19-Day Countdown to 13GE – Najib will commit supreme abuse of power if he toys with the UMNO/BN “Dirty Tricks” department with the ploy of illegally banning DAP to exclude Rocket symbol in 13GE as it will be the “last straw that break’s the camel’s back”

In response to a question from a reporter after visiting Taman University market in Gelang Patah yesterday morning, I stressed that there is absolutely no legal, constitutional or any legitimate ground for any punitive action by the Registrar of Societies against the DAP, whether suspension or deregistration.

The DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) elections last December had been above-board and a transparent and democratic process although there was an honest mistake from a computer glitch when announcing the results.

The DAP CEC has no doubt that there can be no justification whatsoever for the Registrar of Societies to take any action against the DAP for the party elections, especially as the DAP leadership had not received any complaint from party delegates on the CEC elections while the DAP had fully co-operated with the Registrar of Societies with regard to queries and requests for clarification.

This is why I am baffled how the Utusan Malaysia today could carry a front-page headline report that the ROS were facing “difficulties in its probe” on the DAP CEC elections last December.

The Utusan Malaysia front-page headline story has proven right my suspicion of “high-level conspiracy afoot in BN ‘dirty tricks’ department to suspend or ban DAP so that the Rocket symbol could not be used in the 13GE”.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the BN leaders have no confidence about their prospects in the 13GE and they are toying with various unprecedented “dirty tricks” for UMNO/BN to try to steal the 13GE.

The latest issue of the Economist on the 13GE carried a report “Malaysia’s looming election – Video nasties” which said: “In fact, the outcome is in doubt, for the first time in Malaysia’s history”. (The Star spun the Economist report with the headline: “Barisan tipped for elections victory”.

The Economist report said:

“Mr Najib has the advantages of incumbency—such as deciding when to call elections.”

In fact, the very opposite is the case, as Najib has exhausted all the advantages of incumbency, such as “deciding when to call elections”, because of an unprecedented series of inconsistencies and indecisiveness causing him to miss his most ideal timing for the 13GE, i.e. in 2011 including his one-time favourite date of 11.11.11.

The question now is whether Najib will continue to lead an “expired government” without Parliamentary dissolution despite the automatic dissolution of the BN-controlled Negri Sembilan State Assembly on Tuesday, 26th March.

When the final date for Parliament’s dissolution comes, whether end-March, early-April or even April 11, public interests on the subject will be minimal in Najib’s four-year premiership.

Regardless of when Parliament will be dissolved for the holding of 13GE, Najib should be cautioned against getting so desperate as to succumb to the temptation to commit the grossest abuse of power recommended by the UMNO/BN “Dirty Tricks” department to exclude the use of the Rocket symbol in the 13GE through illegal and unconstitutional suspension or ban of the DAP!

The UMNO/BN “Dirty Tricks” department may think that this ploy will inflict supreme damage on Pakatan Rakyat by excluding the use of the Rocket symbol in the 13GE ( as elections will be over even if DAP finally vindicates itself and wins a legal suit against the Barisan Nasional government in protracted litigation in the courts of law) – but this may prove to be most fatal mistake of all by Najib in his four years as Prime Minister.

This is because it may usher a new political configuration that will prove to be the undoing of UMNO/BN, not only the last straw that breaks the camel’s back with regard to public outrage to demand the end the regime of abuses of power in the citadels of power in Putrajaya, but also contributing to an hitherto unthinkable consolidation of Pakatan Rakyat, as for instance, my contesting on PAS or PKR symbol in the 13GE!


23 Replies to “19-Day Countdown to 13GE – Najib will commit supreme abuse of power if he toys with the UMNO/BN “Dirty Tricks” department with the ploy of illegally banning DAP to exclude Rocket symbol in 13GE as it will be the “last straw that break’s the camel’s back””

  1. Now U finally figured out NR’s FINAL SOLUTION banning DAP 2 exclude Rocket symbol in GE13
    Dis is NOT d “last straw dat breaks d camel’s back”, dis is d FINAL SOLUTION, termination, zapped n poof, no more DAP

  2. Najib is behaving like a wounded tiger.
    Nothing surprises Malaysians…what he will do next.
    With 19 days left for him to announce the 13th GE.
    By hook or by crook..he must win….or else…all hell breaks loose for him.
    Malaysians and Opposition parties are observing what tricks can he conjure out.
    Only Najib…only him….does not want 13th GE to materialized.

