82-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib should clear the name of Tunku, his father Tun Razak and one million citizens of Merdeka generation from Mahathir’s defamation that Tunku had given citizenship to one million unqualified people

The first month of the New Year 2013 had just passed the half-way mark but Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s signature 1Malaysia policy had already suffered two fatal blows – firstly, the Sharifah-Bawani “Listen, listen, listen!” diatribe and secondly, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir’s defamation of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and one million citizens of the Merdeka generation.

The infamous Sharifah-Bawani “Listen, listen, listen!” video clips is the latest proof of the continuing and insidious legacy of the 22-year draconian Mahathir rule, debunking the claim that the Najib premiership has shaken off all Mahathirish past excesses and now subscribes to the belief that “The era the government knows best is over”.

But what has shaken public confidence to its very roots not only in the integrity of national institutions but the commitment of the present government to 1Malaysia policy is the defamation of Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman and one million citizens of the Merdeka generation by the longest-serving Prime Minister when brazenly trying to justify Project IC or Project M which had perpetrated the capital crime and treason of “citizenship-for-votes” scam in Sabah to shore up UMNO’s political power in the state.

Najib spelt out the definition of 1Malaysia in the 1Malaysia Government Transformation Programme Roadmap in January 2010, which states:

“The goal of 1Malaysia is to make Malaysia more vibrant, more productive and more competitive – and ultimately a greater nation: a nation where, it is hoped, every Malaysian perceives himself or herself as Malaysian first, and by race, religion, geographical region or socio-economic background second and where the principles of 1Malaysia are woven into the economic, political and social fabric of society.”

But one question cries out for answer, even if we put aside for the moment the open repudiation by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin of the 1Malaysia policy when he declared that he was “Malay first, Malaysian second” and the failure of the Cabinet and the UMNO/BN Supreme Councils to publicly endorse the 1Malaysia policy despite four years of Najib premiership.

The question is: How can the Malaysian people take Najib’s 1Malaysia policy as a serious policy to make Malaysia more vibrant, productive and competitive where every Malaysian perceives himself or herself as Malaysian first and race second, when the efforts in nation-building not only by Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, but also one million citizens of the Merdeka generation could be summarily dismissed and even defamed – as Mahathir did when he alleged that Tunku had done worse than Project IC or Project M by giving citizenship to one million unqualified people in peninsula Malaysia, and protesting: “Why is it when he does it, it is not wrong, and when I do it, it’s wrong?”

Instead of defaming Tunku and the one million citizens of the Merdeka generation, Mahathir should account to Sabahans and Malaysians why he had lived a public lie for two decades – ten years as PM and ten years in retirement – denying the existence of Project IC or Project M which perpetrated the “citizenship-for-votes” scam?

Malaysians, however, are baffled by Najib’s response on Thursday after the Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting to the revelations of “citizenship-for-votes” scam by the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into illegal immigrants in Sabah and Mahathir’s reaction.
In fact, what Najib did not say is more significant that what he said.

While saying that it is still premature to draw conclusions from the RCI as it is still at its initial stage with 167 more witnesses to be called, Najib studiously avoided comment on Mahathir’s defamation of Tunku and one million citizens of Merdeka generation.

Is Najib implying support for Mahathir’s defamation of Tunku in giving one citizenship to one million unqualified people – which would not only implicate Bapa Malaysia but also Najib’s father, Tun Razak?

Let Najib without delay clear the name not only of Tunku but also his father Tun Razak and openly dissociate himself from Mahathir’s defamation of Tunku, Tun Razak and one million citizens of the Merdeka generation.


20 Replies to “82-Day Countdown to 13GE: Najib should clear the name of Tunku, his father Tun Razak and one million citizens of Merdeka generation from Mahathir’s defamation that Tunku had given citizenship to one million unqualified people”

  1. ///Is Najib implying support for Mahathir’s defamation of Tunku…///

    Najib has no choise but to be subservient to Mahathir, otherwise he (Najib) will face the same fate as Abdullah Badawi – being forced to step down as PM.

  2. I could not give a fart what Dr. M and his kinds think of ANYTHING..

    What really is urgency is given that voters have to make a key national decision on leadership in this country, an RCI on Scorpene-Altantuya should be IMMEDIATE.. Voters have a right to know who and what they elect into the national office. ITS UNACCEPTABLE FOR THE PICTURE TO BE UNCLEAR. Its a mockery of our system of choosing elected official.


    An election without an RCI on Altantuya-Scorpene is NOT A NATIONAL DECISION.. ITS A NATIONAL DIVISION…

  3. This is the greatest scam affecting national security with permanent, long term and far reaching consequences.

    1. Purpose – to issue instant ICs to get votes.
    2. Numbers – millions?
    3. Religion – specific requirement for ICs.
    4. Duration – carried within a short period of election.

  4. Who gave Mahathir the singular right to clandestinely award citizenship rights to a bunch of illegals without the knowledge of his coalition partners, without informing his party and without the agreement of his Cabinet?

    Who made Mahthir a dictator?

    What right has Mahathr to decide alone or just with Megat and Shamsuddin?

    Who is Mahathir?

    Is Mahathir a god or a demigod?

    If he is a god, why is he so evil and so racist?

    If he is a demigod, why does he sucks so?

  5. ///Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad suggested that a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) be set up to investigate the granting of citizenship to one million foreign immigrants in the Federation of Malaya, before Malaysia gained independence.///–Malaysiakini

    Mamakthir is trying to equate murder with death sentences handed down by the court, in his suggestion.

    Mamakthir is trying to sidestep the issue. He hopes that his illegal act of corruption on vote-for citizenship could be twisted around to become a political issue of Malays versus other races in the country.

    What was agreed among the political parties at any time in the past, either before or after independence is not a matter for any Royal Commission, since the agreements could not violate any law. But utilizing the provision of citizenship award in the law for political advantage is immoral if not illegal. Of course Mamakthir has no moral standard to talk about, else he would not claim to be Malay when he admitted that he had Pakaitani blood, two spoonfuls, according to his own words. People can change their religious belief, or even gender, but they cannot change their race. But Mamakthir has done it, to gain benefit.

    Mamakthir suggested that there should not be a column for recording race in all government application forms. We know very well now his intention. The Pakistani and Indian who became instant Sabahan would become Bumiputras without having to state that they are Malays; their Muslim sounding names would do it for them. Mamakthir not only imported foreigners, he imported his former countrymen to enjoy and compete with local Malays for NEP handouts.

    Mamakthir said that Malays made a mistake in cooperating with people of the race which had 4,000 years of history, and lose out to them. Yes, if UMNO had not accepted him as Malay, he could not have accumulated 44 billion Dollars (120 billion RM). He can now use not only his vast wealth but also that of his cronies to buy votes and stay in power until he kicks the bucket.

  6. The crook has repeated his call for an RCI on the 1950s award of citizenship. Someone should just tell him to head the RCI and call upon the witnesses of that era. We’ll find out who’s available.

  7. Blardi evil crooks, dat MMK n UmnoB/BN kakis who made selected illegal immigrants RAKYAT of M’sia, nay, not just RAKYAT but instant BUMIPUTRA who were entitled 2 many benefits dat all tax-paying NON-BUMIPUTRA were not entited 2
    Damn MMK n UmnoB/BN kakis!
    Damn MCA, Gerakan, MIC, etc as well!

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