The Federal Government should now priortise on guarenteeing our territorial integrity and security

Lahad Datu Statement from Pakatan Leadership

Any leader of any country must defend his nation’s sovereignty and the security of his people.

Failing to do so is a grave betrayal of the people’s trust in its government. Therefore, Pakatan Rakyat urges the present national leadership to do that which is required of them, to defend our land and never to compromise the safety of each and every Malaysian, and the test of those principles is ongoing in and around Sabah’s Lahad Datu and Semporna with the escalating violence brought by armed foreigners.

In Lahad Datu two of members of our security forces have lost their lives, while the latest acts in Semporna have claimed six of our men in uniform. We express our sincere condolences to these men’s families and may God bless them for they have given the highest sacrifice for a grateful nation.

Pakatan Rakyat calls on all Malaysians to show unreserved support to our security forces, both the police and military. And pray that they remain safe while defending our nation and its people from harm.

Pakatan realises the recent incidents in Sabah raise concern and fear, but we urge the public to remain calm and not to act rashly and hurt their fellow countrymen.

The coalition takes this opportunity to restate its confidence in the capacity and capability of our security forces to protect our country’s sovereignty.

We are disappointed with the weak leadership show by the federal government whose responsibility is to keep Malaysia’s security intact.

While we are convinced that national security transcends political divides and all citizens must support the security forces’ efforts, it does not abrogate the federal leadership for its lax treatment of the whole affair.
This leadership has failed to pass accurate information quickly so that the public is aware of what is happening, an error which has caused rumour-mongering to be rife.

We understand that the government is investigating the leader of opposition to over the armed intrusions in Sabah. We would like to state categorically that Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim is in no way involved with the escalation of violence in Sabah nor the cause of it.

The Sabah intrusion is now into its fourth week (Day 23) — fourth day of hostilities — and the federal leadership appears not to have a clear plan to overcome the violation of our sovereign territory, or to stop any further intrusions. Instead Putrajaya is irresponsibly trying to avert the eyes of the people from its own role.

It is time the federal government realises its jobs is to defend and protect Malaysia, its people and the warriors on the frontline.

Pakatan urges for an immediate meeting between the leadership of our coalition and the prime minister, home minister and defence minister, followed by a special sitting of Parliament to discuss the intrusion.

We strongly demand Putrajaya stops finger-pointing at others especially Pakatan Rakyat and never to betray the trust of the Malaysian people.

Leader of the Opposition

PAS President

DAP Parliamentary Leader


9 Replies to “The Federal Government should now priortise on guarenteeing our territorial integrity and security”

  1. the military acts at the order of the boss. who is the boss and where is he?

    should sulu sultan brought half of the philippines to become the territory of malaysia?

    muslims always killing muslims. shame on you

  2. It looks like the ‘liberation fighters’ from the Philippine south are now taking their fight to Sabah which it now wants to ‘liberate’.

    Aquino must be very pleased as his problems with the rebels has now shifted elsewhere.

  3. Who know maybe someone native in Sabah come and produce a piece of paper show ownership over 750 years ago (map of Philippine and Northen Borneo) of all the parts of Philippine island and northen Borneo with a stamp, sign and witness.

    It is not surprise it came from person land of Sabah

    Who know?

  4. I don’t like the look of this one bit. First, there was a total blackout of news from the MSM over the incidents. Then the Minister of Defence went on AWOL. Instead, we have the Home Minister there on a tourist visa. The PM displayed his lack of urgency on a pressing matter of the State and had all the times for a series of election and propaganda campaigns intended to spruce up his public image. Only when the lives of our men are taken down, do we get to hear the news and finger pointing from those in the government and its media. Where do the buck stops here?

  5. They say,’Prevention is better than cure’.

    Our neighbours of southern Philippines and southern Thailand are infested with Muslim insurgents, which are giving their country a lot of head ache.Why is it that our security forces did not take precautionary and preventive actions, and staying alert at all times? Is it complacency? or are we too comfortable because they are Muslim brothers?
    Now that they can so easily infiltrate into our land,it is everybody’s guess, how long have they been roosting in Malaysia.
    We have respect for our security forces, but if they only follow instructions, and they get ambushed and killed in action, then its the inaction of the ministers to be blamed.

    How can the government put the blame on the opposition? No one in his/her rightful mind would want to create trouble, even death.

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