73-Day Countdown to 13GE – Is Sabah RCI into illegal immigrants going to be “an exercise in futility” as it is intended to whitewash and suppress the truth?

With the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants beginning its second week of public hearings tomorrow, the question posed by the former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim deserves attention – whether the RCI would prove to be “an exercise in futility” as it is merely intended as a whitewash and a “sandiwara” by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail to suppress the truth in the “citizenship-for-votes” scandals in the Land Below the Wind?

None of the RCI’s eight terms of reference is directed to identity those responsible for the treacherous acts against the country or for the RCI to propose any action to be taken on those responsible.

So far, there has no response to Mat Zain’s call on the Inspector-General of Police to open investigation papers following the revelations in the RCI that the late Megat Junid Megat Ayob and Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin were involved in Ops Durian Buruk, as they involved betrayal and acts of treason of the highest order.

Citing his own case in June 2000, when he was heading the KL CID, Mat Zain said the police initiated investigations against the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir immediately after Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim lodged a report on the day the former director-general of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Shafee Yahaya, gave his evidence during a civil trial, citing the then PM for abuse of power for closing its probe on former Economic Planning Unit director-general Ali Abul Hassan. Continue reading “73-Day Countdown to 13GE – Is Sabah RCI into illegal immigrants going to be “an exercise in futility” as it is intended to whitewash and suppress the truth?”

The Chief Constable and his warnings

— Sakmongkol AK47
The Malaysian Insider
Jan 27, 2013

Walked the Thaipusam 2013 celebration with Muslim Malaysia. This is what I said”:

JAN 27 — Politicians and civil servants are saying a lot about religion nowadays, as there are competent interest5s

The Malaysian IGP or equivalent to UK’s Chief Constable has come out warning those who make fun of religion and racial issues. He says doing that can create hostilities and disunite the country.

We agree with him fully. He should use whatever powers he has to haul these people in without fear or favour.

So why are the police slow in taking up action against Ibrahim Ali?

This fellow has made seditious calls for Malaysian Muslims to seize and burn bibles.

He should have been called the instance he uttered those words. Are we waiting for some bonfires somewhere before action is taken? Then, representatives from the NGO which Ibrahim heads deny any knowledge of a planned bible burning event in Penang.

Having thrown the stones, you hide your incriminating hands. Continue reading “The Chief Constable and his warnings”