Musa Hitam says country will not go bankrupt if PR takes over

By Martin Jalleh


15 Replies to “Musa Hitam says country will not go bankrupt if PR takes over”

  1. So, did Penang, Selangor, Kelantan, n Kedah state govt go bankrupt after under PR for 5 years?? or did the state debt increase substantially? or state reserve decrease substantially?
    On the opposite, Selangor state reserve increase 6 fold, while Federal govt debt more than doubled over the last 5 years, now what say you BN. ???
    Who started free water 20 m3/month, or money for old n poor etc, etc, it was PR govt, !
    Voters, just get the facts, do some simple reasoning !

  2. Every years auditors general report sky high prices (prices double to even 7 fold) for govt purchases for ordinary photocopiers, screw drivers, cameras, desktop computers, instant noodles, small repair works etc, etc, etc
    Please note that all these happened at federal govt , and BN state govts, none of these happen at PR state govt office !

  3. Musa gave up politics…but he is a true patriot.
    I think he values freedom and life is short.
    There is no doubt….he wants a better Malaysia for Malaysians.
    All his criticism towards Umno b means nothing…if he does not vote for change.

  4. Chengho, you have to knee down before monsterball, cry and beg, even that i doubt he would vote bn. Kneeing down before someone is something you should learn.. but watch out his ‘master’ ball.

  5. The problem with cintanegara and chengho is their BLIND whore-ship of $$$$$; they have nothing else to offer in spite of all the glaring facts given even by ex-UMNO leaders! Their only hope is to continue to spin the falsehood created by not even a REAL Malay! An adopted one! Maybe they too are of that category. So it has to be left to real Malays like Dr. Musa Bakri and Musa Hitam to tell the truth!

  6. Sadly I feel that BN may actually be right!

    Why? Because the country is already bankrupt. Behind our backs and unknown to the public most of Malaysia’s natural resources have already been privatized, sold off to other nations or held as security for loans the nation has made.

    So when Pakatan takes over federal government and looks at the books, we find Malaysia is bankrupt. A bit like how Selangor found that it had no more money to operate the state government. And BN can happily come in and say “See, Malaysia is bankrupt and it is all the fault of the Pakatan. Vote us back in and we will fix the problem!”

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