Debunk the Five Big Lies of UMNO/BN 13GE Campaign

Tonight, on the fifth anniversary of the “308 political tsunami” of March 8, 2008, I want to debunk the five Big Lies of the Umno/Barisan Nasional 13th General Elections campaign.

Lie No. 1 – that Malaysia will be bankrupt in five, three or even two years’ time (depending on which Umno/BN leader is telling the lie) if Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal Government after the 13 GE.

Only a person with a very low IQ will make or believe such a lie.

Have the state governments of Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan which are run by Pakatan Rakyat gone bankrupt after five years in the case of Penang, Selangor and Kedah and for over 22 years in the case of Kelantan?

If Pakatan Rakyat succeeds in the journey to Putrajaya in the 13GE, we want to be the Federal Government not just for one term, but also to be able to continue to get the national mandate to govern Malaysia in the 14th, 15th and future general elections.

The fastest way to end Pakatan Rakyat’s mandate to govern Malaysia is to lead the country to bankruptcy and economic ruin and this is the last thing that a Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya will do.

In fact, a Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya will prove that we can govern Malaysia better than Umno/Barisan Nasional, leading the country to new heights in national unity and harmony, good governance, international competitiveness and economic prosperity.

Lie No. 2 – that the Malays and the Chinese will be oppressed and marginalized. To the Malay electorate, UMNO leaders warned that if Pakatan Rakyat governs Malaysia, the Malays will suffer as the DAP will be the dominant party and PAS is only a puppet and stooge of DAP; while to the Chinese crowd, MCA and the other BN component parties warned that the Chinese will be the real victims as the DAP is a “eunuch” to PAS as DAP leaders would not dare to speak up or stand up to the PAS leaders who will be the real powers of a Pakatan Rakyat government.

This double falsehood typifies the hypocrisy, dishonesty and total lack of ethics of the Umno/BN leadership who could spread different and even conflicting lies to different audiences – trying to incite racial hatred and distrust by arousing baseless fears among the Malays and non-Malays that they will be oppressed by the other communities.

Lie No. 3 – the Malays warned that a vote for PR is a vote for DAP and the oppression of the Muslims as DAP wants to establish a Christian state; while the Chinese and non-Muslims warned that a vote for PR is a vote for PAS and the amputation of their limbs with the introduction of hudud and establishment of an Islamic State.

Lie No. 4 – that there will be another May 13 riots and racial conflagration if Pakatan Rakyat wins in the 13GE, particularly with the specific warning that Malays will lose their political rights if Umno is defeated. This is a downright lie as it is only the UMNO leaders and their cronies, and not the ordinary Malays, who will lose their political rights if UMNO loses, as replacing UMNO in the corridors of power will be the Pakatan Rakyat representing all races, religions and regions in the country.

In and out of Parliament, I had challenged the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to declare that UMNO/BN leaders will accept the verdict of the electorate and will effect a peaceful and democratic transition of power from BN to PR if this is the result of the 13GE, but Najib has been conspicuously silent on this issue up to now although he claims to want to make Malaysia “the best democracy in the world”.

Umno/BN leaders are showing their utter lack of responsibility, ethics and even patriotism by spreading these three lies about the 3Rs on race, religion and riots.

A Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya is committed to demonstrate that all races and religions in Malaysia stand to benefit, as it will be a better government than Umno/BN to promote and safeguard the rights and welfare of all races, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Orang Asli, Kadazans and Ibans, with full freedom of religion as enshrined in the Malaysian Constitution.

Lie No. 5 – that Pakatan Rakyat is “sama-sama” like Umno/BN, particularly with regard to corruption and abuses of power. One of the first tasks of a PR government in Putrajaya is to show it is not “sama-sama” like the UMNO/BN government, which has presided over worsening corruption, cronyism, financial scandals, abuses of power and the subversion of the independence, professionalism and integrity of the national key institutions in the country.

Let all patriotic Malaysians who want a peaceful democratic change in Malaysia in the 13GE ala-South Korea Spring in 1997 and not ala-Arab Spring help to debunk these five Big Lies so as not to allow UMNO/BN leaders and propagandists to continue to mislead and bamboozle the Malaysian voters after five decades.

(Speech at DAP Kepong Anniversary Dinner at Taman Menjalara, Kepong on Friday, 8th March 2013)


14 Replies to “Debunk the Five Big Lies of UMNO/BN 13GE Campaign”

  1. Fully agree they are lies AND what is more important is that they are focussing on LIES rather than actually debate the real issue with PR which there are.

