Invitation to Ghani Othman to make Gelang Patah the model constituency of clean, free and fair elections in whole country in the 13GE which is expected to be dirtiest in election history in Malaysia

Firstly let me deplore and condemn in the strongest possible terms the uncivilised and inhuman two explosions at the Boston Marathon which have killed three persons and injured some 30 people in one of the world’s best known marathons.

The Boston Marathon was held on Patriot Day, the third Monday of April, since 1897 and attracted an estimated half-million spectators and some 20,000 participants.

Although the criminal incident happened far-way in Boston, the people of Gelang Patah, Johore and Malaysia, like all human beings throughout the world, are shocked and revolted by such inhumanity and utter disregard for human lives.

The world has become a global village and what happens in one part of the world attracts the concern and attention of people in other parts of the world, like the two explosions of the Boston Marathon.

The Boston Marathon explosions is particularly pertinent to Malaysians, facing the 13th General Elections, as Umno/Barisan Nasional leaders have been warning about chaos and bloodshed ala-Arab Spring.

Let all political leaders, whether BN or PR, stand as one to condemn the violence and inhumanity of the Boston Marathon as well as to reaffirm that what we want to witness in the 13GE is not the bloodshed and chaos of Arab Spring but the peaceful and democratic transition of power like the South Korean Spring in 1997 if the verdict of the 13.3 million voters on May 5 is for a change of government in Putrajaya, with Pakatan Rakyat replacing Barisan Nasional as the new Federal Government of Malaysia.

The four-term Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Ghani Othman is as good as the BN candidate for Gelang Patah with the MCA surrendering the MCA/BN fortress to UMNO.

If this is the case, I invite Ghani Othman to join me in making Gelang Patah the model constituency of clean, free and fair elections out of 222 parliamentary and 505 state assembly constituencies in the country in the 13GE as it is expected to be dirtiest in election history in Malaysia.

Already, the most unscrupulous and unprincipled “dirty tricks” have been used coupled with unspeakable lies and falsehoods that is spread anonymously.

I invite Ghani to join me in reaching an accord to make Gelang Patah the most gentlemanly contest where:

  • No personal attacks or character assassination, not only by the candidates, but their election teams and workers;
  • No playing the race or religion card, as the 13GE should be an occasion to promote and foster greater and closer race relations among the races to promote national unity, and not an occasion divide and polarise further the diverse races and religions in the country.
  • No politics of money or the use of money to buy votes, which is the root cause of the rampant corruption in Malaysia.
  • Commitment by both of us to condemn and dissociate ourselves from “dirty tricks” perpetrated in Gelang Patah, even by anonymous quarters.
  • Ghani and I should sign the Transparency International-Malaysia’s Election Integrity Pledge (EIP) with the establishment of a EIP Watchdog Commission in Gelang Patah constituted by Malaysians of impeccable character.

I await the response from Ghani

Media Conference Statement by Lim Kit Siang after walkabout at Taman Ungku Tun Aminah on Tuesday, 16th April 2013 at 9 am


21 Replies to “Invitation to Ghani Othman to make Gelang Patah the model constituency of clean, free and fair elections in whole country in the 13GE which is expected to be dirtiest in election history in Malaysia”

  1. Both contestants should uphold the highest standard and spirit of Sportsmanship and Moral Integrity in a political challenge! Hope YB Ghani Othman would agree.
    Malaysians from the Chinese community should not feel threatened by the impending death kneel of MCA as declared by its president, who has no moral integrity in preventing an honest or winnable GE candidate in the name of Mr Ong Tee Keat, the immediate past President! Many parents and youths might feel their sky is falling down on them in the tertiary educational opportunities if MAC becomes defunct. When MCA is wiped out after the GE it bestows upon its leaders and members to stay out of politics for four years and do a complete reformation and spring cleaning; and immerses in charitable and educational works to win back its credibility? Maybe MCA could be reformed and becomes a non-racial party that also serves not only the business elites.

    If only Mr Chua Soil Lek had stayed out of politics after being caught red-handed in a moral intransigence and immersed in charity instead of fighting for power and the presidency , MCA would not has come to this terminal stage and dilemma!

  2. Oh ghani would surely agree. And he would have no problem proclaiming his stand on free and fair election publicly, with a straight face of course. He might even exaggerate it like for e.g. he was NEVER involved in money politics etc etc. Needless to say, the next minute in an umno ceramah we would be distributing money left right and centre. Then again that is umno’s culture and practice and that does not count as corruption. In other words, DAP cannot do the same because it was never DAP’s culture and practice to do so.

    Nonetheless, its not a bad idea to get a public expression on the matter out of ghani, well for what it might be worth.

  3. Logically, it only make sense for Ghani to outsource the extremism while staying above it. His core value proposition is more simple MONEY..The racism and dirty work he can leave it to Mahathir and Ibrahim Ali..

    Ghani value proposition should be countered with the idea that Gelang Patah residents cannot be sure that UMNO/BN will be in Putrajaya for Ghani to ask for cheques for them…Where is Ghani going to get the money if BN is NOT in Putrajaya?

  4. Just referred to what Bumno-MaMak,Bodowi,now C4 did and does respectively during each general election, one can clearly discern the Sandiwara, Hoodwink, Falsehood these CROOKS put on, as smokescreen ( an election ploy ) to fool the (naive) Rakyat for support and votes again, again and again. Enough is Enough !
    NOW ! Must Change by voting ” A B U ” ! on May 5th. 2013.
    ( Pakatan MUST address the “naive” voters which Bumno has taken advantaged of comes each general election SERIOUSLY !!! Now is the BEST of all time again, PAKATAN must do it now, EFFECTIVELY !
    (no wishy-washy, half hearted manner !).
    “Pointer-maybe” a wrong is a wrong, one able to discern, even a “naive” Rakyat’s awareness can be raised in plain words. Whatsoever, it’ll be Pakatan’s folly to overcome and take up the challenge here.)
    ” A B U ” To Vote Pakatan !!! on 5th. May, 2013 !.

  5. If they can win hands down, they probably will abide by the rules. However, the contest at Gelang Patah is expected to be so intense that we can aptly call it the “Mother of all contests” and for sure they will use all the dirty tricks to secure a win for Ghani and hence end Kit Siang’s political ambition. I hope the voters in Gelang Patah would hold firm.

  6. how these 2 gentlemen conduct themselves in the polls could be a water-shed that heralds a new dawn for politics in Malaysia.

    No bullying tactics and ruffians but a cool discussion of the various issues.
    After all, we prefer BN to also do some duty as the loyal Opposition too.

  7. Johorean, u support Bn all this while, do you know your water tariff among the highest in Malaysia?, while selangor got 20 mtr3 free ! Penang among cheapest ! (even Penang is so small).
    Though Johor state water rsources is better than Selangor or Penang

  8. Johor state government went back on its word as promised in the IPO about giving consumers a stake in the water works.
    After the IPO, they acted to take the company private in 3 years and not a sen was paid in dividends.
    Wasn’t Ghani the one who promised that Johor Amanah Saham would reach good prices and after that the unit trust had to be bailed out?

  9. ohorean, Have you ever wonder why, 100 ringgit become less than SGD41, when you cross to S’pore? or
    why some Johorean need to send their primary n secondary children to study in S’pore? so inconvenient !
    Anything to do with support BN for far too long

  10. Johorean, Have you ever wonder why, 100 ringgit become less than SGD41, when you cross to S’pore? or
    why some Johorean need to send their primary n secondary children to study in S’pore? so inconvenient !
    Anything to do with support BN for far too long

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