76-Day Countdown to 13GE – Support for the clean-up of judicial corruption in the past 25 years, including re-opening of the 33-page allegations in 1996 by Malaysia’s first judicial whistle-blower involving 112 allegations against 12 judges

I fully support the call by three former Court of Appeal judges for the re-opening of old cases of graft allegations against judges, including the 33-page complaint by Malaysia’s first judicial whistleblower in 1996 involving 112 allegations of corruption, abuses of power and misconduct against 12 judges, because witnesses might be prepared to come forward now.

The trio, Tan Sri V.C. George, Datuk Shaik Daud Ismail and Datuk K.C. Vohrah are right when they said that the public was not satisfied that previous allegations had been properly looked into.

In fact, following the testimonies in the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the V.K.Lingam Video Clip (2007-2008), I had reiterated in Parliament what I had raised in Parliament in 1996, calling for full investigations into the 112 allegations of judicial corruption, abuses of power and misconduct against 12 judges which had been made by a sitting High Court judge at the time, Datuk Syed Ahmad Idid Syed Abdullah Idid.

This is because the testimony at the Lingam Video Clip Royal Commission of Inquiry about bribery and corruption of judges, including the then Chief Justice, reminded Malaysians, especially political leaders, MPs, judges and lawyers of the notorious “Ides of March” speech in 1996, when the then Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah shocked Malaysians with the revelation of a “33-page poison-pen letter” which made 112 allegations of corruption, abuses of power and misconduct against 12 judges at the Conference of Judges in Kuching in March 1996.

Mohtar publicly issued a directive to the police to launch investigations to “ferret out” and “bring to justice” the “conspirators”, “brutish beasts” and “treacherous elements” out to “discredit the judiciary and subvert justice” in the country.

Four months later, Mohtar announced the close of the case when he revealed that a high court judge was the one behind the 33-page poison-pen letter against the judiciary and that the judge concerned had resigned.

The judge was Syed Ahmad Idid Syed Abdullah Idid, who had gone on public record a decade later to declare that his allegations were never really investigated, which had been confirmed by former Attorney-General Tan Sri Abu Talib who lamented that “on the other hand, the poor judge who wrote it was investigated”.

It is time that justice must be done in the case of Syed Ahmad Idid’s allegations in 1996.

But the re-opening of old cases of graft allegations against judges should not be confined to Syed Ahmad Idid’s allegations, but should include all allegations of judicial graft and misconduct since the sacking of Tun Salleh Abas and two Supreme Court judges, Tan Sri Wan Suleiman Pawanteh and Datuk George Seah in 1988, including the corruption cases referred to by the former Chief Justice, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim, who said publicly in March 2007 that there were judges who were corrupt but who failed to follow up such public exposes either with police reports or establishment of judicial tribunals against the corrupt judges concerned.

As George rightly pointed out, there is no statute of limitation on prosecuting crime and therefore no reason why old cases could not be re-opened.

The time has come to fully restore public confidence in the just rule of law and a truly independent judiciary in Malaysia by launching a clean-up of judicial graft in the past 25 years, including the re-opening of the 33-page allegations in 1996 by Malaysia’s first judicial whistleblower involving 112 allegations against 12 judges.

If there is no political will under the present administration to do justice to judges, whether currently serving or past judges, this is another reason why the time has come for change in the 13GE.


8 Replies to “76-Day Countdown to 13GE – Support for the clean-up of judicial corruption in the past 25 years, including re-opening of the 33-page allegations in 1996 by Malaysia’s first judicial whistle-blower involving 112 allegations against 12 judges”

  1. Past gross injustice must be urgently rectified for the victims and the country to start the process of healing and recovery.

    Gangster leadership must stop. These gangster leaders are above the laws and think that laws is for the voiceless and powerless ordinary people.

    People must be able to trust the justice systems to live in a just and fair society.

  2. Tu cara umno yg sebenar. Forever wayang-ing away.

    Look at kerismuddin bin lembuddin for instance. With umno (under monsterO’mamak) having given out free citizenship to hundreds of thousands of unqualified illegals, kerismuddin found it necessary to go public with his (wot?) few instances of handing over IC to several old ladies and (yes yes with teary eyes too) hugging them.

    That’s absolutely disgusting! Revolting!

  3. The cancerous “yes man” structure put up by the cunning treacherous gang leader Mahathir in order to remain in power must be completely dismantled when Pakatan Rakyat takes over Putrajaya, be it Judiciary, MACC, EC, Police & all other pubilc services etc etc.

    A total clean up to free Malaysia to become a progressive & competitive nation!

  4. With corruption systemic in the country, I wonder why we were still ranked 54 among 174 countries in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2012 score. Perhaps we are grand-masters at covering up our scandals. May be we can offer advice to some of our neighbours on how to obtain higher CPI scores. Without a resolute political will, the fight against corruption will be an uphill task.

  5. The fate of the country lies in the hands of the Rakyat this GE13. They must free the country of the injustice and stop the erosion of the principles on which it was founded from these corrupt politicians. The separation of powers is paramount to the prevalence of good governance in a matured democracy.

  6. Pakatan Rakyat should not waste time on old cases. it would just be too costly and a distraction to the reformers. We all know how corrupt BN and certain judicial administrators have been. That is enough lesson to Malaysians. Look to the future. Lead Malaysia by example. Forget vendettas.

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