing so in support of and for their respective parties’ candidates rather than the real fact that they are actually DAP’s candidates for whom the votes have been cast!

  13. Has ROS/EC ever stated any strict requirement that for the DAP Rocket to appear on the ballot paper (for DAP candidate fielded) the EC must have first prior received an authorization letter from DAP’s secretary general on behalf of DAP? Or is this merely a strict requirement from DAP’s side based on its own internal rules to protect use of its logo to its own benefit that the DAP, in extra ordinary circumstances, can itself waive and make an exception for this crucial GE13? Cos if ROS/EC otherwise say its a strict requirement they won’t be saying publicly in contradiction that its alright for DAP’s candidates to use the Rocket symbol when they also knew that ROS’s recognition of DAP’s CEC has already been withdrawn and could not give that authorisation..

  14. Jeffrey :
    Furthermore the argument that DAP candidates can use PKR or PAS’s logo/banner to contest (with authorisation from PKR’s and PAS’s respective central decision making authority) ignores the fact, that EVEN if respective PKR’s and PAS’s constitutions allow this – which I am not sure they do-

    That Ibrahim Ali of Mamakthir notoriety was not a PAS member but he stood on PAS ticket in the 2008 election. So PAS had done it in 2008, and it can do it again in 2013

    ///the ROS /EC can (at will) argue/allege post election that the victories by DAP candidates under others banners/logos are void as they are procured from having confused successfully and misleading electorate esp PKR and PAS voters, thinking at the time of their casting of votes (that led to victory), that they are doing so in support of and for their respective parties’ candidates rather than the real fact that they are actually DAP’s candidates for whom the votes have been cast!

    If independent candidate, people who is not a member of any political party is allowed to stand for election and the logo is just a picture used in place of the face of the candidate, it is not for the EC to decide why a person is elected. The EC has no right to question whether voters support the person or the logo.

  15. Symbols on ballot paper requires approval by EC based on authorization letter from the secretary general. If secretary general is not recognized by ROS, the authorization letter is null and void.

    This is a politically motivated trick by BumNo BeEnd. Do you really trust Bernana, ROos, ECc etc?
    Think of the impact if all DAP candidates bring LGE’s authorization letter and being rejected by EC.

  16. ///Think of the impact if all DAP candidates bring LGE’s authorization letter and being rejected by EC.///
    So can DAP now immediately ask EC to state in advance whether if all DAP candidates bring LGE’s authorization letter from LGE, it would accept or reject? Wouldn’t a rejection if it is the case contradict what EC said in Media that its OK still to use the Rocket?

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