Lim Kit Siang

I Believe

by Allan CF Goh

I Believe

I believe in a better tomorrow,
For my country, myself, and my children,
In a world free of thinking so narrow,
Free of dark threats from witches’ cauldron.
Once we lived a multi-racialism,
In a country shared equally with pride.
Now we see a vile, hate filled racism,
Where good reasons, good people choose to hide.
Malaysia belongs to all the races.
Our forebears lay down their lives for it.
We must bring back to life all the graces,
That was Malaysia with virtues well lit.
We want a country full of compassion,
A country full of good, proper respects.
We want a country freed of suppression,
In people’s chosen dreams in all aspects.
Let our blessed country progress with the best,
In the haven of meritocracy.
Let there be no obstacles to our quest,
For the obvious best of democracy.

We want a nation without corruption,
A nation build with moral lattices.
We need a nation pledged to occlusion
Of bad intentions and bad practices.
Corruption robs the nation of its soul;
Destroys the morality of the State,
Leaving behind an empty, aimless ghoul,
Unable to perform the nation’s slate.
Corruptions feed on discrimination,
That denies people’s legitimate right.
People must act with determination,
Remove this darkness, excise this dark blight.
I believe Malaysia can shine again,
If all right-thinking citizens unite,
To allow our country all goodness gain,
By exercising our conscience contrite.
I believe in the current wind of change,
That’s needful for Malaysia’s salvation,
That will sweep out the policies deranged,
Make Malaysia a real celebration!