GE13: MCA doesn’t rule out possibility that Ghani may contest Gelang Patah

The Star
Published: Friday April 5, 2013 MYT 11:26:00 AM
Updated: Friday April 5, 2013 MYT 12:18:05 PM

JOHOR BARU: The MCA does not eliminate the possibility of Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman (pic) coming down to Gelang Patah to contest in the 13th general election.

However, MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said Friday that there has yet to be a decision on the matter.

“There will be a discussion among the Barisan Nasional component leaders soon but what is important is that Barisan wins,” he said in a press conference after meeting with voters at the Taman Ungku Tun Aminah market in Skudai here Friday.

Dr Chua said that they want a candidate with a good track record and “Abdul Ghani has a proven track record as a Mentri Besar who is accepted by all races.”


50 Replies to “GE13: MCA doesn’t rule out possibility that Ghani may contest Gelang Patah”

  1. DAP will trounce MCA Johor out of political scene.
    There is not a candidate with good proven good track record in BN. But when it comes to bad track record for corruption there are umpteen of them.

    There is really no repercussion on DAP in Johor as there is no impressive leaders from BN to be fielded as candidate. Strong win for DAP is imminent provided the election is FREE & FAIR.

  2. Count down to best political jokes first by Muhyiddin who start with the joke saying that BN is still young do not change as like changing your wife as quoted by non other than the lady boss Rafidah. So BN leaders start the jokes rolling

    Chuah further added that Gelang Patah need Ghani as he has proven to be good MB??????????

  3. Ghani taking a risk in Chinese majority when he already admitted as much that the Chinese vote has swung? Why?The are really thinking that they can convince Ghani to contest if he is promised a Senatorship if he loses. Ghani is promised a top Minister post for leaving his MB post.

    All LKS has to do is tell Gelang Patah, Ghani is going to Putrajaya one way or other. Why vote for him? If he can forget them when he goes as Senator, he can forget them when he is voted MP.. No difference..

  4. This will be Ghani’s coup de grace. Why would any Chinese with red Chinese blood vote against Lim who has fought for the community for more than 40 years and detailed under the ISA twice.
    Would a Chinese betray its son for a Malay who only champions a racist party?
    Moreover diehard PAS supporters will never vote for UMNO.
    Indians may be divided.
    Advantage Lim.
    In any case it will be stupid for Ghani to challenge Lim, unless BN has gone mad.

  5. Why bring in Abdul Ghani. Bring in malay1st malaysian2nd or better still ahjibbkhor and once and for all we will have the whole issue settled. After all the 13GE is the mother of all elections. Let us have the fathers of all candidates meet in the Bn/umnoB,s fortress. The result may then grant the 13GE the title grandmother of all elections.

    1. Jibby is having tough time, he is attacked by Pas, DAP, Keadilan, and Umno. Musidin will play very safe, so that he wins, and replace Jibby in Umno, then becomes BeEnd’s 1st opposition leader.

      It’s not funny, it’s not a joke :-)

  6. C4 first priority the federal government to enable him ( and rest MaMak-Bumno) to safe guard their own survival. That’s where the Power and All Monies lies.
    The past 4years (C4), Bodowi- MaMak (past over 30years) records of Wrongdoings as ruling party (Bumno) would ensure Defeat for C4 during G13.
    Is only by CHEATINGS and those “safe-deposits” Bumno/bn stand a chance, they know. Rest just sandiwara. (only by cheatings !)

  7. What? Ghani’s got good track record! What kind of record is CLS referring to? If he means beautifying JB with designer lamp-posts and palm trees, or turning the town centre into a ‘Walk Walk’ infested by ah longs, bapoks comfort women, nobody can refute that one. The Malays here have been waiting very patiently to ‘teach’ him this coming GE for his broken promises to give land titles and confiscating Malay reserved land in the name of development ( Iskandar Corridor, Penggarang, Gelang Patah …….. ) LKS is going to win big against him. I am of the opinion that UNMO wants Ghani to be buried there. Too, listen! listen! listen! LKS-Ghani battle will not materialize. Mahathir takut tanding GP, CSL tak payah cakap lah. Pandai buat bising aje. Ghani bukan bodoh.

  8. This CSL is just trying to stay relevant to be in limelight at GP. LKS for that matter is ready to face ANY of these Idiots by broadcasting Foremost his intention first.
    BRING It On then ! C4 -no, BoHood ; MaMak- no, Tokok only now main concern his Billions, then who ?????? someone to sacrifice by them at the end !

