The decline and fall of Najib

Mariam Mokhtar | February 8, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

The prime minister had the perfect opportunity to act, but he neglected to do so. Consumed by greed and power, like many politicians in Malaysia, he looked the other way.


As soon as Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announces the date for 13th general election, it will probably sound his political death knell.

For the benefit of the rakyat, and in front of the television cameras and news photographers, Najib and his Cabinet present a united front; but behind the scenes, another story emerges.

Damaging leaks about the shortcomings of his leadership continue to undermine Najib. His grip on the party is tenuous. His strongest ally, the self-styled First Lady Rosmah Mansor, will do her utmost to ensure he succeeds.

Last month, the independent organisation, the Merdeka Centre for Opinion Research, found that Najib had high popularity ratings of 63% among voters in Peninsular Malaysia.

For the sake of “completeness”, why not a survey among voters in Sabah and also, Sarawak? It would have been interesting to gauge Najib’s popularity in Sabah, before and during the proceedings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) for Sabah.

If the same survey had been conducted among ministers in Najib’s own Cabinet, the results would be a good gauge of their confidence in his leadership. Continue reading “The decline and fall of Najib”

Can Psy horse power boost BN?

Jeswan Kaur | February 8, 2013
Free Malaysia Today

Is getting Psy a pathetic reflection of how desperate BN has become in gearing up for the coming 13th general election?


Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad just cannot have enough of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, finding any excuse possible to meet the actor, be it here or in India.

But the rendezvous with Shah Rukh Khan is always a private affair for Mahathir unlike the desperately seeking-attention Barisan Nasional, which is banking on South Korean “happening” rapper Psy do deliver them the much-needed people’s support.

BN has invited the rapper to grace its Chinese New Year open house in Penang on Feb 11, a move which comes at a cost of RM1 million to RM3 million.

Psy will be doing his “horse riding dance” or tarian kuda in the presence of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and some 60,000 guests expected at the CNY open house.

Where will BN get the money from? Has it “appointed” sponsors to take care of the massive payment Psy wants for his debut performance here?

Does BN or rather Najib seriously think getting the 35-year-old singer, songwriter, rapper and dancer Psy to do his “Gangnam Style” dance moves will bring in the crowd to its CNY open house?

If yes, then it is a pathetic reflection of how desperate BN has become in gearing up for the coming 13th general election. Continue reading “Can Psy horse power boost BN?”

The essence of journalism

— Bob Teoh
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 08, 2013

FEB 8 — The worst headline that can greet a journalist is this: Malaysia records worst-ever ranking on press freedom. Let’s face it, we have reached rock-bottom.

In the latest index compiled by Paris-based Reporters Without Borders, Malaysia has dropped 23 spots to a new low by ranking 145 out of 179 countries in the latest World Press Freedom Index.

Some are quite happy to live with this sorry state of affairs. After all we are three steps ahead of Singapore which is ranked lower than Malaysia at No. 149.

But this is no consolation considering Bangladesh, Libya, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei are better off than us. And if that’s not bad enough, Myanmar is fast catching up — it climbed 18 spots to No. 151, just six steps behind us.

The moot point is that journalism as practised in Malaysia has fallen from grace.

Journalist, particularly senior editors, should start redeeming the profession. Sure there are many things we can’t influence or change but one thing we can do. We can change our attitude towards journalism and believe that press freedom is not only possible but essential. Continue reading “The essence of journalism”

Star Headlines (07/02/13) “150k loans for students”

By PW Cheng
Feb 7, 2013

I would like to remind those students and parents who had read the Star today (07/02/2013) on “150k loans for students”, do not feel ecstatic about it. Please be prepared for a rude shock. No banks or any financial institutions in their right mind will give loans without any collateral. As according to Najib “this is a creative way of helping the rakyat”, I do not see anything creative about this. The interests charged is far too high and much higher if you were to take a mortgage loan. Najib should be sent back to school to study mathematics and calling it as creative, do not emanate intelligence.

