Walk your talk on corruption, Najib

Joseph Tawie | March 22, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is under tremendous pressure to act against Sarawak’s Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s alleged abuses and corruption.

KUCHING: Sarawak opposition DAP has called on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to “walk his talk” in fighting corruption which was one of his national key result areas (NKRA) launched in 2010.

Reminding Najib, party secretary Chong Chieng Jen said: “It is time for Najib to prove that he walks the talk when it comes to fighting corruption as one of his NKRA.

“If Najib is serious about fighting corruption as one of his NKRAs, he should immediately do the following:

(1) arrest all the personalities mentioned in the Global Witness video clip for investigation;

(2) obtain a full disclosure of the amount of state land being alienated to Taib’s family members’ companies at fractions or even as low as 10% of market prices; and,

3) freeze all bank accounts and assist personalities mentioned in the video clip.

He said there were ample laws in place to facilitate the investigation.

Chong named some of the laws as the Anti-Laundering and Anti Terrorism Financing Act 2001, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act and even the Income Tax Act can be used for the purpose.

“In fairness to all parties involved, investigation should be commenced immediately and to be completed within one month. If the suspects are innocent, they should be released and their names cleared.

“If there is prima facie evidence of guilt, the suspects should be prosecuted in court immediately after the completion of the investigation,” said Chong, alluding to the “evidence” of corruption recorded, albeit covertly, by London-based NGO Global Witness.

The video saw Taib’s cousins and lawyers allegedly detailing a land deal and the processes involved including how to avoid taxes.

Chong said the ball is now in Najib’s court for him to show that he means business when he talks about his Government Transformation Programme (GTP).

“Under Najib’s GTP introduced in 2010, one of the NKRAs identified is ‘fighting corruption’. Since then no high-profile leader in Sarawak has been prosecuted and or convicted,” he said.

Taib must resign

Meanwhile, the global anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International is calling for Taib’s immediate resignation.

“Those being investigated should resign first so that investigations can be carried out without any influence and interference by those in power,” said TI Malaysia secretary-general Josie M Fernandez.

“We hope that the prime minister will call on Taib to resign as chief minister of Sarawak until investigation by MACC is completed,” she said.

According to Swiss-based NGO, Bruno Manser Fund, Taib’s closest family members have ties to over 400 companies in 25 countries and offshore finance centres. Their assests are valued at US$21 billion (RM63 billion).


10 Replies to “Walk your talk on corruption, Najib”

  1. BN has delivered – the Highest Illicit Outflow in Nation’s History!

    Ah Jib Gor can test his mettle and prove he is loved in Malaysia by contesting in Kuala Lumpur, the ancient capital of the country.

    OK-lah, contest in Gelang Patah against Kit Siang or …wait for Anwar to announce his new seat and then contest against Anwar. That should be a morale booster for BN. That would be better than a live debate. That should decide who the country prefers as their PM.

  2. Najib supports …taking actions on corruptions …his first action should be to sue all who said he is corrupted.
    Najib must clear all doubts he s not corrupted.
    Najib is hoping millions of idiots believe and trust him.
    So far he has achieved that target….the school children…bur not the voters.

  3. How would he do it when its not even a month since the evidence of Roopiah-Boustead deal? Anyone think Taib don’t have evidence to bring Najib down? Taib could bring Mahathir down..

    There is NOTHING surprising about this. EVERY Ketua Cawangan of UMNO/BN, and above togethr with their surrounding supporters are guilty of such sheenigans FOR DECADES..

    The issue isn’t corruption. ITS THE CONTEMPT for the Rakyat. Taib’s family is contemptuous of their Sarawak natives, UMNO/BN is contemptous of the Malays, the MCA is contemptous of the Chinese, MIC is contemptous of the Indians. They have NO RESPECT for those they serve and THEY ARE WRONG that all politicians everywhere are the same because in much of the developed world, most politicians ARE PATRIOTS and DO RESPECT THE PEOPLE, THEIR LAWS & INSTITUTIONS even if they go to extreme against their opponents.

  4. It’s MaMak Kutty the Mother of Scumbag then, that Spawn all these Scumbags to provide cover and diversion to enable him to become Filthy Rich as being posted in Wikipedia.
    “All become sama sama Makan Kuat Kuat , you tau sama tau, so mana boleh cakap – hanya sama sama Kaya Kuat.” Has been MAMAK trademark since then, now ingrained in Bumno – and is MaMak doing, intention all this while.
    MAMAK Ensure to spawn a weak, corrupt system/administration SO THAT he still can RAJA RAJA ,Tokok and get away with it all ( and the stolen LOOT ) at the end.

  5. D BIG “C” (Corruption) is d TRADE mark/DNA of UmnoB/BN
    NR so confident no 1 can touch him n UmnoB/BN on any issue dat he supported his char bor 2 declare herself d 1st lady, simply ignoring d REAL 1st lady – ABSOLUTE ARROGANCE

  6. Heh ! Before you continue further about stepping down and what video blah, bla, bla,,, SH***T !!!
    YOU ! worst of Lot, What ! conveniently forget about ALTANTUYA, ie. about AhC4 a girl ! NOW ! which is More Terrible, WORST ! I , only take what I Own, My State Home HERE, S’wak is Mine, Mine,, and I much better, young girl I used, no C4 even marry. So Stup,,,after got All Billions, do that,,, Like Usual ,before GO Fly Kite,,,,,, NOW,,,

    AND, Go Tell MaMak if he try to be Nuisance ASK him about ALL those illegals “M’sian” he invited here ! and not ONE but 800 thousands over,,,,, FIRST. And, you can REMIND him, That’s TRAITOR !
    we’re Separated by big ocean So keep it that way,,,
    NOW, never ever “F” with me again, last time I tell you Both – one C4, one TRAITOR. Sama Billions ada kita.

    C4 to MaMak : there you’ve it all, said. SO, Yang penting,,,,,MESTI Menang,,,,,then Semua BOLEH,,,kita ada Billions,,,,, mana mana pun boleh CABUT, Pasti Sini CABUT, tentu
    SO, How ? ONLY By ” A B U ” Now ! ABU.

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