Kesetiaan PAS dan DAP terbukti

Oleh Aspan Alias
March 24, 2013 |The Malaysian Insider

Tidak pernah terfikir oleh orang ramai sebelum ini PAS dan DAP menjadi parti-parti yang di terima oleh semua kaum dan inilah yang membuatkan BN menjadi gering sementara menunggu pilihanraya yang akan datang ini.

PAS telah berjaya membawa bukti bahawa Islam itu merupakan agama yang “universal” dan juga agama yang boleh memimpin semua kaum dan kelompok dalam dunia ini. Kekuatan sokongan PAS ini juga telah mewujudkan “ulamak songsang” yang datang dari kumpulan Umno yang tertekan sambil memfatwakan PAS sebagai PAS sesat dan haram di sokong.

Berbagai kumpulan upahan telah di bawa ke depan kaca TV3 untuk menyiarkan fatwa songsang ini semata-mata untuk menyesuaikan dengan kehendak politik mereka. Mereka mahukan agama di sesuaikan dengan keperluan mereka dan bukannya menyesuaikan kehendak Islam terhadap semua perjuangan mereka.

Semalam Lim Kit Siang telah menyatakan yang beliau mungkin bertanding menggunakan lambang PAS dalam pilihanraya ini. Ini di sebabkan ROS mungkin mengambil tindakan membatalkan pendaftaran DAP berikutan dengan kesilapan dalam pemilihan CEC DAP di Pulau Pinang 15 Disember yang lalu.

Sebagai parti pembangkang dan memahami tindak laku BN yang sedang ketandusan sokongan menggunakan RoS untuk membatalkan pendaftaran DAP itu tidak boleh di anggap ringan. Dalam keadaan terdesak BN akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk mengekalkan kelazatan kuasa yang ada kepada mereka (Umno). Continue reading “Kesetiaan PAS dan DAP terbukti”

The Charge of the Rights Brigade

By Allan CF Goh

To the south, to the south,
To Johor, they engage.
Into BN’s strong state,
Let them not fear and fade.
Forward, the Rights Brigade!
Bring change for the better.
Choose light over darkness,
Make Malaysia brighter.
Forward, the Rights Brigade!
For a cause blessed and right.
This is not a blunder.
This is for “People’s Might”.
Theirs is to reason why;
Theirs not to let reasons die.
Let Johor know the truth.
Don’t let folks live a lie.

Desperation and fear,
And hostility reign.
Vulgar threats may be hurled,
Like the black falling rain,
May volley and thunder,
But will not shake their will.
Boldly they must campaign,
Thro’ all threats and all ill.

Lay bare the corruptions,
Let the truth rant the air.
Expose exploitations.
Demand for what is fair.
Ban discriminations,
And unfair deprivations.
Fight with full conviction
For a better Nation. Continue reading “The Charge of the Rights Brigade”

18-day countdown to 13GE – Cautious welcome for RCI on Suluk intrusion into Sabah but it must not be a political ploy for electioneering purpose and should start public hearing only after 13GE

DAP welcomes the announcement by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak would be announcing the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to investigate the Sulu intrusion of Lahad Datu and that details of the RCI would be revealed tomorrow.

DAP’s welcome is however tinged with caution as the RCI into the Suluk intrusion in Lahad Datu and Semporna, which has caused the lives of 10 national heroes from the police and army, must be an independent, impartial and professional one, and should not be become a political and electioneering tool to serve the political agenda of any political interests, whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat.

In fact, this is an occasion for all political forces, whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rayat, to put aside their partisan differences and unite as one patriotic Malaysian movement not only to pay tribute and honour the ten national heroes who gave their lives in the defence of national sovereignty and to ensure the safety of the people of Sabah, but also to give unstinting support to the security forces to adopt all necessary measures to protect national sovereignty and defend security of the people and security forces personnel.

Let us not blemish the great sacrifices of our 10 national heroes with petty divisions and agendas. Let all Malaysians, including the PM, DPM, Cabinet Ministers, political leaders whether BN or PR, rise above their partisan differences and unite as one patriotic Malaysian people on this issue. Continue reading “18-day countdown to 13GE – Cautious welcome for RCI on Suluk intrusion into Sabah but it must not be a political ploy for electioneering purpose and should start public hearing only after 13GE”

Is your pocket 41 percent deeper?

Aidila Razak
Mar 23, 2013


Whether 41 percent or 49 percent, the numbers in the Economic Transformation Programme 2012 annual report is essentially trying to tell us this – Malaysia will reach high income status by 2020.

That gives the impression that the average Malaysian will be bringing home about RM48,000 (or US$15,000) a year by that time.

But will they? Does the average Malaysian feel 41 percent – or even the more modest 24 percent in ringgit terms – richer today compared to 2009? Are their pockets deeper?

The simple answer is no.

So is the government lying to us? Not exactly. Continue reading “Is your pocket 41 percent deeper?”

Kit Siang in Johor will be as earth-shaking as 308

K Temoc
Mar 22, 2013

I refer to your news article ‘Guan Eng sends Liew on mission to ‘K’ seat in Johor’ which informs us of the Democratic Action Party (DAP) election strategy to breach the Barisan Nasional (BN) stronghold in Johor. By now, everyone knows that veteran politician Lim Kit Siang will not stand in his current blue ribbon seat in Ipoh Timor in order to offer himself as an election candidate to the people of Gelang Patah in Johor to represent them in the next federal parliament.

His intention has struck terror in the BN camp, which has even drawn out former PM and Umno icon Dr Mahathir Mohamad to make what I see as a half-hearted but obligatory dismissal of the DAP man’s candidature in Gelang Patah.

Lim KS standing in and winning that Johor federal constituency will be as earth-shaking as the 2008 political tsunami. More than the BN’s fear of losing a federal seat, the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) knows that such an occurrence will virtually be its death knell, for a Lim KS victory will not only defeat Tan Ah Eng, its candidate in Gelang Patah, but will effectively strike right into its political heart.

So much is at stake for BN but no more than that for Lim KS. Continue reading “Kit Siang in Johor will be as earth-shaking as 308”