16 Replies to “Save Malaysia from Dr M”

  1. “Save Malaysia from Dr M”.
    Even Musa Hitam is saying M is outdated..and one of his ex Secretary….said the same thing.
    M never really retired…and to save Malaysia from M…change the Govt…and shut his gap for good.
    We are so sick of his dirty race and religion politics…on and on…treating Malaysians like suckers.

  2. Underworld generals and officials are readily waiting to get even with the rear end of mamakuty.Sure lots of sadistic punishment for sins awaiting down there and his rear end due to his evil-plot sodomy recipe and the ‘remix’ second sodomy from the side-effect of one spoonfull from the potfull of Najis’s rojak lausai soup.

  3. Millions of Malaysians are sick of this Mamak.
    He thinks with the billions he stole…including from me..my hard earned savings…EPF money…we will never know…for the sums saved are always there.
    He thinks by declaring 1% to 2% interest…we will never know…when it should be at least a minimum of 5% pa.
    Mahathir steals from all workers….and from the poor clerks…working for the Govt. too.
    When will all the clerks wake up and know they had be fooled by this devilish heartless person?

  4. Thousands wanted to withdraw EPF and put in banks saving accounts for better interest rates…but cannot do it.
    One must wait till age 55.
    The law is good….but no one trust the Govt.
    The cheating is so clear…yet so call “lawfully” done….hard to prove they cheat…..just like “willing buyer…willing seller” in deals.
    Why must EPF contributors made to suffer loses in interest rates for decades?
    What you see today…is Najib trying hard to be Santa Clause..giving back some…and that too is mostly..to Umno b supporters only.
    Every actions…have Umno b dirty politics in play.
    There is not one thing Najib does…that is totally sincere.
    These rouges and thieves have their distinct trademarks…to keep fooling Malaysians….as in the past…they have enjoyed decades of success doing that……..cannot change……never will.

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