78-Day Countdown to 13GE – UMNO/BN will dish out “Lies, lies and more lies” with approach of 13GE but Malaysians must not be distracted from the Big Issues of National Reform and Renewal in 13GE

There is no sense of remorse or contrition by UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and their mainstream mass media (MSM) at the deluge of lies, falsehoods and invectives directed at Pakatan Rakyat parties and leaders, without regard for the most basic human decencies to respect family sufferings and sorrows because of private pain and hardships as in the case of Sarawak DAP Chairman and MP for Sibu Wong Ho Leng, his wife Irene Chang and their five children.

It is really despicable and contemptible that although Irene never gave any interview or complained against the party or party leader, a totally false and fictitious account had been published quoting her as castigating the party and party leaders as “heartless” over Ho Leng’s “brain tumour” treatment, even claiming that Ho Leng collected RM10 million for election expenses but only RM4 million were spent while RM6 million were hijacked by DAP Sarawak and DAP Hq.

As Ho Leng has said about the totally false and fictitious account about Irene complaint, “there is not even one sentence in there which is true”, the RM10 million allegation like the equally preposterous claim that the DAP spent RM1.3 million to produce the recent Gangnam video, are complete fabrications.

UMNO/BN will dish out “Lies, lies and more lies” with approach of 13GE but Malaysians, including DAP and Pakatan Rakyat leaders, members and supporters, must not be distracted from the Big Issues of National Reform and Renewal in the 13th general elections, now that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has come up against the wall against any indefinite postponement of the polls. Continue reading “78-Day Countdown to 13GE – UMNO/BN will dish out “Lies, lies and more lies” with approach of 13GE but Malaysians must not be distracted from the Big Issues of National Reform and Renewal in 13GE”

Listen, Listen, Listen…..

(A poem)
by Allan CF Goh

When we train an animal,

We want it to just listen,

Not to dare to stop and think,

But to ‘behave’ when chastened.

We want a real, docile being,

To a given task, hasten,

Without any talking back;

Mindless, forever craven.

This is how ‘humans’ behave,

When blinded and conditioned,

To just listen, and listen…..

Without using their notion.

They know not what things are right,

They live only permissions.

If that’s allowed to happen,

We end up an idiot nation.

Nation’s destiny in our hands

KJ John
Jan 22, 2013

In an earlier column I had postulated that the nation may be moving in the right direction after the last general election, but I had questioned whether we were moving at the right speed.

I still believe that Najib Abdul Razak has tried his absolute best to move our ‘Titanic’ in the right direction, but unfortunately his own team has been his worst enemy to date.

Even Dr Mahathir Mohamad plays wayang kulit with Najib, although in less public ways than he did with Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Actually, the opposition and NGOs have been better friends to him. At least they do not seem to shoot him below the belt, other than to highlight the unfortunate legacies that already surround and continue to haunt him.

Therefore I do think it is time to give the other side a chance regardless of how many uncertainties there in our minds and hearts. Yes, maybe we have to even let things slide a bit more before they can really improve. What other choice do we have as a people who have been told to “listen, listen, listen” for almost 54 years. Continue reading “Nation’s destiny in our hands”