    Truth is PR being a rainbow coalition of special interest, it is inevitable that its more welfare oriented and inevitably at least anti some forms of business. If the welfarism is not matched by PR ability to improve productivity, it will give rise to inefficiency inevitably.

    The problem is demonstrated most by PR difficulty in meeting Hindraf demands. Hindraf basically want to given what the Malays were given for the last 4 decades because the Malays claim it worked. But the fact is the program is costly and dubious success and the nation cannot afford it. Giving what Hindraf fully demand will permanently seal entitlement that UMNO/BN started, failed that PR must end and already cannot.

    But its precisely the issue of PR weakness is complicated while the lies are easier that UMNO/BN has resorted to focus on lies. After 5 decades, UMNO/BN cannot debate real issues with their opposition, you really wonder, what have they really achieved all these years?

  2. Lie No. 1 was CSL favorite. We all know there is nothing that CSL has to offer now. The only was is just tell lies. Who will believe in him on telling lies no. 1? Despite lack of federal support for pakatan rules state, they managed well and have improved better than during BN ruled.

    Lie 2 was in fact truth for BN. BN only take care of their cronies both Malay, Chinese and Indians. All other are just given the left over after the BN cronies have taken the big junk. We have seen many many privatised Mega Projects only favour the cronies. the most recent was AES.
    and many more. The water privatisation in Selangor was use as a tool to benefits the cronies

  3. Bankrupt? The only bankruptcies we would almost certainly see are those affecting umnoputras and cronies and corrupt civil servants.

    And when umno speaks of bankruptcy, umno actually is speaking about themselves and are using themselves as the yardstick. And since in their small little minds, umno=malaysia, therefore bankrupt umno=bankrupt malaysia.

    If there is to be another may13 after GE13 then it would surely be at the instigation of umno. Of course when pakatan is in power, pakatan would not let that happen.

    A thief will inevitably assume that everyone else too is a thief. Pakatan would be as corrupt as umno, so the great umno lie went. This must be the clearest admission of corruption by umno. And hey, after 5 yrs umno could not produce any concrete evidence of corruption commited by pakatan ppl in pakatan states. Yeah, there were lots of accusation of corruption by umno against pakatan but any charge? Any court action? Remember, police, AG, MACC, the judiciary are all umno by extension.

    Oppression of muslims by dap. Oh yeah. DAP would oppress the muslims by giving the masjids more funds for maintenance etc etc than umno did. Yeah? Isnt this kinda familiar? Like umno’s grand logic in giving a journalist protection by arresting her? Bodoh umno! Langsung tada otak.

  4. “…that there will be another May 13 riots.” Can kit guarantee that it won’t happen? IF it happens, what can PR do? So far BN and PR CANNOT or WILL NOT quarantee it won’t happen. So what else is new?

  5. With bunch of ppls like chengho who spin everything into “malay vs chines eh” and omeqiu that ask for guarantee for fears that has been planted for years. “Racial politics” and “politic of fear” remain the front seats in m’sia.

    It was the politic of good and bad cops. Mca instill fears to chinese, demonized Pas for ‘religion extremist’, demonized ‘change’ with ‘racial instability’.

    But then, if Pas is a subset of ‘religion extremist’, why that sense of extremist does not apparently felt in Kelantan, where Pas had ruled for decades?

    Who would potentially cause chaos, if ‘change’ did happen? MCA’s close-business -associate?

    During GE12, the same “fear politic” of racial riots was deployed. There were these PAS youths that declare ‘if racial riots were happened, over our Pas Malay death bodies first!’

    I think PAS could issue such bold statement for people like omeqiu, either to pacify their fear or put off their agenda.

  6. DrCSL has spoken about our country going bankcrupt if PR wins and follow through its manifesto. He has also spoken about May 13 and many others which you already know. The same goes for Najib blabbing away more or less the same but to scare the Malays.

    I’m wondering whether are both of them are psychic or what. GE13 has not even be called yet and they are already predicting the above. How come they were not about to predict Lahad Datu?

  7. DrCSL has spoken about our country going bankcrupt if PR wins and follow through its manifesto. He has also spoken about May 13 and many others which you already know. The same goes for Najib blabbing away more or less the same but to scare the Malays.

    I’m wondering whether are both of them are psychic or what. GE13 has not even be called yet and they are already predicting the above. How come they were not about to predict Lahad Datu?

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