  9. Gelang Patah is for MCA to lose. Instead of having it returned unopposed, and there is a new BN MB-designate in place now, what better show than having Ghani Othman perform the heroic act? MCA will not get another seat, and there will be less than 40 seats for MCA this round. CSL said that if MCA gets no better than 308 results, MCA will withdraw from the BN government if it ever gets in. The count down begins now.

  10. already talking about legacy, big highways, big buildings, and Biggest development
    they dont even know or care about the state’s main hospital wards are so depleted and under equipped that the sick do not get the care that they deserved
    and this is after 18 years of mb’s rule. not to mentioned who the minister was and is .

  11. Pornstar, sent whoever la, you mother, your father, najib, mahathir, your wife, whoever, whatevet, we don’t care.

    You are as kiasu kiasi like najib? Why? No more ball left, sucked by your Agelina Yam?

  12. ///Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop told Parliament that in the current era of globalisation, the government could not stop individuals from migrating abroad for better job opportunities but could do its best to reap benefits from the phenomenon.

    He said Hassan’s acceptance of top positions in firms outside Malaysia should instead be revered as an honour to the country as it shows the abundance of high-skilled human capital available here.///–MalaysianInsider

    Malaysia is similarly revered for having sent two million of its best citizens abroad to be national of other countries. One never knew that NEP had that objective.

  13. I think the best person to represent the BN to contest against Lim Kit Siang at Gelang Patah is still Chua Soi Lek himself. CSL should have no problem securing the majority of the women’s vote. That is already half the battle won. Moreover, he is a Johorean and had been a Johor State Exco for many years, all plus points. Should he contest the Gelang Patah Parliamentary seat, he would win by a landslide majority.

  14. And the 13th GE is not about any BN good track record….bla bla bla.
    It’s about getting rid of corruptions and double standards…disuniting Malaysians with sickening race and religion politics.
    It’s about moving forward.
    It’s about getting rid of arrogant and dictatorial behaviors and attitudes of Umno b politicians…putting out a friendly front..but deep inside…they do feel they own Malaysia and all.
    Najib has been trying hard to tell Malaysians forget the past..and lets move on….BN style.
    Focus on change… all nonsensical stuffs and wait for the date.

  15. What Chua Soi Lek have been doing all these nothing short of being a high class beggar to Najib.
    He has become a first class singing bird…with tunes to please Najib.
    Najib shamed him twice…all forgotten…move on.
    Has anyone seen a thicker skin MCA president than Chua Soi Lek??

  16. UmnoB/BN kakis so thick skin 1, kept singing “No need 2 change lah”, “Y change boyfren, girlfren 1, no need what”
    They want 2 keep sucking d nation dry – AP witch wants 2 continue getting big fat $$$$ fr APs, cowboy n cowgal want 2 continue keeping cows in condos n 2 b filthy rich, etc etc

  17. At the rate PR is going, it is going to lose this elections I fear. There is alot of unhappiness everywhere about the choice of candidates. There are just too many parachute candidates and the locals do not know who these candidates are so how to support?

    The PR leaders are too pig-headed and cannot or don’t want to see what is happening on the ground.

    Kedah is as good as gone with Azizan at the helm. This old and sickly man should just stand aside. With such poor leadership why is he being retained?

    Trouble in Raub, Bentong, Pasir Salak and many, many other places.

    The grassroots are very, very unhappy but the PR leadership don’t seem to care. It is about time many of these cokky old guards step down too else they will surely be voted out through lack of grassroots support.

    BN is set to win on PR leadership’s stupidity and indifference.

  18. At the rate PR is going, it is going to lose this elections I fear. There is alot of unhappiness everywhere about the choice of candidates. There are just too many parachute candidates and the locals do not know who these candidates are so how to support?

    The PR leaders are too pig-headed and cannot or don’t want to see what is happening on the ground.

    Kedah is as good as gone with Azizan at the helm. This old and sickly man should just stand aside. With such poor leadership why is he being retained?

    Trouble in Raub, Bentong, Pasir Salak and many, many other places.

    The gras.roots are very, very unhappy but the PR leadership don’t seem to care. It is about time many of these cokky old guards step down too else they will surely be voted out through lack of gras.roots support.

    BN is set to win on PR leadership’s stupidity and indifference.

  19. This speaks so much of what the MCA and CSL are made of. They can’t even stand up to face a real challenge in what is presumably a safe seat for the MCA from past records. They are willing to trade it for a sacrificial lamb from UMNO for fear of losing. It looks like no seat is safe for the MCA anywhere now.

