43-Days to 13GE – Has Transparency International Malaysia provisions to delete and disqualify signatories to its Election Integrity Pledge who blatantly violate its four principles in the run-up to the 13GE?

The Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob has followed in the footsteps of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to criticise Pakatan Rakyat leaders for their reluctance to sign the Transparency International-Malaysia’s (TIM) Election Integrity Pledge which was signed with such fanfare by the Prime Minister last Wednesday.

Adnan repeated the “old chestnut” that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are reluctant to sign the TIM Election Integrity Pledge because they have something to hide and that they are still doubtful whether the opposition coalition could responsibly run the country if they come to power.

Speaking at the opening of a meeting of the Pahang branch of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress in Kuantan on Sunday, Adnan said : “In future, if they abuse their powers, then the opposition leaders will give the excuse that they did not sign the integrity pledge to escape.”

I am shocked at such nonsensical argument spouted by a Mentri Besar, completely ignoring the laws of the land, religious teachings and ethics against corruption and abuses of power.

Is Adnan seriously suggesting that all the Barisan Nasional leaders, whether at the national or state levels, whether Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers, Mentri-Mentri Besar, Chief Ministers and State Excos can claim entitlement to corrupt practices and abuses of power solely on the excuse that they had not yet signed the TI Election Integrity Pledge?

It is these lame excuses of UMNO/BN leaders which have raised questions and concerns whether the TIM Election Integrity Pact is meaningful or whether it is being used to “whitewash” all the corruption and abuses of power which have been committed by UMNO/BN leaders whether at the national or state levels in the past.

Even officials of the Election Commission (EC), which should be an independent, professional and credible body to conduct free and fair elections in the country, have joined the bandwagon to echo UMNO/BN leaders’ criticisms of Pakatan Rakyat on the TIM Election Integrity Pact.

The Deputy Chairman of Election Commission, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, hit out at Pakatan Rakyat by declaring that it is “a shame” that opposition party leaders are shying away from signing TIM’s Election Integrity Pledge.

The real shame is the Election Commission’s failure to understand it is only confirming its subservience and subordination to the ruling coalition of UMNO/BN to the extent of echoing UMNO/BN criticisms against PR, when the Election Commission should stay above the fray to conscientiously carry out its constitutional duty to conduct free and fair elections in the country.

If Wan Ahmad wants to dabble in politics, he should resign from the Election Commission and contest the 13GE as a BN candidate instead of continuing to undermine the independence and integrity of the Malaysian electoral process by being a subservient agent of Umno/BN.

Wan Ahmad said it is incumbent on candidates contesting in the general election to sign the pledge as the people desired representatives not merely to profess to have integrity but to practise it as well.

He said he believed the people would feel more assured in their choice if the candidates had no qualms about signing the pledge, as what Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had done.

Although I must say that Wan Ahmad has given more sensible arguments than Adnan Yaakob to present the case for candidates signing the TIM Election Integrity Pledge, his remarks reek of hypocrisy and dishonesty as the Election Commission has never taken a stand against the rampant corruption of money politics by UMNO/BN in previous general elections.

I have qualms about signing the TIM Election Integrity Pledge precisely because of the Prime Minister’s cynical signature without showing any signs that he is serious and fully committed to its principles, and the abject and disgraceful role of Election Commission in the past in ensuring a clean, ethical, free and fair elections in the country.

TIM’s Election Integrity Pledge stipulates four principles for all signatories to observe in the 13th general elections, viz:

• Truth, integrity, ethical conduct and accountability, including not accepting or giving bribes or being involved in corrupt practices in any way;

• Upholding and giving priority to the interests of the rakyat as a whole;

• Good governance and transparency; and

• Compliance with all the applicable laws and regulations of Malaysia.

Has TIM any mechanism to receive and investigate public complaints that signatories have violated the four principles enshrined in the Election Integrity Pledge – even in the run-up to the 13GE?

Are there any provisions for TIM to delete and disqualify signatories to its Election Integrity Pledge who blatantly violate its four principles in the run-up to the 13GE?

For instance, within days of signing the Election Integrity Pledge, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has violated his commitment to conduct a clean and ethical election campaign, when he declared in Kuala Terengganu on Saturday that “a vote for DAP is a vote for the oppression of Muslims” – a most unethical and shameless incitement of racial and religious hatred which is also totally against Najib’s signature 1Malaysia policy.

Will TIM communicate with Najib that the Prime Minister has violated the Election Integrity Pledge which he had signed last Wednesday to conduct a clean and ethical election campaign?

Will TIM ask the Prime Minister to withdraw and apologise for the irresponsible and unethical statement which is not only baseless and irresponsible but a most shameful example of incitement of racial and religious hatred and conflict?

If Najib is not prepared to withdraw and apologise for his unethical remark, will TIM delete Najib’s signature from its roster of signatories and disqualify him as eligible to be a signatory because of his blatant disregard of the four principles laid down in the TIM Election Integrity Pledge?


