Pointing fingers to cover up incompetence in Sabah

— The Malaysian Insider
March 24, 2013

MARCH 24 — Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein took time off from leading the war against the Kiram clan in Sabah to remind the youth to rally behind Barisan Nasional (BN).

The Umno vice-president said PKR leaders like Chua Tian Chang had insulted the country’s armed forces despite several of them losing their lives to protect Malaysia’s sovereignty.

“What is going on in Sabah should not be politicised, this is an issue on our sovereignty.

“Whose hand is it is behind the intrusion, is there a third party involved? Who is this person who would forsake his own race and nation just because he wants power?” Hishammuddin told some 1,000 party youth supporters who responded with loud shouts of “Kill Tian Chua”.

This comes from the home minister who sent a tweet on February 18 describing the Sulu gunmen as “Fact: Most of the intruders old or malnourished. Wear sarongs/slippers…a few… hv arms.”

All hell broke loose a few weeks later and eight Malaysian policemen and soldiers are now dead. Continue reading “Pointing fingers to cover up incompetence in Sabah”

Clash of heavyweights in Gelang Patah?

— Lim Mun Fah
The Malaysian Insider
March 25, 2013

MARCH 25 — The MCA had never strategically anticipated that DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang would contest the Gelang Patah constituency. Initially, the MCA thought the proposed move was nothing more than a smokescreen, but to their surprise it turned out to be true. Having been caught on the hop, the MCA subsequently has to review it strategy.

If you go through past records of national elections, you will find that the Gelang Patah constituency is one of the most invulnerable bastions of the MCA. Both the MCA’s Chang See Ten @ Teu Si and Tan Ah Eng were elected as they are earnest service-oriented figures. Theoretically, Gelang Patah ought to be a safe constituency for the MCA. But the cruel fact is that Gelang Patah has been restive due to internal factional conflicts over the past 10 or more years: Chang fell in the conflicts, and so did Tan.

The MCA’s optimal contestant for the Gelang Patah constituency is Teoh Sew Hock, who started out as a grassroots member and rose all the way up to Gelang Patah MCA division chairman. Initially, the MCA thought that Teoh’s opponent would either be PKR’s Chua Jui Meng, or the DAP’s Liew Chin Tong or Dr Boo Cheng Hau. Now, the MCA has to change it strategy, I believe.

Talk that the MCA will assign somebody else, say, a heavyweight figure to replace Teoh, is rife nowadays. Who will that be? Chua Soi Lek or Wee Ka Siong? Continue reading “Clash of heavyweights in Gelang Patah?”

17-Day Countdown to 13GE – People of Sabah and Sarawak can make history by making this 50th Golden Jubilee year of the creation of Malaysia, the year when Malaysia joins the ranks of democratic countries in the world

This year is a year of tremendous historical importance to our young nation.

Fifty years ago, in 1963, the nation of Malaysia was created with the merging of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.

This year, 2013, is the 50th anniversary for the creation of Malaysia.

And in this year of our Golden Jubilee, Malaysians have a golden opportunity to create yet another historical moment in our country’s history by ushering in a new era of democracy and freedom for our nation by voting for a peaceful transition to a new government that is clean, competent, transparent and fully accountable to the citizens of Malaysia. Continue reading “17-Day Countdown to 13GE – People of Sabah and Sarawak can make history by making this 50th Golden Jubilee year of the creation of Malaysia, the year when Malaysia joins the ranks of democratic countries in the world”