Probe Umno links to Sulus

Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz | March 12, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

The bigger fear among Umno leaders is that any drastic military action would have destroyed the reservoir of potential voters among the Filipinos with Malaysian Identity Cards.


Umno Baru godfather Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the government misread the situation in Lahad Datu.

He said: “At first we did not think the intrusion was as an external threat for they [Sulu gunmen] were on our shore. But now that it is clear that the invasion is an attack from outside, the military was ordered to move in.”

Since this was an invasion by a group of foreign nationals threatening the safety of our country and citizens, the army should have stepped in from the very begining.

Why was the Malaysian government dilatory in dealing with the Sulu invaders?

Mahathir claims the government “acted cautiously” because the intruders were Muslims.

But the likelihood is greater that the bigger fear among Umno leaders was that drastic military action would have destroyed the reservoir of potential voters among the Filipinos with Malaysian Identity Cards, beneficiaries of Mahathir’s “Project IC” in Sabah.

To unleash our military might would be to destroy a fixed deposit that has kept Umno-Barisan Nasional in power here for decades.

What perhaps is needed now is an investigation into the links between the Sulu intruders and Umno.

Investigate the story that the invaders were invited to Lahad Datu by Umno members.

Investigate the tale that one Umno local leader is related to the Sultan of Sulu and that he had lost a court battle with Felda and was miffed enough to ask the Sultan of Sulu to come to Lahad Datu to reclaim land taken by Felda.

Some local quarters have claimed that the Umno leader was given 15 acres of land and a contract to cut and collect palm oil fruits from the entire Felda schemes in Lahad Datu.

Investigate, too, claims by some parties that it was Umno president and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak who had invited these Sulu men to Lahad Datu.

Najib was quick to say that investigations will be made to ascertain whether there were links between the Sulu invaders and opposition leaders, especially Anwar Ibrahim.

This same quickness and fairness must be extended to probing Umno’s links with the Sulu intruders.

The writer is a former Umno state assemblyman but has now joined DAP. He is a FMT columnist.


12 Replies to “Probe Umno links to Sulus”

  1. Heh MMKutty The Traitor, keep your horses mouths tight shut as Lots Of Sh*t spew out each time you open it even slightly. Just go through and correlate what each of these clowns said, when said, then who,,, immediately All Oddities Of ‘Crisis’ glaringly stand out.
    Woh, it took them so long to even know this WHEN the ‘univited guests’ from DAY ONE already SAID Invaders, Heavily Armed, Occupied Your Place ( only if they occupied their living room,eg.)
    Not Going Anywhere,,,,,,
    And this MMKutty only now (against what he TOKOK before) said this,,,Going To Spin Now !
    Even when precious lifes were lost, they were still adamant,,,,,, intruders,,,police,,, then police+military,,,now going military,,,,,,
    They failed, not able to keep tightlid to prevent the Smelly Hidden Rotten Fishes From Coming Out Now !.
    ( Hello ! The Initial Background Picture / Story Is The Missing Link To Complete This Jigsaw Puzzle now.)
    They treat this country like their own house, to do whatsoever – NO ! otherwise why STEAL, PLUNDER, rather like Sh*t house for them to sh*t !

  2. ///Najib was quick to say that investigations will be made to ascertain whether there were links between the Sulu invaders and opposition leaders, especially Anwar Ibrahim. This same quickness and fairness must be extended to probing Umno’s links with the Sulu intruders.//// “This is at best an advocacy for tit for tat” regardless that two wrongs don’t make a right! Surely all these investigations suggested whether against Anwar/PR UMNO is a kind of political witch hunt capitalising on patriotic fervour of the moment in the face of militant insurgency, which has its roots in personal agenda of politicians to undo and inflict maximum reputational damage on the political opponent in a time of intensified political rivalry (on eve of GE), where accusations are thrown, police reports are lodged, the sentiments of the public are stirred and played, hoping in the process to do well for one self and one’s party at the expense of the opposite party. This kind of political culture/tactics should not be encouraged even if it was tit for tat. It does not help people to think rationally, to act on facts or consistency of facts. It stirs them to act emotionally, to partake in ruining reputations on the flimsiest of a rumour, or an accusation or innuendo. It does not help to promote political maturity.

  3. What can be worst than being invaded, yet looking for term to downcast it?

    Like you were raped, yet you were confused about it, the only explanation is either you are an idiot, or you are convering up the shame, which more painful than the rape itself.

  4. tell it to your mama and papa topper and no one else as no one else would believes what a single word you utter cause you’re a real bunch of inherited mama/papa sucker cum fu#k0r that you have obviously painted yourself to be..check this generally accepted facts out in the internet,not the Umno buntutsan or sai-ful of papers..hahahahaha

  5. “…..Mahathir claims the government “acted cautiously” because the intruders were Muslims….”

    These Muslim “intruders” that Mahathir loved so much not only killed our policemen but also cruelly mutilated their corpses. I have seen an email circulating that showed pictures of the dead policemen and the extreme manner in which they were mutilated, Only sick minded extremists could commit such heinous acts. They are worse than animals and if Mahathir likes them so much he is welcome to go and lived with them.

  6. Can anyone in his/her right mind…. believe in Chengho?
    This dish washer..working in USA wants attention…nothing else….as so he gets it from me…when I am in the mood… to blast him.

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