Bishop Sebastian Francis: “Your vote should not only be secret but sacred as well!”

by Martin Jalleh



11 Replies to “Bishop Sebastian Francis: “Your vote should not only be secret but sacred as well!””

  1. You idiot chengho. Any level headed person with a conscience will NOT vote for BN. Only sick people like you prefer a corrupt regime.

    Hi Murphy Pakiam, why are you still asleep. Want to be a Tun Murphy?

  2. Removing UNMO B /BN has got noting to do with race or religion. We want an honest and just government to take our beautiful country forward to be on par with other !st world countries, making us proud to be Malaysians. Look south.

  3. I have seen churches get involved in politics in other countries. It starts with the same basic reason – the collapse of basic decency that no religion can ignore and then it gets dragged into it by the politicisation of religion, in our case, attack on the religion itself.

    The stage of church involvement in this country is just infancy. The more the Church is involved, the more its a sign that basic decent conduct is being thrown out the door..

    Those who are against the Church doing this – ITS UMNO/BN fault..No one else..

  4. Dear Admiral, did the Bishop urge anyone to vote for the DAP? Don’t be over sensitive to his remarks. BN people, especially those from UMNO do not understand the meanings of the words “just”, “honest” and “incorrupt” and need to be enlightened by the voters.

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