Najib looks more and more like a Crime Minister than the Prime Minister!

by Martin Jalleh



21 Replies to “Najib looks more and more like a Crime Minister than the Prime Minister!”

  1. Najib…the Crime Minister….not Prime Minister…so true.
    To Malaysians he is much more than that.
    He is a compulsive liar….racist and a hypocrite…..powerless…a puppet on a string …nominated as PM by his party….never been elected for 5 years…where Mahathir is still governing ….behind the curtain.
    Najib is a show dog….nothing more….nothing less.

  2. Mahathir knows Najib like a book…a crook..a liar….playboy and a killer and gave him 5 years…to save himself….as a favor to Najib’s father…who spearheaded Mahathir to be PM.
    Umno B is the most insincere party to Malaysians.
    Corrupted to the core and an disgrace to it’s own race and religion.

  3. And you can say….Mahathir uses money to tempt…and convert true Muslims to become like him….for 22 years.
    What our country is today….including the Sabah problems…all created by Mahathir.
    Mahathir is the most evil man to lead the country for 22 years..and an expert in dirty politics.

  4. Read all his speeches.
    He is famous to twist and turn and says the opposite.
    He said…LKS standing for election in Johore makes no difference….when he knows…it does make alot of differences.
    That’s Mahathir…disgusting..most insincere.

  5. Lim Kit Siang is sticking his neck out ..far more than before…declaring to stand at Gadang Patah.
    He needs to win with Muslims and Malaysian Indians votes.
    Although Malaysian Chinese holds the majority was won….always by BN.
    Lim Kit Siang is sending a message to all Malaysians at Gadang Patah and all voters in the vote for change.
    Lim Kit Siang is well known to be a giant killer in past elections.
    That will be the most exciting battle to watch the results….and I am sure…there will be more surprises to come from PR leaders.

  6. What Lim Kit Siang is about to showing Umno B….his confidence that Malaysians want change.
    Wind of change is blowing all over the country….and Najib is still waiting for good vibrations….signals and signs.

  7. All these Nation ills centered around and caused by MaMak Kutty !. When he ‘ step down ‘ (but, in sandiwara actually ) this MaMak even have ill pre-conceived evils design already. RE : crooked bribge, Bodowi , now C4 all tied/connected to him from the start. With C4 clinging on power shamelessly (just to save his ownself), so a Lembiak is the situation this MaMak can exploit to the tilt. His trademark is always play the back / rear but his dirty hand remain hidden always. At 44+44 he is for his OWN SELF-PRESERVATION now.

  8. BumnoCrazy and ONE MaMaK Kutty is what this Nation ill-gotten dilemmas now.
    Hope to see the light of day of M’sian Constitution / Democracy Again by voting A B U comes G13, then Pakatan Rakyat onward march to and occupation of Putrajaya.
    A B U !!!

  9. It is highly likely that the list of crimes that Najib is involved is very very long. What this case just confirms is that much of the long list of scandals such as the original Puspahanas deal with Roopiah, the subsequent cover up by Boustead, lost list of arm purchases under his watch, etc are all likely he had his hand in..Its also very likely the long list of deals with Mahathir’s favourite “friend”, all have he has a party to..Even Deepak said that he has done “many deals much bigger” with them..

    The now revelation of Taib’s family in a video of Sarawak deal-making IS THE CULTURE OF UMNO/BN FOR ALL OF THEM..

    THE SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE IS CALL RACKETEERING – what is done by the Mafioso, the mob, gangsters. They are criminals and the killing and corruption in this is likely NOT the first of isolated..

  10. ///GEORGE TOWN: Penang Barisan Nasional has refuted claims by Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng that the previous state administration sold land in Seri Tanjong Pinang at RM1 per sq ft.

    Former Penang Island Municipal councillor Teh Leong Meng said Lim’s statement was misleading, mischievous and untrue.

    Teh, who heads Penang Gerakan’s local government bureau, said the RM1 per sq ft payment was just a small part of the total cost the developer had to bear.

    “The RM1 per sq ft premium was not the selling price because there was no land to sell to begin with.

    “The area was still the sea. The developer had to first reclaim the land from the sea at its own expense,” he told reporters at the state BN headquarters today.

    /// – New Straits Times

    Mr Teh’s long explanation confirms that the space was sold for 1 ringgit per square feet to the developer. Surely nobody expects the former state government to fill the land and sold it below cost. The right to fill up the space then covered by the sea was at 1 ringgit per square foot. Mr Teh might want to say that the estimated cost of filling the reclaimed land was 9 ringgit per square feet, and so the land was estimated to have been sold at 10 ringgit per square feet, and not one ringgit.

  11. Oh, oh, what is this calling Najib the Crime Minister?

    What would that make of the Cabinet then?


    Aiyoyo….luckily SemiValue is retired, Ling Liong Sik is retired and the very infamous mahathir is also retired.

    Oh, oh, what is this calling Najib the Crime Minister?
    What would that make of the Cabinet then?
    Aiyoyo….luckily SemiValue is retired, Ling Liong Sik is retired and the very infamous mahathir is also retired.

    It is called the Criminet or Crooks Closet.

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