22-Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day – Mahathir has another 24 hours to withdraw and apologise for his chauvinist blog on “Gelang Patah” making irresponsible and baseless attacks on me or face legal action for defamation for his lies and falsehoods

Tun Mahathir has another 24 hours to withdraw and apologise for his chauvinistic blog on “Gelang Patah” making irresponsible and baseless attacks on my reputation and character or face legal action for defamation for his lies and falsehoods.

Yesterday, I had challenged Mahathir to stop spewing more lies and falsehoods but to produce evidence to substantiate his baseless attacks on my reputation and character or he should retract and apologise for his lies and falsehoods against me in his blog on Thursday.

There has only been silence on Mahathir’s part and I am giving him another 24 hours to vindicate himself, produce proof to substantiate his allegations against me or behave as a responsible “elder statesman” and retract and apologise for his defamatory blog against me.

In his blog, Mahathir made the most chauvinistic, scurrilous and totally baseless attacks on me, accusing me of wanting to contesting Gelang Patah because

  1. I want the Chinese in Gelang Patah and Johor to “reject working together and sharing with the Malays”;

  2. urge the Chinese in Johor “to dislike and hate the Malays” to create “conflict and antagonism between the races”;

  3. create “an unhealthy racial confrontation” between the Malays and Chinese in Johor, which will be “disruptive and will not be conducive to the development of Malaysia”.

All these three allegations by Mahathir are downright lies and falsehoods, which I had never uttered in Gelang Patah and Johore since the announcement on March 18 that I would be contesting in Gelang Patah.

In fact, in my 47 years in politics, I had never been guilty of anyone of these three charges by Mahathir as it goes against the very grain of my political beliefs – that Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or geography must unite as one people to create a country which will be an international example and inspiration of the success story of the coming together of a plural society of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures to build an united, prosperous, competitive, just and free nation.

I have repeatedly said in Gelang Patah that I hope to win not just on Chinese votes alone, but on the votes of all the racial groups in the country i.e. the Chinese, Malay and Indian voter support, urging the Chinese, the Malays and the Indians in Gelang Patah to show to Barisan Nasional that they can unite under the banner of Pakatan Rakyat comprising the three parties of DAP, PAS and PKR to work for the common welfare of Malaysians and common good of the country – which is totally against the lies and falsehoods which Mahathir is so irresponsibly spewing in his blog against me.

There are attempts to make the 13GE the dirtiest general election in Malaysia history of 13 general elections in 56 years, with the deployment of the entire menu of novel and unprecedented dirty tricks and stratagems, targeting leaders of all three parties in the Pakatan Rakyat – DAP, PKR and PAS – to defame them and inflame public feelings and tension.

One such “dirty trick” is fabrication and dissemination of fake videos making malicious and vicious attacks on PR leaders, including synthetic sex videos. Another “dirty trick” is the character assassination of PR leaders accusing them of all sorts of political sins and crimes which are concocted in toto, without an iota of truth whatsoever.

One such dastardly and despicable deed was already at work in Gelang Patah, where inflammatory leaftlets, without revealing the identity of the printer or authofr, are surreptitiously distributed among Malay voters accusing me of being the “provocateur” of the of the May 13 riots in 1969.

This anonymous leaflet accused me of inciting racial hatred and tension in Kuala Lumpur on May 11, 12 and 13 of 1969, leading processions in the streets of KL making seditious anti-Malay and anti-Islam slogans which provoked the May 13 riots.

In actual fact, I had answered these irresponsible allegations, lies and falsehoods both in Parliament and outside, that I was never in Kuala Lumpur on May 11,12 and 13 of 1969 and I could not be guilty of all the terrible things they have alleged about me just before May 13, including the earlier allegation in the multi-million ringgit film “Tanda Putera” that I had urinated on the flagpole in front of the official residence of the then Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Harun Idris precipitating the May 13 riots.

These are all lies and falsehoods, which could easily be borne out by the police who would have full records in their archives on my movements on May 11, 12 and 13 of 1969.

If I have just done one-tenth of the terrible things the Umno propagandists and cybertroopers are accusing me of on May 11, 12 and 13 of 1969, causing the May 13 riots, this would have become an issue in the past 44 years and not suddenly discovered in the past four years to be used to attack my credibility and integrity.

