66-Day Countdown to 13GE – Why only aim at 60,000 people for Psy’s “Oppa Gangnam Style” performance on CNY in Penang, should aim for 100,000 or even 250,000 people from Penang, all over Malaysia and neighbouring countries for the sensational event with Psy

The hot topic among Malaysians regardless of race, age and gender throughout the country second day in running is still Psy and his global hit “Oppa Gangnam Style”, especially the reported cost of RM3 million to bring the South Korean superstar to Penang to ensure a turnout crowd of 60,000 people for the Chinese New Year Open House of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Let all Malaysians have a great day and enjoy themselves with Psy and “Oppa Gangnam Style” in Penang on the second day of Chinese New Year on Feb. 11.

In fact, why only aim at 60,000 people and not go for 100,000 people or even 250,000 people from Penang, all over Malaysia and the neighbouring countries to make the sensational event with Psy really historic and memorable?

It will be really historic if Psy’s premier appearance in Malaysia can also inspire Malaysians to emulate South Korea to pull the country from its bootstraps to undertake a genuine national transformation in governance, politics, economics, education and nation-building to enable Malaysia to take a quantum leap in all aspects of national life in the second Merdeka of Malaysia.

Let Psy’s visit to Malaysia mark the beginning of a national debate and soul-searching as to how South Korea, from a country poorer and more backward than Malaysia more than 50 years ago when we achieved Merdeka, succeeded in catapulting itself into an economic power-house which is now much wealthier than Malaysia, with a per capita income two to three times higher than Malaysia, and more advanced than Malaysia in all fields of human endeavour.

The following 18-year series of Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) provides key to this answer: Continue reading “66-Day Countdown to 13GE – Why only aim at 60,000 people for Psy’s “Oppa Gangnam Style” performance on CNY in Penang, should aim for 100,000 or even 250,000 people from Penang, all over Malaysia and neighbouring countries for the sensational event with Psy”

Interview with Suaris: The Future of Malays, Part 2

[The original in Malay appeared in suaris.wordpress.com on January 25, 2013).

Suaris: In a recent interview with Astro Awani, Dr. Mahathir said that Malays would be left behind unless given continued help. He referred to such help as crutches. Do you agree that we continue to need crutches? If so, for how long?

Dr. M. Bakri Musa: If we Malays still remain backward and marginalized after over 55 years of “help” from the UMNO government, then we ought to examine critically the nature of that help.

As parents we readily acknowledge the importance of how we guide and help our children. Be too indulgent and protective, we lose hope of their ever able to shine on their own. Be too strict and controlling, they will never acquire self-confidence; likewise if we constantly criticize and highlight their weaknesses.

In modern medicine, we rarely give crutches to patients following hip surgery. Instead we give them to physiotherapy so they could be self-ambulatory as quickly as possible. I encourage, in fact insist that my surgical patients be up and about the very next day. It is dangerous to keep them in bed; the most serious complication being potentially lethal blood clots.
Continue reading “Interview with Suaris: The Future of Malays, Part 2”

Pengiraan Detik 67 Hari ke PRU13 – Jangan hanya memuja Psy dan Gangnam Style tetapi fahamilah pengajaran paling penting bahawa UBAH dalam PRU13 adalah prasyarat untuk Malaysia melakukan peningkatan besar menjadi sebuah negara maju seperti Korea Selatan

Perkara yang sedang hangat diperkatakan hari ini ialah senjata rahsia PRU13 Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak untuk menarik 60,000 orang hadir ke Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina di Pulau Pinang di sekolah Han Chiang pada 11 Febuari dengan menjemput bintang Korea Selatan, Psy untuk mempersembahkan Gangnam Style.

Jemputan kepada Psy akan mengakibatkan kos yang besar buat UMNO/BN dan akhirnya rakyat Malaysia sendiri, termasuklah Najib dan pemimpin UMNO/BN, dan terlepas titik paling penting jemputan buat Psy untuk Rumah Terbuka Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang.

Malaysia tidak seharusnya cuma memuja Psy dan Gangnam Style tetapi fahamilah pengajaran paling penting bahawa UBAH dalam PRU13 adalah prasyarat untuk Malaysia melakukan peningkatan besar menjadi sebuah negara maju seperti Korea Selatan.

Pemimpin UMNO/BN telah cuba untuk menakut-nakutkan pengundi Malaysia dengan memberi amaran bahawa sekiranya berlakunya perubahan pada Kerajaan Persekutuan di Putrajaya dalam PRU13, akan berlaku huru-hara seperti negara yang mengalami “Kebangkitan dunia Arab” dan Malaysia akan muflis dalam masa lima, tiga atau dua tahun – bergantung pada pemimpin mana yang mengatakannya!

Mengapa rakyat Malaysia mahukan perubahan ketika PRU13? Adakah pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dan pengundi Malaysia yang menyokong diakhiri hagemoni 55 tahun UMNO dan kerajaan satu perikatan BN mahukan huru-hara di dalam negara dan Malaysia muflis dalam masa dua, tiga atau lima tahun lagi? Continue reading “Pengiraan Detik 67 Hari ke PRU13 – Jangan hanya memuja Psy dan Gangnam Style tetapi fahamilah pengajaran paling penting bahawa UBAH dalam PRU13 adalah prasyarat untuk Malaysia melakukan peningkatan besar menjadi sebuah negara maju seperti Korea Selatan”