Lim Kit Siang

Najib throws more election goodies

Anisah Shukri| March 25, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

The prime minister announces four changes to the 40,000 staff of seven statutory bodies ahead of the polls.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today announced sweeping benefits for the 40,000 staff of seven government statutory bodies, ahead of the general election which must be held within weeks.

The benefits to be given to LTAT (Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera), LHDN (Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri), EPF (Employees Provident Fund), Tabung Haji, Perkeso, Perhebat (Armed Forces Veteran Affairs Corporation), and Bank Simpanan Nasional are:

*a pension fund set up for all personnel;

*fixed housing allowances equivalent to that of civil servants;

*gratituities for retirees; and

*streamlining employer contribution towards the EPF.

The benefits come in the wake of Najib’s announcement yesterday that the government would award 10,000 individual permits to taxi drivers, in what can be seen as a last-minute attempt to woo voters before polls are held.

When concluding his announcement today, Najib told the cheering audience of about 8,000 workers that they knew what must be done “soon”, in one of his many hints at the general election throughout his speech.

“I have fulfilled my promises to you, so when the times comes, can you fulfil your promise?” he asked them. His question was greeted by enthusiastic cries of agreement from the sea of red before him.

The audience, comprising the staff of the seven statutory bodies, held up placards that read “I love PM”. They started stomping, cheering and applauding before Najib delivered his speech, in obvious anticipation of the goodies he would announce for them.

At the beginning of his speech, Najib explained that the government’s philosphy was to prosper the economy before pleasing the rakyat.

He said the country’s current robust economy was the reason why the government was now able to “share” the profits with the rakyat.

“If we don’t generate the economy first, [everything will be] destroyed… When we develop the economy, we are able to share with the workers, the rakyat.

“That’s why I stand before you today with confidence. My conscience is clear. This is based on our success story. We are not a failed state, our country’s economy has not fallen the way it almost did in 1998, and now the person responsible wishes to become prime minister,” said Najib, referring to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

In a veiled swipe at Pakatan Rakyat, he said the government would not take a populist stance and give all that the rakyat asked for as that would be a recipe for disaster.

“When we do something, it is not just to fulfil short-term needs that could destroy the future of our grandchildren.

“So, ladies and gentlemen, if we want the success to continue – and we want to share the success together – then when the time comes, you know what to do,” said Najib.