What I find shocking is not only the perpetration of the dirtiest tricks in the run-up to the 13GE by the immoral and unethical mercenaries and scums in the political propaganda departments of UMNO and BN, but prominent UMNO/BN political leaders are themselves getting involved in such “dirty tricks”, disseminating lies and falsehoods without ethical or moral qualms.

This is what Mahathir had done with his blog on “Gelang Patah” making the most chauvinist and scurrilous attacks on me, accusing me of wanting to cause a racial confronation coming to Gelang Patah.

Let me ask Mahathir why he has become so desperate as to scrape the bottom of the barrel to come out with downright lies and falsehoods against me; why instead of restraining and stopping the political mercenaries and scums from resorting to the dirtiest tricks and stratagems to keep the 13GE as clean, free and fair as possible, he is polluting the campaign with his own lies and falsehoods.I expect an answer from Mahathir.


20 Replies to “22-Day Countdown to 13GE Polling Day – Mahathir has another 24 hours to withdraw and apologise for his chauvinist blog on “Gelang Patah” making irresponsible and baseless attacks on me or face legal action for defamation for his lies and falsehoods”

  1. Lies, slander,fabrication, excuses.. These are Mahathir’s core competency – the reason he got kicked out of UMNO by Tunku. Tunku kicked out Singapore out of Malaysia for the sake of the Malays only to be bitten in the back with lies by Mahathir of betraying the Malays. These are reasons why Mahathir is NOT MALAY..

    Mahathir’s politics is all over the place – go to India and Pakistan and see the messes they create. The mistake is OURs because of OUR generosity particularly the Malay generosity. If the Malays have been generous to the other races – they have been MANY MANY times more to Mahathir and his kind. If he non-Malays have been dangerous to the Malays, Mahathir and his kind have WRECKED the Malays – why Tunku, whose soul matches that of Gandhi, could not find it to forgive him on his deathbed.

    We know these people, they don’t stop until they are stopped. There is NO LOW they will not sink to. They only dig deeper went caught and cornered.

    Orang Melayu nak bayar untuk Mahathir dan anak-cucu-cicit nya sampai bila?

  2. He is just a mouth piece for the Extremist and Racist in position of power, trust and influence.

    For popularity, not power which he doesn’t have, this disgraceful person without basic principles and morals is prepared to say and do anything.

  3. Dear YB LKS,

    This is the right thing to do. Bring him to court if he doesn’t retract. He can’t go on spewing all kinds of trash and expect nobody will take any action.

    Also, please don’t bother inviting him for any debates – he will never show up. He never did when he was in power and the leopard is not going to change his spots anytime soon. He’d rather sulk in a corner and shoots his mouth off.

    24 hours – that’s all he needs to make a retraction. After that see him in court. All the very best.

  4. To win, it is about how to win vote

    Many of them not vote for PR knew their leaders are corrupted and acceded the corruption is common practice in the country. These ppl are unhappy with the PR slogan of bersihkan corruption. Something has to be done

  5. Truth is suing Mahathir is hopeless. What Mahahir has done to the judiciary here is the same set-up bad politicians in India and Pakistan got working for them.. Mahathir, as loose a cannon he may be, understand full well, just like his cousins in India and Pakistan, he has the set-up that he can always get away..

  6. Mahathir, apologise?

    It is easier for Sharizat to sit on the cow as it jumps over the moon.
    It is like asking Najib to raise Altantuya from the dead.
    It is like asking the Tausugs to apologise for Lahad Datu.

    Ask a demigod to apologise. You must be joking.

  7. Current UMNO is not the Malaysia 1st Prime Minister UMNO

    Current UMNO is Mama UMNO…UMNO BARU pretend to be UMNO to deceive Malaysian

    This Mama is an enemy of Malaysia 1st Prime Minister Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman

  8. Current UMNO is not the Malaysia 1st Prime Minister UMNO

    Current UMNO is Mamak UMNO…UMNO BARU pretend to be UMNO to deceive Malaysian

    This Mamak is an enemy of Malaysia 1st Prime Minister Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman

  9. hi all, with the numerous allegations made by Mahathir, i think he, like “pek moh” (taib mahmud) are worried that PR to take over putrajaya after the 13GE which could cause their dirty deeds in the past to be exposed and hence face the music!

  10. The problem with UMNO people is that they think they have the God-given right to govern the country for eternity and also the God-given right to enjoy the trappings of power with their sycophants. That is why they become so territorial whenever they feel that this God-given right is being challenged. This stubborn old man will never apologize.

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