  3. It was DAP that Umno b fear most.
    Then comes Anwar.
    To apply the medicine..to cure his party…Mahathir came out with the famous Sodomy.
    30 years went by…Anwar is freed…DAP defeated MCA in Penang…PAS stayed strong at Kelantan.
    Anwar’s keDAILan….grew stronger and stronger.
    Trace back…it has always been DAP…to free Malaysians….and so…destroy DAP…is their priority…..simple to understand.

  4. “….my contesting on PAS or PKR symbol in the 13GE!” YB Lim KS.

    This upping the ante by YB Lim KS, has in one master stroke, achieved 2 things (a) melted out UMNO’s dirty dare yet instantly froze MCA’s ‘Johnny-comely-lately b@lls’ and (b) forced someone (who aahh??) to make a phone call urging ROS and EC not to rock the boat too much.

    Typical of evil UMNO-hatched plans…style and substance seldom meet.

  5. The fear factor has gone so far..so illogical…so idiotic.
    It’s like banning a football team that will score 12-0.
    Head of Registrar of Societies ban DAP..he is asking for big big trouble. There is a limit to everything.

  6. WOH ! That was MasterStroke of LKS, to stand under PAS banner and not even PKR. Am sure that would stop C4 /MaMak and to drop whole matter completely. To think of it, this is it how the Bonding between PAS, DAP, PKR in Pakatan is cemented – in Trust, Sincerity and The Cause.
    Yes ! We are ready To A B U ! Now !
    C4 has got himself boxed-in. Even his own camp Bumno/bn members are showing him the middle finger “F” – Real BO HOOD, No Balls.

  7. This is nothing short of strong-arm tactics.
    They are really grasping at straws now!
    They have done everything to stay in power and are now at their wits’ end!
    PR must now plan the next move.

  8. The real question is why, so late in the game, they rush headlong into EVERY DIRTY TRICK no matter how self-tainting and at the same time at best marginally effective – to the extent, the likes of Tunku Aziz is willing to wash down the toilet what shred of reputation they have left?

    The reason is simply OVER-ENTITLEMENT. They just feel entitled to do ANY WRONG NO MATTER what because they feel self-righteous. At the very core its why the likes of Altantuya, Teoh Beng Hock, Ahmad Sarbani, Aminulrasyid, Kugan etc are dead and all the other tragedies of the Mahathirist fiction of Malays “special right”.

  9. The 13 or 14 party coalition BN will face its Waterloo in the 13th. GE in Malaysia and will be defeated by Pakatan Rakyat because its fate has been written with its association with bad chi and bad luck. The many roaming spirits of May 13th. are coming back to haunt them! The ROS has been refusing to register Pakatan Rakyat and its foreseeable action will not influence the majority of Malaysians who want CHANGE/UBAH!

  10. Still much more dirtier tricks would come from Dumbno/BN.All this Dumbno/BN’s ‘laughing stock” only tells what a dumb would always do when running out of intellectual capacity.In fact,do they have any?.In short, these Dumno/BN is incompetent,corrupt to the core,patented liar,round-the-clock thieves and robbers and the worst of all is being unpatriotic by giving Mycard to undeserved illegal muslim migrants for political gains.What a good f%^& this nation has been getting from this Dumbno/Bn ruling for long decades.Sigh…

  11. In d next few days, perhaps LKS will b tahan 4 investigation – remember d p!ssing incidence shown in Tandas Putera
    By hook or by crook, LKS n DAP must b STOPPED fr participating in GE13 first, then NR boldly declare GE13

  12. If UMNO/BN resorts to any of these unethical and most despicable methods then it would have simply chosen a path of No Return. It will be a day of reckoning. Give them ropes that they may hang themselves.

  13. In the UK and USA, there being a two party system, the countries continue to progress, no matter which Party wins, and both parties accepts the fact that, when they lose, they will leave gracefully, and HOPE to make a comeback in the next term.
    Why? Its because they care for their country and people.
    In Japan, prime ministers changes within short period in service. Yet their economy remains stable.
    In Malaysia, our two coalition should work the same way, like the UK and USA, or Japan.
    In the event that Pakatan wins in the coming elections, BN should leave the office with grace.
    Unfortunately, too many untoward incidences had taken place, which had put BN in a bad light. To ask the ROS to deregister DAP after 40 years in existence is ridiculous.
    You mean to say that, only last week, it was found to be ILLEGAL?

  14. What if the crooks(BN) make sure that DAP successfully registered on the day of candidate nomination,and afterwhich the ROS declare DAP would be deregistered hence all the DAP candidates would be disqualified for the 13GE?! Then PR would never have a chance to march into Putrajaya! Please take preventive measure before this disastrous situation come true!

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