Mahathir’s false accusation of Tunku

by K. Siladass

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former prime minister had indeed accused Malaysia’s first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman of having done something not permitted by law by granting citizenship to one million foreign immigrants.

Historians of repute will be quick to confirm how inhuman, unsound, flippant and exasperating is Mahathir’s allegation. The granting of citizenship to “foreign immigrants” was not the work of one man – Tunku alone. Besides, it is wicked of Mahathir to claim that one million or so residents in Malaya were purely immigrants ignoring the fact that they had lived in this country for generations; and had been an integral part in the resistance against the Japanese occupation and in the fight against communism. Those one million or so “foreign immigrants” as Mahathir arrogantly and wickedly describes are the ones who saw the economic progress of this country from the time the East India Company arrived here, under constant perilous conditions.

It is indeed shocking that Mahathir had not acquainted himself of the negotiations among the Alliance Partners consisting of UMNO-MCA-MIC, the predecessor of Barisan Nasional (BN) which played a prominent role in achieving Merdeka. Aside this, it is also shocking that a man of Mahathir’s stature would descend to cheap politics in hurling condemnation against the late Tunku, who was indeed instrumental in ensuring that the radicals from all sides did not scuttle the movement towards Merdeka by their emotional actions. Continue reading “Mahathir’s false accusation of Tunku”

61-Day Countdown to 13GE – Thanks to Najib and Psy, Malaysians as patriotic duty must ask why Malaysia failed to live up to our potential to be a leading global nation in all fields of human endeavour 56 years after Merdeka

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Pakatan Rakyat is jealous of Barisan Nasional for scoring with Korean “Gangnam Style” star Psy because it derailed DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng’s plans to invite Psy to a function under the Pakatan Rakyat name.

Whether Najib is gullible to believe such a canard when DAP and Pakatan Rakyat just do not have the millions of ringgit to throw around as Umno/BN is doing in the run-up to the 13th General Elections and which would finally be paid by the taxpayers, the Prime Minister should not think that Malaysians as a whole are so gullible as to believe his “tall tale”.

This is reminiscent of his “tall tale” at the 66th UMNO anniversary at Bukit Jalil National Stadium on May 11, 2012, when he made the ludicrous allegation that Bersih 3.0 organisers “want to fight…want to kick at the cops…or their story won’t come out in CNN, Al-Jazeera, BBC”, after defaming Bersih 3.0 “sit-in” at Dataran Merdeka held two weeks before the UMNO anniversary as a “coup attempt by the Opposition to topple the government” with “salt and mineral water bottles”!

It was at the 66th UMNO anniversary that Najib claimed that he was so uplifted by the support and “jubilant mood” shown at the celebration that he was ready to seek an audience with the Yang di Pertuan Agong to dissolve Parliament the next day.

But nine months later, and with less than a month to go before the fifth anniversary of the watershed of Malaysian electoral politics – the 308 political tsunami of March 8, 2008 general elections – Najib is still dithering on when to hold the 13GE.

Nobody should be “jealous” about Najib’s alleged “coup” with Psy and Gangnam Style. In fact, the nation should be very thankful to Najib and Psy, as Malaysians are now asking why Malaysia failed to live up to our potential to be a leading global nation in all fields of human endeavour 56 years after Merdeka. Continue reading “61-Day Countdown to 13GE – Thanks to Najib and Psy, Malaysians as patriotic duty must ask why Malaysia failed to live up to our potential to be a leading global nation in all fields of human endeavour 56 years after Merdeka”