Making the choice

The Malaysian Insider
Mar 09, 2013

MARCH 9 — March 8, 2008 was a watershed in Malaysian politics where for the first time in general election history, the incumbent government, Barisan Nasional, was seriously challenged by the “so-called” loose coalition that comprised the DAP, PKR and PAS. At that time, even the term “Pakatan Rakyat” was not even coined yet. I remembered vividly the scenario after the election where I sat at home with my family waiting for the results to channel in.

I was working in Penang at that time and I was particularly interested with the results there as there had been strong attendances in the opposition’s ceramahs before the 12th GE. When the results started to trickled in, it was such a surprise when many of the “big guns” from BN had to eat humble pie with the notable casualties including the former MIC president, the then Wanita Umno chief and even known MCA strongholds all over the peninsula.

Many predicted a time of uncertainty as the opposition garnered five states, namely Penang, Selangor, Kelantan, Kedah and Perak. But, as time went by, the worries of uncertainty were unfounded and certain PR states were actually better governed than before.

Today is March 9, 2013. The incumbent government has yet to call for the 13th general election although a slew of handouts, “people-friendly” goodies being distributed to the rakyat. Many would wonder “why the delay?” as normally, the rakyat would be more than happy to vote for the incumbent government after the distribution of the goodies. Continue reading “Making the choice”

Star and MCA’s total distortion of my tribute to the eight policemen who died as national heroes in Lahad Datu and Semporna in shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen

My attention has been drawn to today’s Sunday Star report “MCA defends RM2,000 aid to families of slain cops”, which is a total distortion of my tribute to the eight policemen who died as national heroes in Lahad Datu and Semporna in the shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen.

Star quoted the MCA national organising secretary Datuk Tee Siew Kong accusing me of “a ploy to politicise the fatalities” and that I was “out to discredit the services and responsibilities of the uniformed personnel killed while protecting our nation”.

This is utter nonsense.

I stand by my unqualified tribute to the eight police commandos for their highest act of patriotic duty in giving their lives in the defence of national sovereignty and security of the people.

I also stand by my conviction that these eight police commandoes should not have died if the security forces had been given a free hand to professionally handle the Sabah Sulu crisis, but I do not want at this stage to get into an argument about the role of irresponsible politicians whether for their treason in creating grave security problems in Sabah or for their inept leadership which posed grave threat to life and limb of security forces personnel. Continue reading “Star and MCA’s total distortion of my tribute to the eight policemen who died as national heroes in Lahad Datu and Semporna in shoot-outs with Sulu gunmen”

BN government has again made history by funding a racist film on May 13 riots, “Tanda Putera”, but screening it like an anti-national underground movie only to selected audience

The UMNO/Barisan Nasional government of Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, has chalked up another dubious record – spending RM4.8 million of taxpayers’ money to fund a racist film on May 13 riots, Tanda Putera, but screening it like an anti-national underground movie only to selected audience.

On Feb 18, on Najib’s directive, some 3,000 Felda settlers were treated to a closed-door screening of “Tanda Putera” at the Putra World Trade Centre at a function officiated by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. The press was excluded.

Last night, the film was privately shown to a group of 600 students in an “invite-only” screening at Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIA).

The media was banned from the screening. A The Malaysian Insider reporter was turned away from attending the 9pm screening last night, “which appeared to be tightly guarded by security personnel”. Continue reading “BN government has again made history by funding a racist film on May 13 riots, “Tanda Putera”, but screening it like an anti-national underground movie only to selected audience”

32-Day Countdown to 13GE –Najib should declare whether he going to fully serve out the next 48 days as the longest unelected Prime Minister (4 years and 23 days) until Parliament is automatically dissolved on April 27 or announce the date for Parliament’s dissolution for 13GE

At the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government’s fifth anniversary rally at Shah Alam last night, I said that from March 9, Malaysia does not have a legitimate Prime Minister as Datuk Seri Najib Razak for the following reasons:

• he still dare not dissolve Parliament to hold the 13th general elections although he has already become the country’s longest unelected Prime Minister without a mandate of his own.

• he has put the country on an election-mode for four years, deserving an entry into the Guinness Book of Records as there is no other country whose head of government had been on a campaign footing for such a long time. In fact, it can be truly said that Najib’s one and only job since becoming Prime Minister on April 4, 2009 is to campaign to be an elected Prime Minister in the long-awaited 13GE.

• the expiry of the five-year natural life of the 12th Parliament which was elected on 8th March 2008.

Nobody is suggesting that Najib is an unlawful or unconstitutional Prime Minister but his legitimacy as Prime Minister has unquestionably been put in grave doubt – a plight never suffered by the five previous Prime Ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah.

Is the legitimacy of the Penang Chief Minister and the Mentri-Mentri Besar of Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan also affected? Continue reading “32-Day Countdown to 13GE –Najib should declare whether he going to fully serve out the next 48 days as the longest unelected Prime Minister (4 years and 23 days) until Parliament is automatically dissolved on April 27 or announce the date for Parliament’s dissolution for 13GE”

Spending your money to lie to you

— Abdul Samad Sulaiman
The Malaysian Insider
Mar 09, 2013

MARCH 9 — How would you react if someone used your money to put together a plan to deceive you? I repeat used your money.

Well, that is what the Najib administration did when it paid millions of ringgit in taxpayers’ money to right-wing bloggers in the United States to write articles damaging to Anwar Ibrahim on sites such as Huffington Post, etc. Essentially, the government used OUR money to plant fictitious reports about the opposition leader.

There is something very disturbing when leaders who swear to respect law and order and whom we hope would have the moral spine to navigate this country on the path of what is right would agree to promoting falsehood and slander. And use government funds at that!

But for me even more upsetting is the fact that this tactic of funding the factory of lies and deceit is happening on our shores and now targetted at the Malaysian audience — you and me. Continue reading “Spending your money to lie to you”