15 Replies to “What happens when you put yourself under BN’s roof”

  1. When very often Government projects are awarded to cronies who have little or no experience in the work they are supposed to do, how not to have such kind of incident happening? Luckily, no one was killed in this mishap when the old roof structure was being taken down to make way for a new steel structure. I wonder who is paying for the cost of the remedial works. This is no longer a defect. This is design inadequacy as the old roof structure could not meet its intended purpose.

  2. Roof collapsed, building collapsed, highways collapsed, ………..
    UmnoB/BN appointed contractors: WHAT ME WORRY?
    NO WORRY, man, $$$ oredi masuk pockets, OK 1 lah, diamond n handbags bought liao, also mercedes, n taken more wives n girlfrens
    Things collapsed, better still, no need 2 worry, no penalty 1 mah, will get more $$$ 2 repair lor, jiak beh liao 1, must support UmnoB/BN get elected in GE13 lor

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