Stand Up, Be Counted

By Allan CF Goh

Stand Up, Be Counted

When those good men fail
to stand up against foulness,
they reduce themselves,
surrender their true greatness.

Let’s stand up against
the politics of evil,
that spawn policies,
in league with the foul devil.

Make Malaysia fair!
Free it from all corruptions;
let’s have a nation,
freed from racist erruptions.

Life is real freedom,
to pursue our dreams,
in good harmony,
to make our nation the cream.

In democracy,
people’s voice is in voting
for the good people,
to helm the state by winning.

In this election,
let us stand up, be counted;
show we have a soul,
let righteousness be courted.

There can never be
excuse, justification,
for inhumanity,
and fellow man’s suppression.

Let our votes be right,
make Malaysia fair again;
right all the past wrongs,
let Malaysia rightness gain!


9 Replies to “Stand Up, Be Counted”

  1. Najib: Are you ready for Psy? Crowd: Yes.
    Are you ready for Psy? Crowd: Yes
    Are you ready for Psy? Crowd: Yes

    Are you ready for BN? Crowd: No.
    Are you ready for BN? Crowd: No.
    Are you ready for BN? Crowd: No.
    Yee Sng toss-up:
    MC : Psy, Psy, Psy.

    Psy refuses to Yee Sang with BN.

    BN lau-sai. Najib – no face. Chiak Beh Liau.

  2. Well there is another type of standup – the MCA kind – like CSL and Ong Tee Keat standing up – on stage – like two flaming fags screeching at each other over basically a job, one of couple of hundreds, that many others can do better at the expense not only theirs and colleagues dignity but also ridicule of years in the job and behaving like childish brats

  3. ///KUCHING, Feb 21 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak wants the Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) to rise to the challenge to become a Barisan Nasional (BN) component party that is to be reckoned with as well as the party of choice for the Chinese community in Sarawak.///–MalaysianInsider

    SUPP certainly cannot win the challenge to garner Chinese votes when Najib racial discriminatory policies never end. Najib talked about 1Malaysia when it did not mean Malaysian Malaysia. How can Chinese ever support BN? Surely Najib can repel more Chinese votes than SUPP can manage to fool. We challenge Najib to breakaway from Mamakthir’s control. can Najib do it?

  4. Now is the time to change this very corrupted and evil govt from further plundering and abuse of power. Otherwise we will suffer another 5 yrs of destruction, fraud, discrimination, and suffering. The power to change this govt full of scandals /crimes lies in our hands. Act now!

  5. Much as the current ruling party of this country wants the election to be based on divisive politics of race, it should not.

    Do not listen to one so called “senior statesman” of this country; nobody is the sole source of wisdom. And do not listen to the guy who does not have the courage to call himself Malaysian first.

    This election should be about the future.

    Current policies of the ruling party is taking us nowhere. Theirs are short term; it is more about entrenching and embedding themselves in power for purely selfish motives of wealth and securing their dynastic hold on this country.

    There is a certain malaise and lack of energy in this country.

    All Malaysians irrespective of race, religion or creed should be looking towards a united future to be able to compete in this globalized world.

    The politics of the past is divisive; the politics of the future should be inclusive. How to manage our scarce resources, education that can uplift, eradication of poverty, control of prices of basic necessities so that all the Rakyat can live in dignity, be able to put food on the table and educate their children. Have a job, have a home.

    A government of the people, by the people and for the people.

    It should not be about the selfish motives of the latest handbags, supercars or “palaces”.

    It should be about the future of Malaysians and this fair and beautiful country of ours.

    I am ready to vote for the future of this country.

    Bangun Rakyat Malaysia!

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