In 2004 or 2005, the government has a loan scheme for tertiary students studying overseas. I was one of the few who knows about this loan scheme. Not even Dr Wee Ka Siong ( who was then the MCA Education Bureau chief) knows about this. I tried applying the loan for my son who was studying in Australia then but PSD kept on giving various excuses by twisting their terms and conditions to turn the loan down. Continue reading “Star Headlines (07/02/13) “150k loans for students””

Pengiraan Detik 62 Hari ke PRU13 – Memenuhi impian Bapa Malaysia dalam pilihan raya 1990 untuk memperkenalkan sistem dua perikatan dan meletakkan asas kepada Malaysia untuk merapatkan jurang dengan Korea Selatan

Hari ini merupakan ulangtahun kelahiran ke-110 Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman – dua hari sebelum Tahun Baru Cina 2013 dan dua atau tiga minggu sebelum pembubaran Parlimen bagi diadakan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.

Pada hari kedua Tahun Baru Cina yakni pada 11 Feb, bintang pop Korea Selatan Psy yang video “Gangnam Style-nya” telah ditonton lebih daripada 1 bilion kali (rekod terkini: 1.27 bilion) di Youtube, telah dijemput ke Pulau Pinang untuk menjadikan Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebuah acara yang julung-julung kalinya dan bersejarah.

Secara terbuka saya katakan bahawa rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya bergembira dengan persembahan Psy, tetapi sebelum dan selepas keriangan dan hiburan, rakyat Malaysia perlu melakukan pencarian diri terhadap persoalan mengapa nasib negara terbalik sepanjang setengah abad lalu, dengan Korea Selatan kini dua hingga tiga kali ganda lebih kaya berbanding Malaysia dan jauh kedepan dalam semua usaha yang dilakukan sedangkan negara kita pernah tiga kali ganda lebih kaya dan membangun berbanding Korea Selatan ketika kita mencapai Kemerdekaan pada 1957.

Saya percaya sekiranya Tunku masih hidup lagi hari ini, itu akan menjadi perkara yang paling diberi perhatian dalam urusan beliau, tentu beliau akan menjadi lebih sedih berbanding orang lain melihat kemunduran Malaysia bukannya kemajuan apabila membandingkan Malaysia dengan Korea Selatan.

Bukan sahaja dalam demokrasi dan tadbir urus yang baik, perkembangan ekonomi, kemajuan teknologi, pembangunan modan insan, seni dan budaya, tetapi juga dalam bidang sukan, Korea Selatan telah jauh mendahului Malaysia dalam setengah abad lalu. Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 62 Hari ke PRU13 – Memenuhi impian Bapa Malaysia dalam pilihan raya 1990 untuk memperkenalkan sistem dua perikatan dan meletakkan asas kepada Malaysia untuk merapatkan jurang dengan Korea Selatan”

Pengiraan Detik 63 Hari ke PRU13 – Bolehkah Psy dan Gangnam Style menyelamatkan populariti BN di kalangan pengundi Cina, yang menjunam daripada 17% ke 6% dalam tempoh 10 bulan dari Febuari sehingga Disember tahun lalu?

Perang saraf bagi membentuk persepsi pengundi menjelang Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 masuk ke pusingan akhir, dengan Parlimen dijangka akan dibubarkan dalam dua atau tiga minggu lagi.

Skrip terbaru tukang putar UMNO/Barisan Nasional adalah serampang tiga mata:

  • mereka-reka laporan dan dakwaan palsu serta tidak berasas untuk menfitnah DAP dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat terutamanya melalui laman tak berwajah, tak bernama dan tak berjiwa di media sosial dan media perdana UMNO/BN;
  • menimbulkan kesangsian dan rasa tidak percaya di dalam parti DAP, PKR dan PAS serta memprovok permusuhan dan ketegangan di antara parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat, dengan matlamat utama untuk memecahbelahkan Pakatan Raktyat terutamanya kerjasama antara DAP dan PAS untuk menyelamatkan UMNO/BN daripada cabaran “hidup atau mati” dalam PRU13; dan
  • untuk mencipta persepsi bahawa UMNO/BN di bawah Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak akhirnya berjaya meraih sokongan popular kepada UMNO/BN, baik di kalangan pengundi Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan atau Iban.