22 Replies to “43-Days to 13GE – Has Transparency International Malaysia provisions to delete and disqualify signatories to its Election Integrity Pledge who blatantly violate its four principles in the run-up to the 13GE?”

  1. Signing pledges is a very, very minor issue to them.
    They are willing to sell their mothers to save their skin.
    However, PR should make them an offer that they cannot refuse.
    Pay back every sen they have stolen from the public and receive a life time jail sentence without the possibility of parole.
    Or a date with the hangman!

  2. Remember Najib also sworn in the mosque that he never knew that Mongolian but people in France have seen them together? When this murder case reopens in the future under independent judiciary & police, people will be willing to come forth to testify.

  3. D Transparency International-Malaysia’s (TIM) Election Integrity Pledge, polluted by NR n UmnoB/BN kaki, is worse than a piece of SOILED jamban paper

    If TIM has provisions 2 DELETE n DISQUALIFY signatories 2 its Election Integrity Pledge who blatantly violate its 4 principles in d run-up 2 GE13, then, HO, HO, HO, UmnoB/BN’s candidates will ALL b TERMINATED n DISQUALIFIED (very sure 1 mah)

  4. Yet Philippine hero Dr. Jose Rizal is often called the “pride of the Malay race.” Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, for instance, has recognized Rizal as the “greatest Malayan,” calling Rizal an “Asian Renaissance Man.”

    (Mong Palatino, The Diplomat )
    Welll, so who is the “greatest” mamak this side of ASEAN? No prize for correct guesses.

  5. Mahathir’s words

    Feb27th 2013 Written by chedet

    ///1. Among the comments in my blog is a reference to Malaysia’s ban against the visit of the Australian Senator Xenophon.

    2. I agree with this comment that despite my nasty comments on the US and Britain, I was never banned from visiting those countries. However, I would like to relate an incident in which a friend of mine, now deceased, who was handcuffed and taken away in a truck full of common criminals and even his request to have his diabetic injection was rejected. The reason for this treatment was because the immigration officers at the airport in New York did not like his answers to their questions. He was subsequently released.///–Mamakthir

    Malaysian government threw out Xenophon for making public his observations about unfair election practices in the country, which the Malaysian government does not like. US and Britain treat those making nasty remarks which are not truthful as insane. They somehow allowed insane tourists into their country. Immigration officers are authorised to disallow travellers entering their country if they feel that the persons are unwelcomed according to the guidelines for their job. When the answers to their question gave rise to suspicion, or when people tried to drop names, immigration officers simply exercise their authority.

    ///3. It is well-known that hundreds of people have been arrested and detained without trial in the US and a few were subsequently released without explanation. At the detention place there are reports of torture and humiliation of the detainees.///–Mamakthir

    That was done in the name of protecting the country and ensuring the security of US. US has not detained persons for political reasons, quite unlike what ISA has been utilized in the name of security, including protecting the detainee.

    ///4. People are also detained in the UK accused of planning acts of terrorism. This is preventive detention without trial.///–Mamakthir

    UK practices rule of law and they detain persons who could be security risk. Malaysians object to ISA and other so-called preventive detention because the prevention to the government has been to prevent the ruling government losing election.

    ///5. There have been many allegations of US agents assassinating leaders. Currently the debate is about US drones rocketing or bombing countries not at war with the US, killing according to a US senator, as many as 4700 people, some of whom are described as innocent.///–Mamakthir

    In one morning more than three thousand innocent persons died in New York on 11 September 2011. US government and its people want the government to ensure there was no repeat of terrorism. Some innocent persons among the few thousands killed were unfortunate; at least not all the 4700 persons were innocent.

    ///6. I must admit that on the two occasions I visited the US after I retired, I have nothing to complain. But as a Muslim I worry because one of my friends was thoroughly searched as he was thought to be a Muslim. He was not.///–Mamakthir

    Profiling and stratifying persons who possess characteristics which resemble those of terrorists to facilitate crime prevention was inconvenient to the persons so classified but was probably done without malice. In Malaysia, some non-Malays were said to be rich and the entire non-Malay community has to be discriminated. The malicious policy has been in place for decades, particularly in the way Mamakthir implemented NEP. Yet Mamakthir is complaining about profiling.

    ///7. Incidentally President Mugabe of Zimbabwe and President Bashir of Sudan would be arrested if they were to visit the US.///–Mamakthir

    A true friend is making a heart felt true statement. Persons in association with them could have been given the wrong advice, and thus he should not be welcomed too.

