RoS confirms it received DAP’s report; apologises for confusion

The Star
February 17, 2013

PETALING JAYA: The Registrar of Societies (RoS) confirmed Sunday that it had received the DAP’s Dec 15 Central Executive Committee’s polls report on Feb 8, ahead of the Feb 15 deadline it had set for the party.

“Here I would like to clarify that my previous statement was based on information that was not updated and this has led to confusion,” Registrar Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said in a statement late Sunday.

“RoS apologises to all parties concerned over this mistake,” he said. Continue reading “RoS confirms it received DAP’s report; apologises for confusion”

Dr M, on media and lies

— The Malaysian Insider
Feb 17, 2013

FEB 17 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wrote today about the media – and how governments were able to exercise control through licensing and laws.

But then came the alternative media, or rather online media, he wrote, ironically, on his blog which is online.

“In the alternative media just about anyone can put anything they like to say on the internet directly, with no managers, editors or sub-editors changing any of the contents. The freedom is almost total. This is the essence of democracy?” he says.

Thank you, Dr Mahathir. Your views are always welcome because thanks to you, we are here. Without your foresight, the internet would have taken its time to come to Malaysia.

But your hindsight is another thing. You speak of the alternative media where anyone can put anything, without checks and balances. Continue reading “Dr M, on media and lies”

Xenophobic Malaysia

— The Malaysian Insider
Feb 16, 2013

FEB 16 — According to Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, there is nothing political about denying entry to and expelling Australian Senator Nick Xenophon today.

That it was an immigration issue and done according to the law, he said.

But Immigration Director-General Datuk Alias Ahmad said Xenophon was barred entry under Section 8(3) of the Immigration Act as a “prohibited immigrant” because he called the Malaysian government “authoritarian” in handling the Bersih 3.0 rally for free and fair elections last April.

“He tarnished the image of the country,” Alias told The Malaysian Insider.

So, we stop people from entering the country because they say bad things about our government? That isn’t political? That is law? Continue reading “Xenophobic Malaysia”

Parliament and Sabah State Assembly should meet in urgent sessions if Home Minister Hishammuddin is incapable of protecting the sovereignty of Sabah and Malaysia and the rights and safety of Sabahans

Parliament and the Sabah State Assembly should meet in urgent sessions if the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, is incapable of protecting the sovereignty of Sabah and Malaysia and the rights and safety of Sabahans.

Malaysiakini has quoted the Sunday report of Philippine Daily Inquirer today that despite the Malaysian authorities declaring an end to negotiations with more than 100 armed Filipinos who landed in Sabah early this week and saying they will be deported, the group’s leader insists that they will stay put.

Jamalul Kiram III, who claims to be ruler of the now defunct Sulu Sultanate, told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that he authorised the ‘incursion’ and that his men would remain in Lahad Datu as long as needed.

Jamalul said the group, led by his younger brother crown prince Agbimuddin Kiram, would remain in Sabah for “as long as necessary” in their bid to reclaim the state, which was formerly a territory of the Sulu Sultanate. Continue reading “Parliament and Sabah State Assembly should meet in urgent sessions if Home Minister Hishammuddin is incapable of protecting the sovereignty of Sabah and Malaysia and the rights and safety of Sabahans”

53-Day Countdown to 13GE: Xenophon’s 15-hr detention and deportation – international confirmation that BN govt “authoritarian” and Najib a “false democrat”

In the run-up to the 13th General Elections, Malaysians are seeing the full flowering of the Greek saying, “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”.

Last month, former and longest-serving Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir flaunted his treasonous deeds in the “citizenship-for-votes” scams in Sabah in Project M and Project IC in the eighties and nineties, resulting in true Sabahans becoming a minority in their own land – and who added insult to injury when he alleged that Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman had given one million citizenship to “unqualified” non-Malays before Merdeka.

As if not enough damage had been done, Mahathir has compounded it by advocating a two-thirds parliamentary majority for Barisan Nasional so as to be able to revoke the citizenship of Bersih co-chairperson S. Ambiga for her patriotic campaign for free, fair and clean elections.

Last week, as if the three resounding “Yes for Psy, Noes for BN” at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Penang Chinese New Year bash featuring Korean K-Pop superstar and the indignity of the Prime Minister, former Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers waiting on stage forlornly and in vain for Psy to join them for a “yee san toss” were not embarrassments enough, four days after the event and without an iota of evidence, Penang Barisan Nasional leaders spun the tale that there had been attempts on the lives of Psy and the Prime Minister. At least, Najib had the sense so far to keep mum on the tall tale.

The latest evidence of the workings of the Greek saying, “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad” is the 15-hour detention and deportation of Australian Senator, furnishing a national and international confirmation that the Barisan Nasional government of Malaysia is “authoritarian” and Najib a “false democrat”. Continue reading “53-Day Countdown to 13GE: Xenophon’s 15-hr detention and deportation – international confirmation that BN govt “authoritarian” and Najib a “false democrat””