Inilah sebabnya mengapa ditonjolkan Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang pada 11 Febuari – persembahan berjuta-juta ringgit bintang Korea Selatan dan lagu terkenalnya Gangnam Style.

Tetapi adakah kemunculan sensasi Psy dan Gangnam Style di Pulau Pinang adalah “harapan menjadi kenyataan” untuk Najib sehingga meraih sokongan popular di kalangan pengundi Cina untuk UMNO/BN dalam PRU13? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 63 Hari ke PRU13 – Bolehkah Psy dan Gangnam Style menyelamatkan populariti BN di kalangan pengundi Cina, yang menjunam daripada 17% ke 6% dalam tempoh 10 bulan dari Febuari sehingga Disember tahun lalu?”

MCA’s empty threats

— An SME businessman
The Malaysian Insider
Feb 08, 2013

FEB 8 — Many argue that the most important reason why Pakatan Rakyat must be elected the new federal government in the forthcoming general election is to bring an end to 55 years of Barisan Nasional government. While Umno’s frequent threats that May 13-style riots will occur if the elections produce a new government have lost their effect, the MCA has now joined this “threat game”.

Seeking to claim its traditional role of the party of big business, its president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek was reported in the mainstream media over the weekend as saying that Bursa Malaysia will drop 500 points if Pakatan wins, which would “have a direct impact on the national economy”.

Chua went on to say “PAS has also mentioned that it will close Genting and the Bursa. All these will frighten investors, be they local of foreign”. Clearly these are empty threats.

For Pakatan to be elected the new federal government it must have a simple majority in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat, say, about 125 seats.

Because of the gerrymandering of constituencies by numerous Barisan administrations, Pakatan must receive a popular vote exceeding 55 per cent in order to win that number of seats required to form a working government with a comfortable majority that can also withstand any party-hopping that may occur thereafter.

In this scenario, surely the 55 per cent of Malaysians who voted for Pakatan will not wish to have their newly elected government destabilised at any level, including our economy. Continue reading “MCA’s empty threats”

62-Day Countdown to 13GE – Fulfil Bapa Malaysia’s dream in 1990 general elections to promote a two-coalition system and lay the basis for Malaysia to close the gap with South Korea

Today is the 110th birthday anniversary of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman – two days before the 2013 Chinese New Year of the Snake and two or three weeks before the dissolution of Parliament for the holding of the 13th General Elections.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year on Feb. 11, South Korea’s global pop sensation Psy whose “Gangnam Style” is the first video to be watched over 1 billion times (latest record: 1.27 billion times) on YouTube, has been invited to Penang to make Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s CNY Open House a historic and unprecedented event.

I am on public record as saying that Malaysians should enjoy Psy’s show, but before and after the fun and entertainment, Malaysians must conduct a soul-searching as to why there had been a reversal of national fortunes in the past half-a-century, with South Korea now two to three times richer than Malaysia and ahead in all fields of human endeavour when this nation was twice as rich and developed as South Korea when we achieved Independence in 1957.

I have no doubt that if Tunku is still with us today, this will be topmost in his pre-occupations, as he would feel even sadder than anyone at Malaysia’s regression instead of progress when comparing Malaysia with South Korea.

Not only in the field of democracy and good governance, economic progress, technological advance, human resource development, art and culture, but also in the field of sports, South Korea has shot well ahead of Malaysia in the past half century. Continue reading “62-Day Countdown to 13GE – Fulfil Bapa Malaysia’s dream in 1990 general elections to promote a two-coalition system and lay the basis for Malaysia to close the gap with South Korea”