The Chinese Owe BN Nothing

By Kee Thuan Chye

Najib the vendor of half-baked spin was at it again a few days ago when he said the Chinese owed their success to Barisan Nasional (BN).

At a 1Malaysia open house, he said BN formulated good policies and ensured there was harmony in the country and an environment that “allowed the Chinese to make a good living”.

Najib had the cheek to say this.

He of course wants the Chinese to be thankful to BN and therefore vote for the coalition at the upcoming general election. But his half-baked spin completely ignores the other side of the story.

For instance, the Chinese also owe it to BN that they became second-class citizens in their own country because of BN’s discriminatory policies – and, let’s not forget, practices.

As a result, the Chinese have to work harder to succeed. To get places in Malaysian public universities. To have their children score the highest number of As and still not get accepted to do, say, Medicine in these institutions. And therefore be forced to send them overseas, at much higher cost.
Continue reading “The Chinese Owe BN Nothing”

Tweets from the government’s standoff with 150 Sulu intruders in Lahad Datu

Tweets from @limkitsiang

On fact-finding mission on 12day standoff w some 100 intruders claiming 2b Royal Sulu Army w JimmyWong Edwin HiewKC FredFung ChanHK Wu etc
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 12:43

Not only Sabahans Msians v concerned abt standoff in Kg Tanduo (13km away but sealed off by police) LahatDatu n Bandar Cenderawasih ppl too
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 12:57

This is bcos nation’s sovereignty n security undermined by intrusion/standoff – not what Hishammuddin said yesterday, yet 2b threatened!
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 13:16

Y has Najib not visited LahadDatu 2highlight Fed govt’s seriousness 2resolve issue speedily? Shd even convene emergency Parliament on issue!
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 13:20

Also convene urgent Sabah State Assembly. Najib shd direct Home/Defence Ministers 2give regular briefings 2update MPs/Sabah SAs on updates
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 14:25

Intrusion/standoff poor reflection on security capabilities when every year MPs approved tens of billions of RM 4 Home/Defence ministries
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 14:32

How did the ragtag Suluk militants get past Msian marines, Navy Army n Police? What for 2 multi billion-RM Scorpene Submarines in Sepanggar?
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 14:38

Back 2Lahat Datu – 6hrs on road 2day n another 2hrs back 2Tawau. Then flight 2KL. LahadDatu/Sabah right 2demand Najib give top attn 2them
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:01

Bcos of info blackout on standoff, all sorts of rumours in Sabah incl baseless 1am riot 2day in KK LahadD n Keningau reported by BorneoPost
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:21

1Q – Govt acted immediately 2deport Aussie senator Xenophon as enemy of state yet helpless w 150 Sulu intruders who r x friends of state. Y?
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:43

With intrusion/12day standoff another reason why Msia has become int laughing stock, can Hisham continue 2 claim Msia safest country in SEA?
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013 15:59

Pengiraan Detik 50 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran untuk Najib menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969

Saya mencabar Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969.

Perdana Menteri perlu bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya terhadap penghinaan yang amat bersifat perkauman dan tidak mengikut sejarah di dalam filem 13 Mei kerana menurut Timbalan Menyeri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Ahmad Maslan, Najib yang mengarahkan filem itu ditayangkan secara eksklusif kepada 3,000 peneroka Felda yang bertemu di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra pada Isnin lalu.

Hanya peneroka Felda yang dibenarkan menonton filem itu, yang ditayangkan selepas wartawan yang hadir diminta meninggalkan dewan.

Jurucakap filem berkenaan mendakwa filem itu dibuat berdasarkan banyak kajian, seperti mengkaji bahan-bahan yang didokumenkan dan gambar-gambar, bagi memastikan adegan-adegannya disokong oleh fakta sejarah.

Di manakah bahan dokumen dan gambar kepada insiden kencing pada tiang bendera yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di luar rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu yang mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 50 Hari ke PRU13 – Cabaran untuk Najib menunjukkan bukti sejarah khayalan yang menghasut dan mengapi-apikan dalam filem 13 Mei Tanda Putera berkenaan sekumpulan belia Cina kencing pada tiang benda yang mengibarkan bendera Selangor di rumah Menteri Besar Selangor ketika itu sehingga mencetuskan rusuhan 13 Mei 1969”

50-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Menteri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969

I challenge the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film Tanda Putera about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969.

The Prime Minister must assume full responsibility for this most racist and unhistorical slur in the May 13 film, as it was Najib, according to the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Ahmad Maslan, who instructed that the May 13 film be exclusively screened to some 3,000 Felda settlers meeting at the Putra World Trade Centre on Monday.

Only the Felda settlers were allowed to watch the film, which was screened after the journalists present in the hall were asked to leave.

The spokepersons of the movie had claimed that the film was based on a lot of research, such as studying documented materials and photographs, to make sure the scenes were backed by historical facts.

Where are the documented materials and photographs of such an urination incident on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag outside the then Selangor Mentri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969? Continue reading “50-Day Countdown to 13GE – Challenge to Najib to produce the historical evidence of the incendiary and seditious figment of the imagination in the May 13 film about a group of Chinese youths urinating on the flagpole bearing the Selangor flag of the then Selangor Menteri Besar’s residence provoking the May 13 riots of 1969”