10 Replies to “Najib has delivered – A Malaysia More Corrupt!”

  1. Just one ponzi scheme called 1MDB and the entire board of 1MDB will go to jail. Includes Najib. They bought Tanjong Energy for 8.5 billion when the next bid was closer to 6 billion. They bought Genting Sanyen for 2.3 billion when the fair market value was closer to 1 billion. They are about to pay 1.7 billion for Jimah when RHB valued the proposed IPO of Jimah at 1 billion.

    Just one vehicle called 1MDB and they will all go to jail.

  2. In 2004 Pak lah came into mr clean PM PM… M’sia celebrating and excited for the departure of Dr M.

    In 2008, voters fed-up with the indecisive, blur-blur style of leadeship, end up in political Tsunami.

    Now, 2013, I am very fed-up with all alphabet soup operas, manipulated indicators of world best comedies, rhetoric, lies, rhetoric, lies, rhetoric and lies…. what choice do mr najib give us? except vote you out.

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