    ///8. What happened to YB Xenophon of Australia is nothing.///–Malaysia

    If Immigration officers in Malaysia have been firm like their counterparts in UK or USA who asked questions and depending on findings turned people away, we would not have more than one million illegal immigrants. The immigration officers here in Malaysia simply do not perform their duties professionally. YB Xenophon was not allowed into the country because minister or officer higher in rank than the immigration officers decided that election practices should not be known outside. It is not a case of immigration officers are rude. It is a case of the government trying to cheat and it does not want witness from outside the country. How Malaysian government rots and yet to Mmakthir that is nothing.

  6. Voters will speak.
    Politicians can sign or do not co-operate to sign any documents…who cares.
    This is pure garbage at the 11th hour of 13th GE.
    42 days to 13th GE….and if we read all the news from Umno b puppets…and Umno b leaders…it seems BN is going to win big.
    Good for them!
    Now declare the 13th GE. Why the delay???
    We are sick of listening to politics ….day in day out….for 4 long years.
    The longer is delayed…..voters know what it is all about.
    Rouges and thieves must win at all cost….and so far…they have not found a formula…and cheating….frauds in votes…not so easy now…plus 3 million young voters…want change.
    This is what M is afraid of….smart Malaysians.

  7. NR n MMK must b very PROUD UmnoB kaki hv gone INTERNATIONAL!
    Not satisfied with conning n fleecing M’sians, a former Umno treasurer (also Ex-Bank Simpanan Nasional chairman) had tricked British citizens investing US$4 million in a castle in d air, truly M’sia BOLEH
    UmnoB, truly a collection of fraudsters n corrupt kaki, besides racists

  8. Yes. What can TI do if BN field some dubious characters like current CMs, former MBs, Ministers etc just to highlight some potential candidates?

    What can they do? What action, if any, can they take? Even the PM is under a lot of cloud but claims to be super-duper clean.

    So who paid for PSY’s performance? Will the sponsor(s) identify himself so that we know the BN is above board and is not, will not, be beholden to anyone ? There is definitely no free lunch in this country.

    So how effective and meaningful will all these pledges be if they can be easily circumvented ?

  9. ‘….I am shocked at such nonsensical argument spouted by a Mentri Besar, completely ignoring the laws of the land, religious teachings and ethics against corruption and abuses of power…..’

    Don’t be shocked. You should be used to the poor quality of BN personalities by now especially this infamous MB.

    Isn’t he the one who openly made some obscene gestures to the public? Doesn’t his state still owe some RM 60 over million to some Chinese businessmen, the result of a legal case which the state lost?

  10. ///8. What happened to YB Xenophon of Australia is nothing.///–Mamakthir

    If Immigration officers in Malaysia have been firm like their counterparts in UK or USA who asked questions and depending on findings turned people away, we would not have more than one million illegal immigrants. The immigration officers here in Malaysia simply do not perform their duties professionally. YB Xenophon was not allowed into the country because minister or officer higher in rank than the immigration officers decided that election practices should not be known outside. It is not a case of immigration officers are rude. It is a case of the government trying to cheat and it does not want witness from outside the country. How Malaysian government rots and yet to Mmakthir that is nothing.

    – See more at: http://blog.limkitsiang.com/2013/02/27/43-days-to-13ge-has-transparency-international-malaysia-provisions-to-delete-and-disqualify-signatories-to-its-election-integrity-pledge-who-blatantly-violate-its-four-principles-in-the-run/#comments

  11. If they don’t find something to argue….what do you expect them to do???
    Things that matters….just blowing hot air…all talk…no action.
    Encouraging CORRUPTIONS and living with DOUBLE STANDARDS policies …are UMNO b’s life line to stay in power…..cannot change…never will.
    Soooooo it’s tricks and treats…angpows….goodies goodies given out…bring in PYS….make Malaysians happy happy happy…whole year round.
    Now….Najib is watching the reactions….before he announces the 13th GE.
    He said….it takes times for Malaysians to feel good….to appreciate him.
    You keep listening to their talks…latest from Yen Yen…you can go crazy or enjoy… laughing. and laughing.
    There will never be another election to come for BN to perform like this for a long long time.
    They need to be good ,,,sincere Opposition politicians …to be elected again in 14th GE.
    I am talking about the many less corrupted…more loving and caring BN politicians.
    The big crocodiles must be caught and stand for trial….to prove their they are not guilty.
    Rules of Laws will supersedes Rules from Man…no more dictators.

  12. Najib …a compulsive liar…..an unelected showdog PM…..established.
    Mahathir ….famous in blaming everyone….twisting and turning established.
    Mahathir still ruling behind the curtain….established.
    Corruptions …well established.
    Umno B encourages race politics….so that they can divide and rule…established.
    Only 13th GE…still hanging around….when will it come??
    It looks like Najib is looking where the wind blows..favoring him….OR…knowing the truths will be revealed….hanging on to freedom as long as he can.
    Can Umno b’s “Superman”{Mahathir} save him??
    So far…M’s priorities are to save his son and party…and if there is a clear sign Umno b can win 13th GE without Najib….you can be sure…M will do it.

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