7 Replies to “Can the EC be trusted?”

  1. What? Suckers, “normal to have 28% new voters unidentifiable!!! This is called efficient in our election machinery as the suckers have been self-proclaiming over decades?

    In other nations, 0.001% unidentifiable will be asked and forced to step down immediately. Only Bolehland can have more than 0.001%, worst of 28%, is ok! This is sucking business where suckers suck here and there… They have been sucking around over decades as their normal norms.

    This is how UMNO/ BN suckers can stay in powers over decades because suckers helping suckers to hold on powers!

    Mind you, if BN suckers stay in power in the coming GE13, cost of living will rise up as they will greed to replenish their giving away that supposed to be in their own pockets for their greed. Funny taxes and foods prices will be enforced and risen as to replenish losses gave away from their pockets…

  2. EC leaders cannot be trusted…PERIOD!!
    Time and time again proven to protect Umno B only.
    Don’t waste time..waiting for EC to do something for country and people.
    They are Umno b’s chosen puppets.
    13th GE needs sharp eyes…to watch…..and so much have been revealed by workers….how the phantom voters will be voting….made easier to detect.
    PS:….From today onwards…I will not say Najib…this or that…as he is powerless.
    It’s Umno b …against People power.

  3. The EC integrity and democracy process legitimacy were compromised and in questions. Yet, Najib insist the best democracy in the world.

    NO!, EC can not be trusted.

    But, to an elected PM, who, for past 4yrs survived on Mandate given to other.

    Can he appreciates the reason of democracy, other than be the PM at all cost?

    Can he understand, when legitimacy of election processes were in questions, there is no meaning in that ‘democracy’, except the word, not to say ‘best democracy in the world’.

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