  20. DAP and PR have not learnt their 2008 lesson – that they should not, never, just pick any dubious characters at the last moment, as their candidates. Without proper vetting isn’t it surprising that almost 10 MPs turned traitors ? And about 20 more who are really non-performing ?

    What PR need is reliable, hardworking, trustworthy candidates with proven track record – not riff-raffs and opportunists or people whose loyalty are suspect or confused kids like Wong Teck.

    Good luck PR. You are all going to need it. This elections is for you to lose. There won’t be a next time for many of you.

  21. Against all the odds , YB LKS will be victorious , no doubt about it . Even there are PRO-BN comments or statements here , but there will be no deceiving and lying . We can get hold of any information we want to know on the internet and the internet is a source of information that will never controlled by BN government . Say whatever you pleased , before BN is kicked out to be the opposition side after GE13 .

  22. PR has not set their guns on Ghani all this time which is strange considering that Johor has received so much Federal money in the last few years..Everyone knows that the MB of Johor is one of the most lucrative job in UMNO/BN – go ask Muhiyiddin or Chua Soi Lek..

  23. Frankly, how can voters vote 4 MCA, led by pornoSnake who cheated n betrayed his own wife n family

    Ya lor, PR better put up creditable candidates n not cause too much unhappiness among local voters by simply putting up unfamiliar faces

    Dis is d ONLY viable chance 2 kick out UmnoB/BN – d window of opportunity may NOT b there in GE14

  24. The sacrificial lamb of BN and how convenient too, since his MB post will be no more. Some UMNO/MB aspirees will be more than happy to see this development. But, whatever the case, vote the whole lot out to get Malaysia on its proper footing again. ABU ABU..

  25. In umno’s hiearchy of corruption, CM of a state ranks very high. He is practically the “king” of the state. He owns the state. That is how taib became one of the richest man on earth. So would ghani give up this very lucrative position for the sake of umno? I suspect, NO.

    Of course in exchange, umno could promise him some high ministerial position – a position that could match his corrupt income as CM. Would he accept that sort of offer? Remember, he has overcome LKS first in a constituency with 50+% chinese voters.

    Umno, through mca, used to win big in past elections. Last election (GE12) the margin of victory for mca candidate was reduced significantly. And in the last 5 yrs mca and umno continued with their monkey ways – errr no they have changed from monkeying about to horsing around. At the moment, I say, LKS looks indefeasible in Gelang Patah.

    So would ghani accept the challenge? Highly unlikely. Umno really should put dr mamak there.

  26. Dr Chua said that they want a candidate with a good track record and “Abdul Ghani has a proven track record as a Mentri Besar who is accepted by all races.” – END OF QUOTE

    So, what about he, himself?
    In effect he is admitting to all and sundry that he doesn’t have a “good, proven track record”?
    And not a winnable candidate?
    They must have been having a battle royal to select the canon fodder to face LKS!!!
    LKS is a good choice and has the charisma as well as calibre to ensure victory.
    And what’s even more important, he doesn’t do things by the half measure!!

  27. I find it hard to believe until now BN still does not have a suitable contender after LKS announced his challenge for the Gelang Patah seat. This can only mean a few things mainly; slow response due to indecisive leaders who face lotsa uncertainties (or busy packing their bags), they knew the ground has been shaking ever since 2008 and all they hope for is miracle. PR’s pre-emptive strike in Gelang Patah show us BN leaders are at lost and their election machinery is in tatters.

  28. Dr Chua said that they want a candidate with a good track record and “Abdul Ghani has a proven track record as a Mentri Besar who is accepted by all races.” – The Star

    For majority of Johoreans and citizens from other states who live here long enough know what The Star reported is rubbish, you go to Singapore then you come to Johor, you’ll be confused what it meant by ‘proven track record’. Although it can be said Ghani is accepted by all races but this is only very specific. It must be stated clearly that only minority of all races support Ghani and they all ride on the same gravy train.

  29. now touch and go Dapters under pressure when Ghani indicated to test Gelang Patah chinese voters , this is chinese majority area and Ghani to proof a point chinese voters do not vote based on skin color.
    Vote for BN Gelang Patah , show to the world

    1. chengho is missing the issue again, I doubt you will get tendang keluar from BeEnd after GE13, got to work harder for your boss guy.

      The issue is, Jibby is using Kit to oust Gunny and Musidin from Johore. And Musidin is working very hard to oust Jibby from Pekan.

      I won’t tell you next time.

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